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Name:________________________________________________________ Cohort(PD):_____________

Mastery Charter School-Shoemaker Campus

8th Grade Geography
Remind 101: Text your cohort code to
Period 1: @jangeo1
Room: 103
Cell Phone: (267) 225-0109 (call or text)
Period 5: @jangeo5
School Phone: (267) 296-7111 ext. 4249
Period 6: @jangeo6
Email: tarana.janifer@masterycharter.org
Period 7: @jangeo7
Period 8: @jangeo8

Ms. Janifer

Course Description
Welcome to 8th Grade Geography! I am looking forward to having a successful and
productive year with you all. In this course, we will address the essential question: How
does geography impact people and do people impact geography? The course is
broken down into four units. There will be one unit each report period (RP) that is made
up of mini-units. At the end of each mini-unit, students will complete a performance task
and writing assessment. Benchmarks will be completed at the end of RP.
Year-Long Course Outline

Geography Basics/U.S. & Canada

U.S. & Canada/Latin America
Middle East & Asia
Europe & Africa

The following are required daily for class, beginning September 8 th. See me if you have any issues.
3 Ring Binder specifically for this class or with a section for this class. This syllabus should be at
the front of the binder or section of binder for this class, followed by any handouts from class, and
returned work.
Lined Paper
Composition Book for notes and Do Nows. There will be random composition book checks
throughout the year.
Pen and Pencil can be any color as long as it is clearly visible.
Highlighter can be any color.
8-Pack of colored pencils
Agenda Book


Performance Tasks/Writing Assessments20%

Policies and Procedures

All of Mastery Charter School-Shoemaker Campus rules will be observed in this classroom.
The uniform policy: will be strictly enforced.
No eating/drinking or chewing gum in the classroom
Cell phones and electronics: must be turned off and out of sight or it will be confiscated.
Seating: Students will have assigned seats. Immediately upon entering the classroom, you are required
to sit in your seat and remain there. You may discuss any issues with me before/after class.
Office Hours: 3:20-4:00 students may see me to sign-up.
Absences: Students are responsible for retrieving their make-up work from the teacher. They have as
many days to make up the work, as they were absent.
If you miss an assignment and want to make it up you must come to office hours.
Academic Honesty: No talking during tests/quizzes. If you have a question, you will raise your hand
and I will assist you. If you talk you will receive an automatic zero. If you copy another students
assignment or let them copy yours, you will both receive zeroes.
Appropriate Behavior: All students are expected to behave calmly and maturely in and outside of my
classroom. This includes keeping your hands to yourself and using polite and appropriate language at all
times. Listen when others are speaking and respond politely by raising your hand and being called upon.

Tardiness: A student is tardy and a pass is required if they are not in class in their seats when the bell
rings, for any reason.
be given at the discretion of the teacher. Students will have agenda book monthly calendars signed off by
teachers to go to the bathroom and are permitted to go twice a day. Exceptions will be made for students
with medical documentation.
Participation: Weekly participation grades will be based on behavior, remaining on task, paying
attention, coming to class prepared and answering questions.
Student of the Month: Every month a student will be chosen based on the following:
Class participation
Hard work on assignments
Positive attitude towards others
Calm and appropriate behavior
Consequences: If a student is acting inappropriately the following consequences will be given:
Verbal warning
Change of seat/timeout in another teachers classroom/reflection area
Phone call home
Dean Call
CUT OFF---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please complete and return this portion to Ms. Janifer

I have read the syllabus for Ms. Janifers Geography Course. If there was
anything that I had questions about or did not understand, I have brought my
concerns to Ms. Janifer and had them addressed.
Student Name:______________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature:_________________________________________________________________________
Student Email:_______________________________________________________________________________
Parent Name:_________________________________________________________________ Phone
Parent Email:_______________________________________________________________________________

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