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Throughout my teacher career there will be thousands of students that will step foot into my classroom, thousands of

young minds that I will help shape and mold for the countless hours that they will spend with me in the classroom setting as well
as the extra hours outside of the classroom that will be spent supporting them in their extracurricular activities. Along with the
responsibility of molding these young individuals to be better students my job is to also provide to their diverse needs, whether
they are personal, psychological, physiological, emotional, or cultural needs as well as adhere to Maslows Hierarchy. Every child
will have a different home environment and life experiences that will affect how they learn and their abilities to stay on task as
well as motivated towards learning the topic at hand. As a teacher I need to find the delicate balance that will provide the students
with a positive learning atmosphere where all students have the opportunity to thrive and succeed to their fullest. The ability to
find this said balance comes from what I have learned about the different needs that students possess and how to handle these
said needs. Over the years I have acquired and will continue to acquire methods and means of meeting the high demands that my
students will have from me as their teacher. A students needs need to be an extreme concern as a teacher because it our job to
meet these needs. If a student does not felt as though they are needed or important they can take themselves out of the class and
the lesson. A student may misbehave because of the lack of need.

Personal needs for a student can range from home life to friendship problems and these needs may lead to the student to
not feel as though they are a part of the classroom. It is my job to connect with these students at a personal level get to know
them, get to know what they like and what they do not like and what they are interested in.

Psychological needs are also extremely important to address because they can lead to a student to have trouble paying
attention and having the best chance at success in the classroom. You should get to know your students and their needs to help
their personal psyche. You should always be giving positive feedback no matter what the circumstances to help the student have
more confidence.

Physiological needs could also hinder a students ability to succeed in the classroom. Teachers should hinder to these
needs by providing the ability for those students to have success in the classroom. If a student has a physical disability then you
should adhere to it and provide the student with the resources and the technology for the student to thrive.

Emotional needs are a key need to make sure you address in the classroom. There will be emotional needs every day in your
classroom. Family problems, friend problems and just personal issues, as a future high school teacher there will be changes in
their bodies and lives every day. We need to make sure that we are able to address these needs and make sure that they happy.

Cultural needs is also important to make sure that you are aware of because there are certain things about different
cultures that you should be aware of to make sure that you do not offend students in your classroom due to lack of knowledge
about culture. With the ever changing world there will be so many different cultures in your classroom that you could even have
certain days devoted to learning and teaching in a way that is a part of the cultures that are a part of your classroom to make all
students feel welcome.

Maslows Hierarchy puts all of these needs into a list and tries to simplify the needs, a simple need for food and shelter
and feeling of protection is needed first and foremost in the classroom before you can expect them to be able to comprehend
anything you teach.

A major part of teaching is creating and developing relationships with your students and your students parents. It is
imperative that you are always building and growing in the relationship with your students. Not only shows them that you care
about their success and wellbeing but, it could be the only time that someone shows them any kind of support in their lives. Not
all students have the luxury of having a loving and supportive family that helps them in the school work on in their life as a
whole. Along with developing a relationship with your students it has become more and more aware that the relationship with
parents also affects the success of your students. Parents should be heavily involved in what is going on in the classroom. Parents
should have knowledge of upcoming assignments and projects as well as just an overview of how their child is doing in the
classroom. A parent should not only hear from you as a teacher when you are having problems with their child.

Another key component to a child success in the classroom is having good peer relationships with those in the
classroom which will allow for better class discussion and participation. When there is a problem between students in the class
then it can create tension and problems that could hinder the learning process for not only the students involved but even those
who are not involved. Bullying can be a huge distraction in the classroom because it can cause a whole class to divide which will
not allow for the best learning environment for your students.

Student to teacher relationships are relationships built and developed on mutual trust and respect, built on the
knowledge that there is a teacher and a student and the challenge is to create a world where those two sides can coexist and thrive
off of each other. Without students there would be no teachers and without teachers there would be no students. It is the job of the
teacher from day one to dive into each and every student in their class, to get to know them, get to know their interest and to find
out what motivates them. When someone has motivation there is no other force in this world that can hold them back from being
the best that they can be. The best way to keep a positive relationship is to diversify the classroom in all facets of education, to
not keep the same mundane everyday routine that will eventually become dull and uneventful for the students. As a teacher you

need to get to know all of the extracurricular events that your students participate in whether it is sports, performing arts, or class
councils. You need to do everything that you can to support your students in those events because it shows that you care for what
they love to do, so in return they will care for what you love to do which is teaching. The three main things that students look for
in a teacher based on research done by Wool folk and Weinstein is that students respond the best to teachers who establish caring
relationships with students, set limits and have created a safe environment without being rigid, threatening, or punitive and finally
those teachers who make learning fun. Students are pretty simple when you get down to the basics of what they respond to the
best in teachers, they want to have a safe place to have fun in learning.

Just as important as student teacher relationships is the parent teacher relationships. Parents play a vital unseen role in
the developmental process of learning and education. When parents are involved with their childs work then the student will be
more motivated and wanting to succeed rather than that of a parent who is not involved. Getting parents involved starts even
before the first day of school with sending out letters or making phone calls to each student guardians. You should not be meeting
nor having your first conversation with your students parents at the parent teacher conferences in the middle of the first semester
or trimester. Parents should be informed on the everyday and every week aspects of your classroom through constant
communication via email, phone, meetings or the simplest way of communication such as a teacher webpage.
https://sites.google.com/site/mrhedlundclassroomsite/ A teacher webpage is an extremely useful and handy resource that will give
you a means of communicating with all of your students guardians that have access to the internet. A teacher webpage is used to
communicate upcoming events, homework, extra credit, a monthly update of all of the extracurricular activities that your students
take time to do. Teacher WebPages are meant for any and all information that you want to let your students and students
caregivers to have access to.

Student to student relationships may be overlooked in the scheme of the classroom setting but when students are
engaged with each other and they all have a positive outlook on learning the class will then have a better flow and participation.
If you have clicks and outliers inside of the classroom then it can cause a divide between students that will not allow for the best
possible learning environment. There can be those students that pull kids with them to not trying as hard as they can or you can
have the class clown. All of these students will cause a problem in the class if you allow it. You need to do all that you can to
keep all students motivated so there is not the one student holding your kids back. When everyone in the classroom is on the
same page as you and they are all engaged and excited to learn then teaching will be so much easier on you.

Bullying will be present in every classroom; it comes in many different sorts whether it is physical, emotional or cyber.
As a teacher you need to make sure you identify the student who is being bullied and the bully and talk to them to try and try to
solve the situation because bullying can affect the student who is being bullied and have them be scared about what is going to

happen next instead of trying to learn the lesson that is being taught. A safe classroom is what a teacher should try to present to
your students. It should be a place where they have no worries in the world other than the assignment that is present.

Developing standards for classroom behavior is an extremely vital part in creating a positive and fun learning
environment. For students to have the best possible learning setting it is important to create a mutual agreement on the rules and
regulations and behaviors that are to be expected in the classroom. Students should be included in the process of developing these
rules because students would respond better to directions and expectations that they were a part of creating rather than feeling as
though it is a dictatorship and we as teachers are telling them how to act. Students need to have a basis on a way to act because if
they do not have standards that they are expected to meet then they will not strive to meet those goals and expectations. You need
to take the first couple of weeks practicing and rehearsing the rules and making sure that the students understand what is expected
of them and it will pay out in more time for instruction and less time in redirection of students later in the school year.

In my classroom I expect my kids to know the rules and be able to recite them when called upon at any point of the
year. To do this I will go over the rules and instructions for these rules and regulations at the beginning of the year and reference
them continually throughout the year to make sure the students are on the same page as me. The rules that I expect my students to
follow are that they are respectful of all students and teachers in the classroom, that when they walk into class they are ready to
learn and they have all of the materials to participate in the lesson for the day. I expect the students to give it their all and pay
attention at all times to the lecture and the task at hand. Here is a detailed list of my expectations and procedures to my
classroom. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Ru2LLOdCdfsq5JigashhYrYWghf91h_tCjy8LSgE2Y/edit. When the
students walk into the class and walk through the door I expect them to leave all outside conversations at the door and they can be
picked up again once they leave my class, but my classroom is meant and intended to be a learning area not a hangout room. As
the bell rings all students should be in their seat and should already be getting ready for the bell work that is on their desk or on
the board. During this time I will be taking roll based off of the seating chart that I have assigned to the students. After the
allotted time to complete the bell work assignment we will then transition to homework questions from the night before. The
process will entail of the students passing up their bell work assignment to the front of each row and then getting out their
homework from the night before and asking any questions that they were not sure about. From there they will then pass up their
work once again to the front of their rows and I will walk around and collect the work. As I am walking around collecting the
homework the students will be taking out their notebooks and a writing utensil for the notes and lecture that day. As I am teaching
the lesson for the day all students should be taking notes and asking any and all questions that they have for the material. There
should be no talking, no passing notes, no distractions to give the students the most focus that they can have on one task, the
lecture for the day. Once the lecture is completed for the day the students will then receive their homework and they will be given
the final minutes of class to look over the homework to see if there are any questions that I can answer before they leave. The

students at this time will not be packing up or getting ready to leave they will be working on their homework assignment. I will
dismiss the class when the bell rings.

Transitions are a huge component of teaching in that there is so much time that can be added to instruction rather than
trying to collect and pass out work and instruction. To tackle this problem students should be informed and practiced on the way
we transition from activity to activity. Students will be given jobs that will speed up the processes instead of me as the teacher
trying to do it all on my own. The students need to be involved in all aspects of the educational process, allow them to feel that
they are really a part of something that is important. All students like to feel important because they might not be important in any
other aspect of their lives.

For there to be a successful teacher to student relationship there must be commitment to be consistent in all aspects of
teaching. If I am going to be stickler about a certain item, it needs to be every time that topic comes up and not just some of the
time. Students will start to feel like they are being picked on and then they are going to lose interest in the respect and mutual
relationship that the teacher and student share. Students rely on teachers for so much more that we realize and we need to follow
through with any commitment or agreement that I make with my students. It is our job to be there for the students to help them
understand all the material that we are giving them. Another key concept to be aware of how to overcome is redirection, there are
going to be those days where the kids will not be there one hundred percent and they will want to talk and not pay attention to the
lesson or not work on the assignment and I will need to help them get back on task. To do these there needs to be positive
motivation to do so, it should not be me raising my voice to make them get back on task. Some students will not respond to the
raising of the voice to redirect them back to their assignment. We have all had those days where you just do not want to work on
what the teacher has assigned you but given positive motivation will allow for the students to believe in the idea that you are
pushing across to your students to make them do the work. In all redirection that is done in class whether it be talking during and
assignment or lecture or just not being on task, it needs to come across as a positive redirection to allow for the students to be
more comfortable with getting back on task.

Motivation will drive anyone to do anything; the key is to find where people get their motivation from. As a teacher
finding out what motivates your student will lead to having your students be as successful as they possibly can be in your class.
When you are trying to find a motivating setting in your classroom you must remember that the goal of the classroom is fun
learning and instruction and not just a fun not learning environment.

According to Harry Wong the problem, therefore, is not motivation. The challenge is to stop demotivating students. Teachers
spend countless hours trying to develop and set up a classroom environment that allows for a friendly and fun atmosphere and
they forget what students really need. Students need a classroom that is organized and where they are not confused about what
they need to do in the classroom and the responsibilities that the teacher places on them.

Every student is going to require different instruction need and no one student is going to need to have the same type of
motivation so the best way to handle this in the classroom is to have differentiation in teaching methods. The classroom setting
should not be one that is mundane and repetitive. Although there should be a pattern and routine to the classroom there needs to
be different activities that will get the students interacting and discussing amongst themselves. The classroom should not be a
place where students go to be lectured to for a straight hour everyday of the year. This will create an environment where students
will not be motivated and engaged. Students would walk into this class not expecting to be entertained or engaged. With
differentiated instruction comes the use of different technological devices that would appeal to the upcoming generation who is
technology based. When technology is used in the classroom that allows for students to be more interactive with the lesson that is
going on because it is something that interests them. Going along with the idea of gaining interest of your students, you need to
find out what all your students are interested in to create lessons around those ideas and topics to drive your students to be
motivated to do their work. When students are interested and motivated in the instruction going on this is where you will find
students doing their best work.

Misbehavior in the classroom comes from students being bored and the feeling that they are uninvolved with what is
going on in the classroom. If you get students up and engaged and involved in the lesson this will lead to a decrease in students
getting up and wandering around the classroom during instruction. Allow for class discussion and group work for students to
have the opportunity to fulfill their desire to talk in the classroom, find free apps on that students can download so they will be
able to use their phones in the classroom. With students being allowed to do the things that they feel the desire to do while they
are in the classroom (walk around, talk, use their phones) but for instructional purposes will make students more motivated to go
to their classes and to get good grades.

The one classroom assignment that students fear and stress out about are assessments, this leads to lack of motivation in
some students. The problem is to find a way to differentiate assessment goals and strategies that will allow for students to feel
confident and motivated to complete the tests. To solve this problem is to allow students the opportunity to have different means
of assessing what they have learned. In assessment strategies as a teacher you should makes sure that along the way you give
informal formative test to allow for students to see what they the most need work on so you can help assist students learn the
information. There should not be only formal summative assessment in your classroom because it will demotivate your students.

Finding out what motivates your students be one of the most important things you do as teacher because it will make
your job that much more fun when your students are having fun and engaged and motivated. Teachers need to do their best at
creating an environment where motivation is promoted via interaction in the classroom. Involving interests of students and
making sure that the classroom instruction is not the same every day. Differentiation will help you motivate your students and
keep you away from tedious activities inside the classroom.

In the classroom setting there is going to be the need for redirection for your students whether it will be for
inappropriate behavior or getting off task. Students are naturally going to get off topic and off task at times throughout your times
as a teacher due to the nature of the mind to wonder off. No matter how hard you try as a teacher to keep the class involved and
engaged there are going to the points where you will need to redirect your students back to their work and doing this in a
respectful and non demeaning manor. Students will respond better to the teacher who is not the dictator and jumps on them, even
though there will be times when this is necessary; this is not the way to go about it.

In a perfect world there will be no problems inside of your classroom, but seeing the unfortunate fact that the world is not perfect
there will be problems that arise inside of the classroom. Misbehaviors can be caused from anything from raging hormones to
disrespect. There is always the possibility for hormones to enter the classroom whether it is student to student or student towards
teacher. It is important for the student to student relationships to be kept outside of the classroom and not allow for the
relationship to become a distraction inside of the classroom. Students hormones are raging and especially at the age level that I
will be going into, high school, there will be feelings and emotions that students will just be learning about. It is important to help
students learn to control those feelings and not let them show inside of the classroom.

Students need to be treated with respect and at no point shall disrespect come from a teacher towards a student. This
will help keep the disrespect from the students down but it will come due to the nature of the world and outside events that you
cannot control. A teenagers life is a stressful one with all of the changes that they are going through so sometimes they will have
a short fuse that could lead to disrespect in the classroom. Disrespect could come in the form of students disrespecting another
student or student disrespecting you as the teacher. It is important if the student is being disrespectful towards you to not let
emotions and immediate defiant reactions to take over. If the disrespect reaches a level that you cannot handle, one strategy
discussed in Practical Classroom Management is to take some time to think about what the consequences should be instead of
overreacting and letting the student get the best of you. In situations like this you need to remember that you are the adult and
they are the young adult and you need to handle the situation as the better man/woman. When the proper punishment has been
found you need to sit down and talk to the student and discuss what brought about the problem and try to see if there is a plan of
action that can be set in place to not let the situation arise again.

Problem solving skills are an extremely useful skill to possess as a teacher because there are going to be countless problems that
you are going to encounter over the years. The problem solving can range for extremely simple to extremely complex. No matter
the level of difficulty you need to be able to work your students through any situation that arises. Talking through problems and
situations that are causing disruptions in the classroom will only lead to a better and smoother class. You need to be willing to
work with your students and not be stern and set in your ways if the solution to the problem will make the most sense and make
the class run problem free. Getting to know your students and what they enjoy and what makes them happy will always be
beneficial because that will only help you solve problems when they arise.

When problems arise the first thing that needs to be done is to assess the situation and come up with possible solutions
to the problems. You need to remember that this could take more than the few moments that you have to think about it in the class
right after the problem arises, so you need to have a short term redirection strategy to diffuse the problem such as moving the
student to a different part of the classroom or getting the student started on a different task. Once you have thought of a
reasonable and proper way to fix the problem behavior you need to sit down with the student and talk about what caused the
problem to find out if there is anything that you could do differently to prevent the situation to present itself again. After that you
need to discuss why the behavior was inappropriate and alternate ways to handle the situation that will not lead to problems and
having to have more meetings to adjust their behavior. Once you and the student have come to an agreement to what the problem
was and a solution that you think will work you need to discuss what will happen if this problem comes up again. If the problem
comes up again you should seek your cooperating teachers for other problem management solutions that they have used and
worked on their students or maybe to see if there is a similar problem going on in their classrooms as well. Then you need to talk
to the student and the students parents to see what went wrong from when you last discussed the problem situation and try to
come up with another solution that will lead to a peaceful classroom. If the students still persists being a problem student you
need to take it to the principal and seek higher punishment and problem solving.

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