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It is a report which objective is to describe one specific experiment in a way

any other scientist can repeat it anywhere. It includes:
1.-INTRODUCTION : the reasons of doing the experiment.
2.- Steps of a experiment:
HYPOTHESIS: What you think is going to happen
MATERIALS: What you are going to use to prove your hypothesis
DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT: step by step you describe what you
do to prove the hypothesis
RESULTS: sometimes you obtain DATA (datos) and sometimes you only say
what happened when you did the experiment. Finally you anlize the data
you have obtained.
CONCLUSIONS: you draw (it doesnt mean dibujar) your conclusion, and
you say if your conclusion matches your hypothesis or not.

3.- Final conclusin. Only when you have to put together some

Hypothesis: Water boils at 100 C.
Materials: water, thermometer, heater, beaker
Description: I pour water at romos temperature (21C) in a beaker.Then, I
introduce the thermometer in the cold water and I write the water
temperature. I turn on the heater under the beaker.
Next, I observe the temperature and write it every 5 minutes till I see the
water boiling.
Results: I see that water boils at 93C.
I build a graph using the different temperatures I have read. The numbers
are called data.
Conclusion: Water doesnt boil at 100C in Colmenar Viejo. So, my
hypothesis was wrong.

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