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bugsnag.com - application error monitoring

Atom Editor Cheat Sheet


File Navigation

Line Manipulation

shift + + p

+ p

+ ] / [

Toggle command palette

Toggle file finder

Indent/outdent current line

+ /

ctrl + g

+ enter

Toggle line/selection comment

Goto line

Insert new line after current line

ctrl + space
Show available auto-completions

+ r

+ shift + enter

Goto symbol

Insert new line before current line

shift + + { / }

ctrl + shift + k

Previous/next file

Delete current line

+ F2

ctrl + + up/down

Set bookmark

Move current line up/down


shift + + d

Goto next bookmark

Duplicate current line

+ f

Find in file
+ g

Find next
shift + + f

Find in project
+ e

Use selection for find

View/Window Manipulation
+ \

Toggle tree-view sidebar

ctrl + + f

Toggle fullscreen
+ k, left/right/up/down

Split pane left/right/up/down

+ k, + left/right/up/down

Focus pane left/right/up/down

ctrl + + [ / ]

Fold/unfold current code block

option + shift + + [ / ]

Fold/unfold all code blocks

+ 1-9

Fold code blocks at depth 1-9

Word Manipulation
ctrl + t

Transpose characters either side of cursor

option + backspace

Delete text to beginning of word

option + delete

Delete text to end of word

+ j

Join current and next lines

+ d

Select current word/token

+ l

Select current line

option + shift + left/right

Select to beginning/end of word

shift + + left/right

Select to first/last character of line

shift + + up/down

Select to top/bottom of document

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