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Steven Bucher
Mr. Herrmann, Mr. Rutherford
AP U.S. History
18 September 2015
Chapter 9 Notes
What was the Confederation and the Constitution?
1. Revolution was not hugely radical or total change
2. Not serious distribution of fighting
3. New Patriot elites to emerge
What occurred during the pursuit of Equality?
1. Declaration of INdependence - men are all created equal
a. Ridiculed the Continental Army officers
b. Fight for separation between church and state
Fierce in the South and was until 1786
c. Challenge to abolish slavery by Quakers in 1775
First spouts of abolition of slavery
1. Still very ingrained in society
2. Political expediency hindered
abolition movement
d. Still incomplete equality for women
Could vote and serve in the military for a while
Republican idea of motherhood established
1. Respect for mothers
What happened the constitutional making in the states?
1. Drafting of a new constitution
a. Contract of the power of government not just a set of laws
2. Sovereignty in these new states with idea of republicanism
a. Massachusetts have their own constitution established
b. Bill of Rights
3. Geographical change of capitals
a. Political shifts
What were the economic crosscurrents?
1. Spread of economic democracy

2. Forced manufacture of their own goods
a. No more supply from Britain
b. American ships barred from British and disrupted fisheries
c. Now trade freely with foreign nations - no restriction
profiteering with increase in 300%
1. New rich class of profiteers
Why was there shaky start toward union?
1. Difficulties setting up a new government
2. British flooded American market with cut-rate goods and suffered economically
and industrially
3. 13 sovereign states were like a governmental style
a. Took parts from British government but most from self-governing
b. Political leaders like, George Washington, James Madison, John
Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton
What went into the creation of a confederation?
1. Continental congress began to grow and grow
a. asserted control of foreign policy and military affairs
b. Appointed committee to draft constitutional documents
Article of Confederation - showed France
Distribution of western land to the states
1. Debate and eventually transferred
over to central government
2. Uniform national land policy was
soon established
What were the Articles of Confederation?
1. Articles of Confusion - very loose laws and policies
a. No executive brand - judical was left up to each state
b. Each state had one vote
Weak Congress and designed to be weak
1. no regulation of commerce
2. no enforcement of tax
wanted to yield their new privileges
c. Provided a landmark in government
A lot better than any european government


Outlined general powers in central government

kept alive idea of unity

What were some landmarks in land laws?

1. Land Ordinance of 1785
a. Sold old Northwest to pay off national debt
Surveyed and recorded
b. Possible admission of a state if area could hold 60K people
Forbid slavery in these newly established areas
No chaining of the new territories
Who was the worlds ugly duckling and why?
1. Foreign relationships - troubling
a. British shut off profitable trade in West Indies from the U.S.
b. Still tried to keep relations with Indians in case of future American
north attack
c. Suggestion to impose the restrictions on British imports
2. Spain was unfriendly to the new nation
a. Closed Mississippi river to American commerce
b. Claimed south Mexican Gulf area but U.S got it in British grant
3. France dislike the Americas to
a. Demanded repayment of war involvement
b. Restricted trade
What was the horrid specter of Anarchy?
1. States complaining about King Congress
a. quarrels over boundaries of states
b. Taxing neighboring countries
2. Shays Rebellion - Mass. 1786
a. Poor veteran farmers revolting
b. raised small army to deal with issue
crushed them
3. Ideas grew of new constitution
What was a convention of Demigods?
1. Conference held in Philly to look over the entire Articles of Confederation
a. Appointed leaders from each state attended on May 25, 1787
b. Leaders and people attending were kicked-names Demigods
c. Washington elected chairman
Who were the Patriots in Philadelphia?

1. 55 experienced statesman, nationalists and interested in strengthening Republic
a. Desired firm, dignified and respected government
b. determined to preserve the union and prevent anarchy
What were some of the compromises hammered out?
1. Scrapping the old Articles of Confederation
a. Equal representation of states
2. Great Compromise
a. House of Representatives
b. Senate - each state having two
c. provided strong, independent executive in the presidency
d. Fight over if slaves are considered citizens or not
Most states wanted to shut off slave trade
What were some Safeguards for conservatism?
1. Large area of agreement between the delegates
a. Favoring strong government and three branches
b. Made barriers against protesters and mobs after Shays Rebellion
c. Democratic elements
2. Signing of Constitution Sept. 17, 1787
What was the clash of federalists and antifederalists?
1. Not easy to get a nationwide acceptance of Constitution
a. Became supreme law of the land in ratifying states
b. Fairly accepted by the American people but clash about the

Federalists who favored it and anti feds who didnt

1. Poor class were usually anti feds
2. Rich federalists

What was the great debate in the states?

1. States ratifying the Constitution
a. Pennsylvania passed it but people still didnt like it
b. Massachusetts was an important one to accept it
Passed with the promise of a bill of rights
c. 9 states were under federal roof
Who were the four laggard states and why?
1. Virginia had fierce anti fed opposition
a. Not going to continue well after more states ratified

2. New York had heavy anti fed population
a. Used propaganda and extended republican form
3. North Carolina
a. Joined after seeing government work after a few months
4. Rhode Island
a. Population rejected it but had to accept it
5. Had to accept it to safely exist outside
What was the conservative triumph?
1. Minority triumphs once again
a. 11 States had seceded the Confederation
2. Conservatism victory
a. Executive, judiciary, and legislative branch to effectively represent
the people
b. Championed the heritage of republican revolution

Chapter Summary
Struggle to establish a new government and equality, the effects it had on people and
reactions to it. The progress from the first ideas of the new government to the first ideas of the
government of today.

In Class Notes
Articles of Confederation were over-compensating for freedom and something that isnt like Brit
-Not very powerful and had to rethink
Confederation - organization of parties or groups, loose organization of states
-No well at unifying

Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation

1. No control of Commerce
a. Navigation Acts
2. No set judicial system
a. Bad British court cases and biases
3. No tax enforcing
a. British Taxing acts
4. Each state had one vote in Congress
a. Equal representation unlike how Parliament was (according to
5. Loose laws in general
a. Not wanting to be the Oppressive Brits

Counting of Slaves
North Taxation (based on populations) bring in profit so they should
be counted
South Representatives
of a person. counted as of a person but are people

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