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Marlee Goodwin 30124715

Part A- Reflective Journal

Coming into the unit EDFGC3028 Information and Communication Technology, I thought I
had a reasonable knowledge base about using ICTs and programs and applications. Although
I realised that I didnt know as much as I had thought. This unit has brought a lot of
knowledge of ICTs as well as a large amount of resources as well, some that I had already
used before, and some that I had never even heard of. Some of the resources used were
applications such as Wordl, journals, PDFs and also the lecturer organised some guest
speakers, whom have a lot of knowledge with ICT, and were able to talk about how ICT is
used in classrooms. Throughout the course I engaged in attending the lectures and tutorials,
and also with my peers in the tutorials and outside of class talking about assignments and
general ICT use. In the tutorials I was able to engage with a range of ICTs that can be used in
the classroom, such as wordle, Prezi, movie maker, Wikkis and also gaming sites such as
Minecraft. Another interesting idea, which I learnt from the teacher, is how to engage your
students from the start of the class. This was the use of a hook. This could be anything, such
as play 2 songs on the internet, such as YouTube and after the third song had finished the
students would know when to listen, and start the class. This is an interesting idea, on how to
engage your students from the very start.

I believe that with the use of ICTs there are
always options for exploration. In the tutorials,
the class explored using applications,
programs and educational websites. Exploring
all these, and also mobile technology and the
technologies that are ever changing and
evolving, allowed myself and my peers to
learn how to be creative whilst using ICT. This
will enable us as pre-service teachers to
encourage out students when we become
teachers, to be creative and innovative with
ICTs. As a group leader and team member, in
Manectric from Pokmon, I was able to
explore the applications Tagxedo, wordle and
word it out, whilst also comparing the
Principles of Learning and Teaching with
ICTs. This was an interesting and great way of
incorporating work and also exploration of the
applications. Exploring the many applications
in the tutorials has improved my knowledge
and skills base, from before the course, as the
ICTs were applicable to my future career.

Marlee Goodwin 30124715

Throughout the tutorials, we were asked to
explain how to use an application or program
to our peers. One particular time, was when
my group Emmett, chose to research
EduSTAR, and education program. We then
had to do a group presentation to our peers in
our tutorial. Our task was to explain all the
details about the program such as what the
program was, what were the capabilities of the
program, how did the program relate to
AusVELS and the Principles of Learning and
Teaching, and also the 5E Instructional model.
Also when I was the group leader in
Manectric, the Pokmon tutorial, I described to the group what our tasks were for the week,
which included making a wordle or Tagxedo with some important words from the Principles
of Learning and Teaching points that involved ICTs. Also whilst in the group we all worked
together and discussed topics, such as how we were going to present our digital essay and
also our portfolio.

The ICT unit has allowed me to
demonstrate my skills that I have
learnt throughout the course. When I
first started my digital essay, I didnt
have very good feeling about it
initially, as I had never completed
anything like it, and I also hadnt
uploaded a video to YouTube, so the
task was all new to me. I was
nervous and unsure of the task
ahead. I had to persevere through
some problems that arose, such as
getting the Prezi onto YouTube, as it
had the wrong format to upload.
Throughout all the problems I was
able to upload it to YouTube, I also
got a mark that I was more than happy with. So I was very pleased with my efforts with the
assignment. At the start of the course, I did not know how to use wordle, Tagxedo, Prezi, a
Wikki, and had never heard of the Principles of Learning and Teaching. Although at the end
of the course, I know how to use all those applications and programs, and more, and also
have a good understanding of the Principles of Learning and Teaching, as well as the 5E
Instructional model

Marlee Goodwin 30124715

At the start of this course, I set 3 personal goals, they were;
1. To become more aware and competent of different applications and programs
that can be used in the classroom.
I was able to work on this personal goal, as I learnt new programs, such as Prezi,
wordle, Tagxedo, YouTube, and many more. Most of these programs and applications
I had never heard of, so to be able to look back and know that I have learnt a few new
skills with ICT has been great.

2. To learn how to successfully implement educational ICT programs in a

The use of Tagxedo, and wordle, has shown me that we are able to use these in a
classroom, such as to read a book or information, and work out what you think are the
main words of the information, and then to transfer those words into the wordle or
Tagxedo, so you can have the main words for later on. Also learning about fuse, and
eduSTAR, and global2 has broadened my knowledge of programs in the classroom.
With eduSTAR, there are many programs that are provided, such as game maker,
audacity, movie maker, photo story and many more. These programs are set out so
they can be used in schools for students and teachers to use.
3. To learn how to upload a video to YouTube.
At the start of the course, I did not know how to upload a video to YouTube, I have
now been able to upload to videos to YouTube, and without any problems. So my goal
to learn how to upload a video to YouTube has definitely been reached.

These 3 goals have been met, although it does not stop there, I will continue to persevere with
using ICT and learning how to incorporate it more and more in a classroom. My goal from
here, is to understand and incorporate the programs on the skills sheet, and many more into
my everyday classroom.

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