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Homophones - Words with a Similar Sound

Lower-Mid Grades:
ate - eight
be - bee
bare - bear
beach - beech
by - buy
bin - been
blew - blue
board - bored
capital - capitol
cell - sell
dear - deer
dew - due
dye - die
for - four
fair - fare
forth - fourth
great - grate
herd - heard
hole - whole
hour - our
its - it's
know - no
led - lead
lone - loan
made - maid
might - mite
meet - meat


mail - male
night - knight
ore - or - oar
one - won
pair - pare - pear
pail - pale
pain - pane
piece - peace
plane - plain
read - reed
real - reel
right - write
road - rode
see sea
sew - so
some - sum
son - sun
steel - steal
their - they're - there
to - too - two
vain - vein - vane
waist - waste
week - weak
which - witch
would - wood
your - you're

Upper Grades:
accent - ascent - assent
accept - except
advice - advise
affect - effect
allowed - aloud
allusion - illusion
ask - asked
aught ought
baring - barring bearing
berth - birth
breath - breathe
buy - by
capitol - capital
cite - sight - site
close - cloths - clothes
coarse - course
complement compliment
conscience - conscious
corps - corpse
council - counsel consul
decent - descend descent
desert - dessert
dual - duel
dyeing - dying
formally - formerly
here - hear
holy - wholly

instants - instance
irrelevant - irreverent
lessen - lesson
loath - loathe
loose - lose
mine - mind
of - off
passed - past
precede - proceed
presents - presence
principal - principle
prophecy - prophesy
quite - quiet
reverend - reverent
right - Wright - write
sense - since
shone - shown
staid - stayed
stationary - stationery
straight - strait
than - then
their - they're - their
threw - through
till - until
to - too - two
weather - whether
whose - who's
your - you're

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