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Teknik dan Management Maintenance

Dr. Muhammad Nur Yuniarto

Waktu: 100 Menit (Open Textbook)
1. For the following maintenance data table shown below. Please evaluate
which maintenance strategy should be used.

2. The mean times in hours for maintenance activities associated with the
failure and repair of a type pump are as follows:
a. Realization
b. Access
c. Diagnosis
d. Logistics
e. Repair/replacement
f. Checkout
What is the minimum mean down time corresponding to each other of the
following maintenance strategies?
a. Breakdown
b. Preventive
c. On-condition

3. Vibration monitoring is a comprehensive methodology for on condition

monitoring. Please describe what kind of failures that can be detected by
the vibration monitoring and how those failures can be measured.

4. In a continuous condition monitoring system for a compressor, the

amplitude d mm of displacement vibration of the casing is used to
indicate the onset of failure of a given bearing inside the compressor.
During the approach of failure d increases with time t in hours according
to the equation:

d=2 x 109 t 2
If potential failure occurs when d = 0.18 mm and functional failure when d
= 0.20 mm, find the potential failure interval.

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