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Actually, singleness is no longer seen bad mode; rather, nowadays it is quite

common. Being single is an option for many and for others simply unique.
And in a world like that gastronomy it is not easy to live as a single, as, at the
time of purchase we received rejection looks for the minimal amounts of fruits,
vegetables, meat, etc also, It is not constantly that we get the inspiration for
cooking after a hard day's work.
According to the latest household survey continued NSI (National Statistics
Institute), the number of people living alone is increasing and totaled 4.412
million, 24.2% of all households. In terms of people fewer than 65 living alone,
most are men (1,557,200, 59.7%). The women under 65 living alone are
1.049.200 (http://www.ine.es/prensa/np837.pdf).

Many singles say it is a challenge to buy and cook for himself. The recipes are
usually designed for families and foodstuffs are presented in deals, prioritizing
the amount .However, singles are the most precious goal for many brands,
because these have the most purchasing power.
The supermarkets are supplied with individually prepared meal deals or
precooked boxes. However, cooking for yourself does not mean that you have
to survive with that kind of food, also, can pose a risk to our physical health.

Existe una cocina muy fcil y sencilla de elaborar que no nos tiene que llevar a
recurrir a una triste lata de guiso. Preparar tus propias comidas te ayuda a
tomar las riendas sobre tu salud. No importa la edad o las habilidades
culinarias, se puede aprender a cocinar comidas sabrosas, saludables y
econmicas. Desde aqu animo a todos los solteros y solteras para que se
pongan el delantal y con cuchara de madera en alto se lancen a la aventura.

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