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The allies of WW2

By: Ryan ott and Tim Budd

In WW2, most of the world was in chaos by the war that devastated most. We will be going
over the men and women of world war 2.

How it happened
When Hitler announced that Germany would liberate the ethnic of Germans in
czechoslovakia France recognized the growing dangers of a second world war
caused by German expansionism. France and England were unprepared for a
war. in September 1st, 1939, world war 2 began! in 1940, German forces invaded
Norway and Denmark in April. Meanwhile, the united states remained largely
isolationist. But in December 7th,1941, the japanese attacked pearl harbor, a U.S
navy base. And at that point.we declared war on Japanese and Nazi Germany.

The heros behind enemy lines

During the occupation of the second world war, there were people who planned
and sabotaged the Nazi war machine, And those people where the resistance.
What the resistance did in war was very crucial in the line of duty. They located
names of jews and their location, sabotaged weapon factories, and fought the war

The United States

the United states had its part in WW2. We fought 2 enemies at the same time. we
were fighting the Nazi war machine and the imperial army/navy of Japan. The
japanese sought to take over the islands in the pacific, while the nazis tried to take
over all of Europe/Asia. On June 4,1944, we landed on the beaches of
In one of the most bloodiest battles of WW2, some 9,300+ men died with the men of
the canadians and british men.But at last, after a 12 hour struggle to storm a 50 mile
beach, we claimed victory, and the beginning of the end of world war 2. In August 14,
1945, the war in the pacific ended by us dropping 2 atomic bombs on Japan.

The U.S.S.R/The Soviet Union

The russians had also their part in the war. The russians were under the command of a
man named Joseph Stalin. In 1941, Adolf Hitler planned and executed the invasion of
The Soviet union. Much of the fighting became famous as such the battle of
stalingrad. The nazis had lost the invasion when winter struck due to their lack of
winter clothes. And the russians won when his/hers commander yelled NOT ONE

The Great Britain

The british people had their part as well. What the british people did was bomb
most of the nazi positions. They were the royal air force. They bombed most areas
around Nazi Asia.There was a famous author in the royal air force. His name was
Ronald Dahl. He did the books such like Charlie and the chocolate,Fantastic Mr.
fox,and james in the giant peach.

The other allies

Most countries tried to defend or supply the U.S.A. some of these countries are
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and more.

In conclusion, there were many allies in the war and many Whose lives were lost
to defend their freedom against the evils and horrors of war.

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