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Kendra Pacific

EDU 225
October 17, 2015
Instructor Biba John

Part 1: Assessment Technology (150-250 words).

This is the link to my assessment:

https://b.socrative.com/teacher/#dashboard. With this assessment it is for writing
and understanding what is needed for writing a sentence. This would be for first
grade to see if they know what a sentence needs. This is a formative to find out
which students still are struggling with the components of a sentence. The student
would open up there page and log in and find the quiz the says writing. They would
then click on the writing one and start the quiz. The data that will come from this
quiz will show me if the students are understanding what they need to have when
we are doing our writing. This can then allow me to see the students who will need
a review before we can move on and before we take any final tests. This will then
give them the time they need to comprehend the work. This will also allow me to go
over how I might be teaching writing and if I need to make any adjustments.
The answer key for the writing quiz is 1. True, 2. True, 3. False, 4. True, 5.
False, 6. False, 7. True
Part 2: Blog Post
Introduction (4-6 Sentences):

Teachers have many ways that they are doing assessments for their students. With the
technology there are many software that are free for teachers to use to do these assessments. This
can then make it easier for them since they can have the information in one place to review. A
way that is happening is through handheld computers that have array of applications that can be
supported in the classroom (Yarnall, L., Shechtamn, N., Penuel, W.R., 2006). This is where
technology can be used to assess students in a different manner. There a many online tools that

can help teachers to assess students to give data that a teacher would need to help the students
and their self.
Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning (150-200 words)
Teachers are using web assessments with their students to ensure they are gaining the
knowledge they need. With doing that teachers are able to create their own tests or quizzes. This
is a great way for them to have it be detailed on the subject. The test should be developed so that
it is related to the important curriculum that is being taught (Hussain, A., Azeem, M., Nawaz, S.,
and Mehmood, A., 2011). The software that is available to teachers can help them to get students
who might need to a have a review on something more time and in a different format that they
might understand better. This can they help with students learning how to use software which can
then help them when they do any kind of assessment that would be on the computer. These are
developing skills that they will need in their future. With technology growing there are many
ways students can learn from them that is also assess them at the same time.
Socrative (100 words) Socrative is a website that is free for teachers to use when they
want to set up assessments for their classroom. This can be done through tests or quizzes or
interactive ways. The teacher then goes in and creates what they want to review or to test on.
This can be either for units that are finished or for a lesson that might not have been very long
but still needs to have been learned. A teacher can use this for all students at a time when they are
in a computer lab and they can all log in and take their quiz. The teacher can then go online at the
same time and see how each student is doing as they are taking the assessment.
Mimio Votes (100 words) This is an online tool that can be used to track progress
through feedback. The feedback is then downloaded and the teacher is able to review it and to
see what the students is learning. This is device that is handheld and is easy for students to use.

Once they are done using it they can then place them back into the storage tray where it will
download the information. With a held device this students can then use it when it comes
available. This can then help with a time frame that may need to have certain things done at a
timeline. To be able to use a handheld device a teacher can then use it throughout the day to get
to each student.
Edmondo (100 words) This site is for teachers to use that students and parents can get on
to see how they are doing. The teacher is able to create a group and assign homework. They can
schedule quizzes to manage progress. This is great since the since site has plenty of storage for
this. Which will allow the teacher to have enough space for assessments. This can be a way that
what is being done in the class room can also be learned through technology. Teachers can let
parents know about it so they are more engage with their childs progress. When reaching
students who might need more help this will have the data to show where they are not

(Formative and Summative Assessments) (100-150 words)

There are two assessments formative and summative. Formative is the evaluation of the
student learning which is reviewed on a time span that is done multiple times with using different
types of activities and assignments to assure the student is developing the skill and knowledge to
master what is being taught (Gunter, Gunter, 2015). Summative is the process of an evaluation of
the student learning which can be any given point or time (Gunter, Gunter, 2015). The difference
with these is one is through the lesson or unit and the other is an end to see if the student is ready
to move on. Formative is throughout the lesson which can give the teacher an idea if they

students are grasping the content. Summative is the one that would be and the end of the unit to
see if they have gain the knowledge of what the curriculum is about.
(Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment) (200 words)
There can be a pro and con look on how technology is being used for assessments. A pro
is that it can be stored and to have many ways to create specific assessments that address what
was taught. The assessment tool that is being use should help the student understand what they
assignment is about, which then helps the teacher evaluate the assignment in a consistent manner
(Gunter, Gunter, 2015). A con would be that you cannot just rely on what you put online for
students to learn from. There also needs to have different ways to show the teacher that they do
understand the content. They might not all be filmier with technology and it could be more of a
problem than helping the students and teacher. Teachers can then become to just relaying on
what they have created that might not always go with the curriculum that is being taught or
should be taught. This can then not benefit the students and what they need to know. In the end
there does need to have technology with assessments to not only have teacher use technology but
to also give students the opportunity to use it also to learn how to use it.
(Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?)
A teacher should use more than one type of resource to assess students. Relaying just one
type can give results that might be the same each time. If a teacher can use more than one of
different ones that do the same thing in a different way they will then be able to have more data
to see how the students are doing. Technology is great to have and use it also does have hiccups
and that can be a problem sometimes with trying to use the data that was processed. That with
assessment giving data to help teachers and students data could be the optimism as to what new
technologies can give everyone (Carmicheal, P., Procter R., 2006).

What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
The use of technology can be connected with ISTE standards which there are two that
would fit for importance. Technology operations and concepts is one of them, this is one that
students are using technology. This is students understanding the use of the system and the
applications. Being able to use them effectively is a great skill they will need to know for the
future as technology keeps growing. Another is Digital citizenship that can be how the student is
responsible for information and technology together. How they are advocate and practice safety
when they are using technology. They are positive when they are on technology and are wanting
to learn. These are just two of the standards that can be tied to technology and how they can be
use with giving student assessments.
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
Technology is going to be growing each year and there will be more ways for teachers to
have access to sites that can help with assessments. This will be the way of the future and to be
able to learn and use them can be a great benefit to a teacher. Knowing that technology can help
and might make somethings easier is a great way to have more time to teach. This will help with
getting data that will show which students might need the extra help to get them the skills they
need to know. With being able to combine ISTE standards with the use of technology can also be
a way that could be the future for things. Not all assessments will be with technology but when
they can be use there are more possibilities with it.

Carmichael, P., & Procter, R. (2006). Are we there yet? teachers, schools and electronic
networks. Curriculum Journal, 17(2), 167-186. doi:10.1080/09585170600787969

Gunter, Gunter, (2015). Teachers Discovering Computers Integrating Technology in a

Changing World, 343.

Hussain, A., Azeem, M., Nawaz, S., & Mehmood, A. (2011). Assessment Model: How to
Assess Students' Learning?. International Journal Of Science In Society, 2(4), 85-97.

Yarnall, L., Shechtman, N., & Penuel, W. (2006). Using Handheld Computers to Support
Improved Classroom Assessment in Science: Results from a Field Trial. Journal Of
Science Education & Technology, 15(2), 142-158. doi:10.1007/s10956-006-9008-4

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