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Challenges Faced

by the ancient
experienced by
the ancient
Parasites- The Nile river was
Egypt's main resource, they used it for
everything. But it was filled with
parasites that would cause a lot of
damage. Worms would be digested and
travel through various internal organs
and lay eggs in their legs.

With every beginning,

there has to be an endChildren were need to help with the
family and take care of their parents
when they get old, so women would
have many children. Even the most
successful pregnancies would be fatal.
Women would die after or during
childbirth due to the uncleanliness of it.
By the 20th century, they improved
hygiene during birth to prevent so many


Anaemia is a disease
caused by iron deficiency that only
affected children and would result in

Kingdoms unite- Before

even having kingdoms, Egyptians lived
in forming villages that each had their
own rituals, gods, and chieftain. There
were two kingdoms, the upper and the
lower, based on location.Over time, the
two kingdoms united mostly because of
a king of the upper kingdom named
Narmer. I think It was beneficial for
Egypt because the became stronger as
a nation.


No one knows what

ancient Egypt was like before pyramids,
overtime tombs have become more
advanced and became less about the
dead inside and more about the riches.
The tombs started to be built in the
shape of the pyramids, instead of the
long rectangles like they used to be, to
prevent grave robbers. Im not sure if
the pyramids were beneficial to their


culture or not, but it made present Egypt

a tourist destination for many years.

By Kada Silcott

Put a

Cultural Aspects Cultural Aspects

of Ancient Egypt of Ancient Egypt
Food- In ancient Egypt, agriculture


Egyptians were polytheistic, worshiped

many gods. The most important Gods
was strong. They grew grains for bread,
were Re, God of the sun, and Osiris,
fruit, beans, chickpeas, and other
God of the dead. The most important
vegetables. Because of its location next
goddess was Isis, Goddess who
to the Nile river, fish was a main part of
represented the ideal mother and wife.
their diet, although mainly the rich would
There are over 2000 gods and goddess,
eat fish and other meats like cattle and
they built massive temples for these
deities. The Egyptians are famous for
their pyramid. They believed that once
Jobs- Bakers, Scribes, Priests,
you die, your spirit goes to Anubis. he
Artists, Stone carvers, fishermen,
would weigh the hearts of the dead to
clothing makers, fabric dyers,
see if it was heavy with sin, if the scale
astronomers, animal herders, beer and
didnt tip, it wasnt full of sin, they got
wine makers, boat builders, merchants, eternal life and would come back to life,
burial personnel, architects, doctors,
thats why they would mummify the
weapons makers, miners, paper
bodies and make them extraordinary
makers, glass makers, quarry workers,
tombs, so the could come back to their
furniture makers, wig makers, soldiers,
and jewellers are some of the
professions you could have had in
ancient Egypt.

Cultural Aspects
of Ancient Egypt
Holidays/Festivals- The
lunar/ civil calendar is how the
Egyptians kept track of their festivals
and holidays, They would have big
feasts, regardless of status: rich, poor, it
didn't matter. It was the only time they
all would come together just to
celebrate. One of the festivals was the
coronation of the pharaoh and it lasted
for a year.


The Nile is the

longest river in the world, it runs right
through Egypt. It would flood, and wash
away the crops and people would
starve. The forbidding deserts that
surrounds the Nile acted as a barrier
between Egypt and other lands and
reduced contact.

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