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Abraham Lincolns


Grades K-2 Workshops

10.7.15 Base Ten and Place Value
10.21.15 Addition and Subtraction 1
11.4.15 Addition and Subtraction 2

MathHow is my child learning it?

Who should attend? Any parent that is interested in
learning math the way their student is taught math.

What will be accomplished at these sessions? The

purpose of these sessions is to increase parents
understanding of the mathematical content of the Common
Core Math standards that emphasize numbers and

Where? At Lincoln school in room 168. (Subject to change.

Grades 3-5 Workshops

9.30.15 Multiplication and Division 1
10.14.15 Multiplication and Division 2

Please notice signs posted the day of each workshop.)

2.24.16 Fractions as Numbers

When? Dates are listed to the right. Two sessions will be

3.2.16 Fraction Operations

held for each workshop. The first session during the school
day and the second session at 6:30-8pm. This is simply to
accommodate schedules, please attend one.

Do I need to go to all workshops? No, please attend

what you feel will be most beneficial in order to support
your child at home. For example, you do not need to attend
Addition and Subtraction 1 in order to attend Addition and
Subtraction 2.

Please see the reverse side of this handout for

descriptions of each workshop. All descriptions can
be found at almath.weebly.com.
All parents are welcome to each workshop.

If possible, please RSVP to mbauer@d41.org.

This will reserve a spot and materials for yourself.

Hosted by...
Michelle Bauer
Lincoln Math Coach

Grades K-2 Workshops

Base Ten and Place Value


Session A: 9:30-11am

Session B: 6:30-8:00pm

The goal of this session is to understand the characteristics of the base ten system and childrens place value
development from counting by ones to grouping tens and ones. During this session, participants will
examine the importance of the digits in determining the value of two and three-digit numbers, and the role
of composing and decomposing numbers in laying the foundation for students mathematical readiness to
compute. The standards covered in this session will begin with Kindergarten and work through 1st and 2nd
grade. (CCSSM: K.NBT, 1.NBT, 2.NBT)

Addition and Subtraction 1


Session A: 9:30-11am

Session B: 6:30-8:00pm

The focus of this session will be on addition and subtraction of whole numbers and mental strategies to
develop students basic fact fluency. Participants will work through tasks to build an understanding of
problem types, properties of addition and subtraction, and the use of mathematical symbols to represent
addition and subtraction problems. The standards covered in this session will begin with Kindergarten but
primarily spend time in 1st grade and some 2nd grade standards.
(CCSSM: K.NBT, K.OA, 1.NBT, 1.OA, 2.OA)

Addition and Subtraction 2


Session A: 9:30-11am

Session B: 6:30-8:00pm

The focus of this session will be on addition and subtraction of whole numbers and mental strategies to
develop students computational fluency. Participants will work through problem-based tasks to build an
understanding of decomposing and composing numbers for addition and subtraction, develop strategies
that bridge to the standard algorithm, and understand grade level expectations regarding whole number
addition and subtraction. The standards covered in this session will be from 1st grade and primarily 2nd
grade. (CCSSM: 1.NBT, 1.OA, 2.OA, 2.NBT)

Please Note: Parents with students in any grade are encouraged to attend various sessions. Attendance at all sessions is not
required but can help give parents an idea of what their child has learned in the past and where they will be headed. It is not
necessary to attend Addition and Subtraction 1 in order to attend Addition and Subtraction 2, but attendance at both will
provide parents with a broader understanding of how addition and subtraction is taught across grade levels. This can help
spark ideas of how to help at home if a child if he/she is struggling with grade level standards.

Grades 3-5 Workshops

Multiplication and Division 1 9.30.15

Session A: 1:00 - 3:30 pm Session B: 6:30-8:00pm

This workshop will focus on the conceptual development of students understanding of multiplication and
division. The standards emphasize developing an understanding of various representations of these
operations. Through problem-based tasks, participants will work with the following representations: equalsized groups, rectangular arrays, area models, number lines, expanded form, and equations. Participants will
discuss strategies for developing automaticity with related multiplication and division facts. The standards
covered in this session will primarily be from 3rd grade and some from 4th grade.
(CCSSM: 3.OA.1-7; 4.OA.1,2)

Multiplication and Division 2 10.14.15

Session A: 9:30-11am

Session B: 6:30-8:00pm

Although it is not necessary to attend Multiplication and Division 1, this workshop will extend from the
previous session in order to focus on the use of strategies based on place value, the properties of operations,
and varied representations that lead to fluency with a standard algorithm for multiplication and division. A
variety of problem-based contexts will be used to engage participants in developing and understanding the
importance of place value in mental mathematics and computation. Participants will better understand
grade level expectations for multiplying and dividing whole numbers. The standards covered in this session
will be from 4th and 5th grade. (CCSSM: 4.NBT.1, 5, 6; 5.NBT.2,5,6)

Fractions as Numbers 2.24.16

Session A: 9:30-11am

Session B: 6:30-8:00pm

The goal of this workshop is to understand fractions as numbers, emphasizing magnitude and equivalence.
Participants will engage in tasks that involve a variety of representations, sharing and proportionality, and
comparing and ordering equivalent fractions and decimals. The standards covered in this session will be
from 2nd, 3rd and primarily 4th grade. (CCSSM: 2.G.3; 3.G.2; 4.NF.1, 2, 5, 6, 7)

Fraction Operations


Session A: 9:30-11am

Session B: 6:30-8:00pm

This workshop will emphasize understandings critical to operations with fractions and decimals, with
particular attention to building fractions from unit fractions, joining and separating parts of the same whole,
applying and extending prior knowledge of multiplication and division of whole numbers to fractions and
decimals. Participants will engage in problem-based tasks involving a variety of representations for fractions
and discuss how students develop conceptual understandings and computational proficiency with fractions.
The standards covered in this workshop will be from 4th grade and primarily 5th grade.
(CCSSM: 4.NF.3,4; 5.NF.3-7)
Please Note: Parents with students in any grade are encouraged to attend various sessions. Attendance at all sessions is not
required but can help give parents an idea of what their child has learned in the past and where they will be headed. It is not
necessary to attend Multiplication and Division 1 in order to attend Multiplication and Division 2, but attendance at both will
provide parents with a broader understanding of how multiplication and division is taught across grade levels. This can help
spark ideas of how to help a child at home if he/she is struggling with grade level standards.

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