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Teacher Candidate Name:

Itzel Carrillo Nevarez

Mentor Teacher First Name: *


Mentor Teacher Last Name: *


Evaluation Date & Time: *

09/15/2015 02:00 PM

If Teacher Candidate was absent, arrived late, and/or left early, indicate dates below by clicking on the
Add Row button.
- Select the Date of Occurrence (Teacher Candidate was absent, arrived late, or left early)
- Select the attendance issue that occurred from the drop down menu
- Select Yes or No for the question: "Was this planned?"
- Select Yes or No for the question: "Was mentor notified in advance?"
Attendance & Punctuality

Date of Occurrence

What was the


Was this planned?

Was mentor notified in



no absences

Co-teaching Approaches
Which of the following co-teaching
approaches have you implemented?
Check all that apply. *

Mentor Teacher Leads/Teacher Candidate Observes

Mentor Teacher Leads/Teacher Candidate Assists
Teacher Candidate Leads/Mentor Teacher Observes
Teacher Candidate Leads/Mentor Teacher Assists
Station Teaching (ST)
Alternative Teaching (AT)
Team Teaching (TT)
Parallel Teaching (PT)

TAP Indicator Areas of Reinforcement and Refinement

In which of the areas below does the
Teacher Candidate excel (TAP
reinforcement)? *

Instructional Plans (IP)

Standards and Objectives (S&O)
Presenting Instructional Content (PIC)
Activities and Materials (ACT)
Academic Feedback (FEED)
Managing Student Behavior (MSB)
Teacher Content Knowledge (TCK)
Teacher Knowledge of Students (TKS)

TAP Reinforcement Evidence: *

took state and district objectives and used them to plan

the unit and student essential questions.

TAP Reinforcement Next Steps: *

continue with next units

In which of the areas below does the

Teacher Candidate need additional
support (TAP refinement)? *

Instructional Plans (IP)

Standards and Objectives (S&O)
Presenting Instructional Content (PIC)
Activities and Materials (ACT)
Academic Feedback (FEED)
Managing Student Behavior (MSB)
Teacher Content Knowledge (TCK)
Teacher Knowledge of Students (TKS)

TAP Refinement Evidence: *

some students are not transitioning from one activity to

the next as you do.

TAP Refinement Next Steps: *

Wait time needs to increase so that the students are

paying attention to you before you move to the next thing.

Professionalism Areas of Reinforcement and Refinement

In which of the areas below does the

Teacher Candidate excel
(professionalism reinforcement)? *

A1. Showing Professionalism: Relationships with

Others in School and the Profession
A2. Showing Professionalism: Fulfilling
Professional Responsibilities
B1. Growing and Developing Professionally:
Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Skills
B2. Growing and Developing Professionally:
Continued Professional Growth
C1. Maintaining Accurate Records: General
Record Keeping
C2. Maintaining Accurate Records: Student
D1. Home/School Communication: Communicates
Instructional Program to Parents
D2. Home/School Communication: Communicates
Individual Student Performance to Parents
D3. Home/School Communication:
Advocacy/Resources for Students

Professionalism Reinforcement
Evidence: *

Helped with open house and informed parents about our


Professionalism Reinforcement Next Next step would be communication about grades with
Steps: *
In which of the areas below does the
Teacher Candidate need additional
support (professionalism
refinement)? *

A1. Showing Professionalism: Relationships with

Others in School and the Profession
A2. Showing Professionalism: Fulfilling
Professional Responsibilities
B1. Growing and Developing Professionally:
Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Skills
B2. Growing and Developing Professionally:
Continued Professional Growth
C1. Maintaining Accurate Records: General
Record Keeping
C2. Maintaining Accurate Records: Student
D1. Home/School Communication: Communicates
Instructional Program to Parents
D2. Home/School Communication: Communicates
Individual Student Performance to Parents

D3. Home/School Communication:

Advocacy/Resources for Students
Professionalism Refinement
Evidence: *

There are many resources that Itzel has not had a chance
to find out about.

Professionalism Refinement Next

Steps: *

Make an appointment with a specialist (ELL, SPED,

councilor) to discuss resources available.

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