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7th Grade Social Science
Rise Kohyang Middle School
Course Description
Welcome to Ms. Quans Social Science class! Over the course of the year students
will be able to develop critical thinking skills through diverse activities such as
gallery walks, use of primary and secondary sources, presentations, role-playing,
etc. The use of these activities will make history come alive allowing the students
to make real-life connections. We will study the past to develop new perspectives of
our society and develop a better understanding of our role in shaping the future.
Topics to be covered:
The Expansion and Fall of Rome
Islam Mali kingdom
Meso America
China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia
The Development of Feudalism/Medieval Europe
Scientific Revolution
Age of Exploration/Enlightenment
Classroom Expectations: We practice PREP in this classroom!
P Prepared
Students should be in class everyday with ALL necessary
materials. All IWOC must be 100% complete every day.
R Respect
Students should treat each other, their teachers, their classroom
and their school with the highest level of respect.
E Engaged
Students will practice SLANT, be focused on the lesson at all
times, and show their participation by raising their hand when a
question is posed.
P Professional Students will always be in proper RKMS uniform. Students will
interact with each other and school staff in a professional
Classroom Rules:
1. Come to class prepared bring IWOC, books, and materials
2. Show respect to everyone.
3. Ask permission to leave class.

4. Use hand signals

5. SLANT stay on task and be engaged.
1st Offense: verbal warning
2nd Offense: Seat move & demerit
3rd Offense: Staying after class for talk & demerit
4th Offense: Call home & demerit/detention
5th Offense: Student-led-conference with parent and teacher
-All other materials have been provided in class and are being stored in class
For classroom donation (greatly
2 boxes of tissue/kleenex/2 cajas de
pauelos desechables /
paper towel roll/toalla de papel en
cleaning supplies (choose 1: windex,
409, clorox wipes/ hand sanitizer)
Dry Erase Markers
Entering the Classroom:
1. Need to wait outside and stand quietly in one straight line.
2. Take your seat, and take out your materials for the day.
3. Begin the Do Now activity right away
IWOC (Independent Work Outside the Classroom) is important in reinforcing
concepts taught in class. Students must write ALL assignments in their agendas.
It is your responsibility to ask the teacher for any notes/test/or materials missed
from the previous day. Students who accumulate 20 absences in this class
will NOT receive a passing grade.
Retake procedure:
If you get a low scoring grade on an assignment, you should resubmit for a higher
grade. You must also resubmit work within a week of receiving it by redoing it on a
separate sheet of paper. If you wait longer than a week, the highest possible grade
will be an 85%. Retakes MUST be completed within the quarter it was assigned.
Once the quarter is over, assignments given within it will no longer be accepted.

Oct. 12 - 16: Midterm Week - Semester 1
Dec. 14 - 18: Finals Week Semester 1
Mar. 14 - 18: Midterm Week - Semester 2
Apr. 25 May 20: SBAC Testing
May 31 Jun. 3: Finals Week Semester 2

All students must adhere to the RKMS Handbooks regarding

additional policies related to but not limited to the following:
attendance, uniforms, and discipline.

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