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Cara mengunduh file pdf dari scribd tanpa mendaftar..

1. Buka browser, ketik Scribd.com di address bar, tekan Enter.

2. Cari file yg diinginkan dan buka
3. Klik kanan sembarang tempat di halaman yg tampil di browser, dan klik view
page source.
4. cari kata (search) access_key di tampilan view page source, blok kata
setelahnya (misal : key-JjhlihnsPx4Rh6j8DIT3 ) dan simpan di notepad / sticky
5. blok, copy dan simpan di notepad / sticky note document_id (misal :
277714042 ) dari alamat yang tertera di address bar (misal :
6. Masukkan dan ganti document_id dan access_key ke URL di bawah ini :
misal menjadi :
7. Copy dan paste URL yang sudah dimodifikasi diatas, buka tab baru di browser,
paste di address bar dan enter.
8. Tunggu file terbuka, dan setelah terbuka seluruhnya, klik menu print di bagian
kiri atas file yang terbuka, lalu simpan sebagai file PDF.
9. Selesai.

Process 1: Download Documents from Scribd.com by tweaking some code

Step 1 Open your favourite web browser and type Scribd.com in the address
bar. Press Enter.
Step 2 [Refer Screenshot] Search for the document you want and open it.
Step 3 [Refer Screenshot] Right-click anywhere on the page and click view page
Step 4 [Refer Screenshot] Search for access_key, once you find it copy it to
some place.
Step 5 [Refer Screenshot] Get the document id of the document that you want
to download using this free Scribd downloader.
Step 6 Replace access_key and document_id in the following URL.
Step 7 [Refer Screenshot] Copy this modified URL. Open a new tab. Paste this
into the address bar and hit enter.
Step 8 [Refer Screenshot] Let the document load. Once it is completely loaded,
click on the print button and then save as PDF.

Thats it! The document will be downloaded as a PDF file on your computer.
Note: This method may not work for downloading larger files i.e. the ones which
have size in tens of MBs, because after loading the file for a file, the connection
to Scribds server times out.

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