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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Darlene Meeker

Rocky Mountain High School
Content Area: 2-D Design

Date: April 28,

Grade Level: 9-12

Title: Value Demo

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

directly from the standard)

Lesson # 1 of 1

(Write Content Standards

-Visual Arts Standard 3.2- Invent and Discover to Create: Assess and produce art
with various materials and methods.
Understandings: (Big Ideas)
-Light Sources create shifts in values and cast shadows.
-Identifying value shifts allows one to draw more realistically.
-Highlights, shades, and shadows define visual space.
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of
instruction, select applicable questions from standard)
-What is the different between value and shading?
-How can you identify different values on a form? Techniques, methods, or tricks?
-What kind of problem solving is needed in adding values to drawings?
-Why do people use value in their drawings?
-How can adding value to drawings, define visual space?
-Why is lighting important in a drawing?
-What kind of drawings would you add value to? Leave out?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)

Every student will be able to: (Create your own lesson objectives from the
standard, follow the ABCD format, using student voice)
I can: Draw a cone, cylinder, cube, and sphere in my sketchbook and match value
gradients from my value scale based off observation.

This means: Each student can look at a white cone, cylinder, cube and sphere and
draw with pencil, the different areas of value, using their value scale for reference.
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

I can: Label the light source/direction of light, the highlight (if any) and the cast
shadow on my value drawings.

This means: Students can draw the various shapes and corresponding values and
then label where the light is coming from, the highlight(s), and the cast shadow on
their drawings.

I can: Create a (7) step value scale using graphite pencil.

This means: Students will create a small line of boxes on the side of their paper by
their value sketches, and place (7) values across. Begin with flat black, work lighter.

List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with
each assessment)

Pre-Assessment: Worksheet:
-Definitions at the top of the page (Value, Highlight, Cast
Shadow, Light Source, value scale).
-B&W image of shape: Label light source/direction, highlight,
cast-shadow, reflected light.

Post Assessment: Sketchbook Page:

-1 page divided into 4 sections.
-Drawing of cone, cylinder, cube, and sphere (1 in each section).
-Addition of values (using pencil) based on observation.

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson
Should be a creative title for you and the
students to associate with the activity.
Think of the purpose as the mini-rationale
for what you are trying to accomplish
through this lesson.
Approx. Time and Materials
How long do you expect the activity to
last and what materials will you need?
Anticipatory Set
The hook to grab students attention.
These are actions and statements by the
teacher to relate the experiences of the
students to the objectives of the lesson,
To put students into a receptive frame of
To focus student attention on the
To create an organizing framework
for the ideas, principles, or
information that is to follow
(advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a
different activity or new concept is to be
(Include a play-by-play account of what
students and teacher will do from the
minute they arrive to the minute they
leave your classroom. Indicate the length
of each segment of the lesson. List actual
Indicate whether each is:
-teacher input

Shapes and Values Demo- Demonstration to the class on how to

utilize value in drawings.

Approximately 20-30 Minutes

Materials: Graphite Pencil, Paper (sketchbook)
In order to draw realistic objects, value is one of the most important
factors behind line quality.
In order to improve our drawing abilities, the next lesson we are
delving into will help us understand how to apply value to the objects
we draw.

-Students will sit at their assigned tables.

-Model how their sketchbook will be folded (fold in to 4 sections).
*Have a student come up to demonstrate
-Set up blocks for value scale on side of paper.
-Begin with the darkest value, middle value, second lightest, fill in the
*Now we are going to transfer this knowledge onto a
observational sketch.
-Ask which shape they want demonstrated.

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-questioning strategies
-whole-class practice
-group practice
-individual practice
-check for understanding

*Will demo on whiteboard.

-Lightly draw outline of the shape
-Reference paper form.
*What direction is the light coming from?
*How is the light moving over the form?
*Where is/are the highlight(s)?
*Describe what is happening in the cast-shadow.
-Begin adding corresponding values- Squinting method.
*Erase part of outline to indicate highlight
*Work dark to light
*General to specific.
*Contours to define shape further.
*Periodic questioning- How is the cast shadow situated,
Reflected light? etc.
-When each shape is finished, label the highlight, cast shadow, light
source, reflected light.
-Why do we use value in drawings?
-What is most difficult about identifying values?
-Ask for questions/clarification.

Those actions or statements by a teacher
that are designed to bring a lesson
presentation to an appropriate conclusion.
Used to help students bring things
together in their own minds, to make
sense out of what has just been taught.
Any Questions? No. OK, lets move on is
not closure. Closure is used:
To cue students to the fact that
they have arrived at an important
point in the lesson or the end of a
To help organize student learning

For those of you who have finished drawing your first shape,
what went well and what didnt?
What can you improve on with your next shapes?
Why are we doing this?

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To help form a coherent picture and to
To modify: If the activity is too advanced
for a child, how will you modify it so that
they can be successful?
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a
child, how will you extend it to develop
their emerging skills?
How will you know if students met the
learning targets? Write a description of
what you were looking for in each

-Draw out sections of value on a pre-drawn shape-label each section

with a corresponding value (value by numbers).
-Use a 3-4 step value scale.
-Use pointillism to define darker values (higher concentration for dark
Students will have met the learning target if they can accurately draw
the shape, create a logical and accurate gradation of values, and label
the light source, highlight, reflected light, and cast shadow.

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize
assessment data to justify your level of achievement)

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would

you make if you were to teach again?

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice,

reteach content, etc.)

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