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Personal Identity Wheel Exercise

A. Write down all your identities.

a. Straight, Procrastinator, Vietnamese, American, Male
B. Categorize each identity as:
a. Targeted (T): an identity that is the target of prejudice/discrimination.
b. Advantaged (A): an identity that is privileged

The identity that I was most aware of was that I am male, I am Vietnamese-American, I
am straight, and that I am a procrastinator. The reason that all of these identities seemed obvious
was because that was simply who I realized I was during my life. I identify myself as male, and
am heterosexual. I was born in Vietnam, but I feel myself leaning more towards being an
American rather than being Vietnamese. I lean towards being American because I came to
America when I was very young. As a result, the minimal Vietnamese culture that I experienced
did not make an impact on me. I discovered that I am a procrastinator some time in middle
school. The two identities that were targeted was being a procrastinator and a gamer. These two
are targeted mostly because they are not great things to be if you are learning since they get in

the way. I often take granted my Vietnamese identity mostly because I know so little. I feel like I
should take pride in the fact that I am Vietnamese. However, since my knowledge of the culture
is so minimal I dont know what I should feel proud about. The identity that I am least aware of
is my Vietnamese descent. My family, as far as I know, did not carry a lot of the practices with
them. The only thing that we do is lighting incense for the shrine and paying respect for our
elders. I would like to work in my Vietnamese identity. My entire life has been so focused on the
American culture and my Vietnamese side has slowly been dwindling. It would be nice to know
more about the other half of my culture.

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