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Chelsea Bashore

Final Exam Lesson Plans

July 17, 2014
EDS 611

Lesson Number One:

Grade Level: First/Second Grade
Skill Being Taught: Emotion Recognition/Empathy


a. The learner will be able to identify emotions in a person and
explain why theyre feeling those emotions.
Anticipatory Set:
a. The teacher will began readers workshop by discussing with
students how the actions of others can affect how we feel, and
that sometimes we can tell how a person is feeling (the emotion
of a person) without them telling or us asking.
b. TTW then go through different emotions with students asking
them how they can tell when a friend/family member feels that
way i.e sad, happy, angry, excited, scaredetc.
i. TTW taking answers from students directing them to ideas
about body language, tone, behavior.
c. TTW then share with students the book Amanda and her
Alligator. (A story about Amanda and her best friend Alligator.
While Amanda goes to school and other places, Alligator has to
wait for her. One day Amanda brings home a new stuffed animal
and Alligator does not like it all. Eventually he discovers that it is
more fun to wait with a friend than to be all alone). TTW explain
to students that they will be reading the story aloud, but when
they reach a sticky note in the story that they will all stop and
think about how alligator is feeling and how we know that.
d. TTW begin reading the story stopping along the way at sticky
notes, previously placed, to discuss the emotion happening in
the story. This will happen all the way to the end of the book.
i. TTW work with students asking how they identified the
emotions and what they noticed with the characters in the
story. TTW ask students why it is important to understand
the emotions in others and how we might act/or help with
each kind.


a. TTW then explain to students that today when theyre reading

their individual books during reading workshop that they will be
given four sticky notes. Just like with the Amanda and Her
Alligator read aloud, they will be identifying emotions in the story
and write a short (1-3 sentences) how they could tell that.
b. Students will move about the room to read for 25 minutes.
c. TTW bring students back together when the time is up to share
and collect what they found and noticed in their stories.
a. Checking for Understanding
i. TTW be able to tell if students are understanding
identifying non-verbal emotions through responses in
discussion and through their findings from their stories on
the sticky notes.
ii. TTW be able to understand students levels of empathy
through their suggestions of how they would act or speak
to someone experiencing these different kinds of emotions
b. Closure
i. TTW ask for examples from students stories and prompt
them to think about how they would treat or help a person
in those emotions theyre experiencing.
ii. TTW take examples from students and discuss different
ideas with one another.
iii. For their ticket to move on to the next task, TLW choose
one sticky note sharing an emotion a character had in the
story and write how they would treat that character if that
was their friend or classmate.
c. Extension
i. The teacher can refer to this activity in class during peer to
peer situations, as well as using it as a comprehension tool
when processing story information.
d. Methods and Materials
i. Methods
1. Verbal
2. Visual
3. Hands On
ii. Materials
1. Amanda and Her Alligator by Moe Williams
2. Sticky Notes ( pre placed in story)
3. Sticky Notes for Students
4. Space for Read Aloud
5. Desks for Writing
6. Pencils/Writing Materials
e. Assessment

i. TTW be able to tell if learners are comprehending emotions

( or whether further lessons need to occur)through their
discussion responses and comprehension of story emotion.

Lesson Two
Grad Level: First Grade
Skill Level Being Taught: word Choice/Kindness


a. TLW give two compliments for every mean word they say to
friends and classmates.
Anticipatory Set
a. The students will sit together in a group so they can view the
teacher and the activity that is about to be shown.
b. TTW ask for a volunteer to come up to help the teacher with a
class assignment.
c. TTW hand the student a tube of toothpaste and ask the student
to squeeze all of the toothpaste out onto a paper plate (or bowl,
whatever is available).
d. TTW then ask the student to put all the toothpaste back into the
tube with a spoon.
e. TTW give the student a few minute to do this, not giving any
hints to why this is happening or what is going on.
f. TTW ask the student and audience what is happening and why it
is so hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
i. Through the discussion the main point will be reached that
once the toothpaste is out, it is hard to get all of it back in
the way it first was.
a. TTW explain to students that just like the toothpaste that
cannot get back into the tube, this is what happens when we
make rude comments, putdowns, to others. Once the words
leave your mouth they cannot come back out of our friends
ears. Thoughts are like keeping the toothpaste tight in the tube,
our behavior is like when the toothpaste comes out so all can see
and hear.



b. TTW explain students that for every put-down a person hears,

they must hear 10 pull ups (good words/compliments) to bring
them back to feeling how they were.
c. TTW then ask students what makes a sincere compliment and
make a list on chart paper of their suggestions.
a. Checking for Understanding
i. TTW be able to see the students understanding of giving
pull ups to replace put downs through their responses in
the discussion.
ii. TTW be able to see the students understanding of how
thoughts stay in our head and once theyre turned into
words, like toothpaste coming out, you cant put them back
b. Closure
i. The teacher will re-iterate the idea of using put-ups after a
put down has been said.
ii. TTW tell students to turn and talk to partner giving them
ten sincere put-ups.
iii. TTW have students do this three different times before the
activity is over.
c. Extension
i. TTW will hang the put-up put down chart around the room
to refer to while making this a habit in the classroom.
ii. The teacher can read a picture book about making good
verbal choices i.e The Meanest Thing To Say, by Bill Cosby
d. Methods and Materials
i. Method
1. Verbal
2. Auditory
3. Hands on
ii. Materials
1. Chart paper
2. Writing Materials
3. Space for Class to Sit
4. Toothpaste
5. Paper Plate/Bowl
6. Extra Picture Book
a. Assessment will be done through verbal discussion of topic.

Lesson Three
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Social Skill Being Taught: Problem Solving/Making Good Choices

a. TLW create a list of items that bug friends and alternatives to
them that they could do instead.
Anticipatory Set
a. TTW read the story How to Lose All of Your Friends by Nancy
Carlson. This is a story about a group of students and the
ridiculous behaviors they did that made them lose their friends.
i. TTW ask students what they notice and why /how these
kinds of behaviors would affect their friendships in the
1. TTW make a list of these behaviors on a piece of
chart paper.
ii. TTW ask what kinds of things they could do differently
instead of behaviors.
1. TTW take answers from students and list a positive
behavior/example next to each negative behavior.




a. TTW share with the students that today they are going to be bug
problem solvers.
b. TTW show the students a large friendship bug ( a large bug print
out) and explain that on this bug they will be listing the kinds of
behaviors that would bug (bother) a friend.
i. TTW ask for a few examples, drawing from the story, to get
student ideas flowing.
c. TTW explain that on another copy of the bug paper they will be
bug problem solvers. They will come up with alternatives to the
behavior that bothers others.
d. In the end they will have a bug problem flip book to refer to when
theyre not sure how to handle a situation.
e. TTW explain that they will have a half an hour to work and color
their bugs, and that they will wrap up the next day.
f. TTW walk about the room clarifying questions and helping
brainstorm ideas.
a. Checking for Understanding
i. TTW walk around asking student about their bug problem
solving skills and what ideas they came up with.
ii. TTW be able to check understanding through class and
individual discussion.
b. Closure
i. TLW finish bug creation with completed problems on one
side and solutions on the other.
ii. As a class students will group back together sharing their
problems and solutions.
iii. TTW explain when they get into a situation or before they
act, they can look at their friendship bugs to get helpful
c. Methods and Materials
i. Verbal
ii. Hands on
iii. Auditorial
iv. Visual
d. Materials
i. Giant Bug print outs
ii. Markers/crayons
iii. Chart paper
iv. Space for class work
v. How to Lose All of Your Friends by Nancy Carlson
a. TTW be check student comprehension through the completion of
the friendship bug task and discussion.

Lesson Four
Grade Level: 4th
Social Skill Topic: Dealing With Anxiety

a. The learner will use a paper airplane in a way to let go of their
anxieties ( i.e test taking, talking in front of the class etc).
Anticipatory Set
a. The teacher will use this lesson as an intro before a test, but can
also use this for other kinds of anxieties.

b. TTW ask students what are some things they get nervous about,
giving examples of their own.
c. TTW ask how their body feels when this happens, what are some
physical symptoms of being nervous.
d. TTW talk about what are things they do to combat this anxiety or
e. During this TTW write these down on the board.
f. TTW explain that to get through anxiety to work on the problem
we are most concerned or nervous about, that we need to work
on letting go of the feelings that are taking over.


a. TTW tell the students that today they will be creating a paper
b. TTW give students a blank white piece of paper.
c. TLW first write on the paper all the things they get nervous about
in school, like test taking, talking to friends etc.
d. TTW then share a video explaining how to fold their paper into a
paper airplane.
a. Checking for Understanding
i. TTW be able to see if students are understanding the idea
of letting go their anxieties like letting go a paper plane
(cant completely control it, but letting it go) through class
discussion and activity.
b. Closure
i. TTW have students take their finished paper air planes out
into the hall and stand in a line.
ii. TTW explain that one at a time they will fly their paper
1. The student will stand on the line and say one of
their anxieties/problems and fly their airplane, letting
their worry go.
iii. TTW explain that just like the plane, we cant always
control what happens but we can let go of the anxiety, like
letting the plane fly.
iv. Each student will do this until there is no one left.
c. Methods and Materials
i. Methods
1. Visual
2. Auditorial
3. Hand on
ii. Materials
1. Paper
2. Writing Utensils

3. Space in hallway
4. Marker board
5. Markers

a. The teacher will check in with students about their anxieties
through a private conference discussing their airplane.

Lesson Five
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Social Skill Topic Understanding Emotions




a. TLW match peoples faces of emotion to the correct feeling in an
emotion sort during centers.
Anticipatory Set
a. TTW explain to students that today theyre going to play a game
of charade emotions.
i. TTW explain that to play one student will come up and
draw a smiley from the bag and have to act out the
emotion it is showing (i.e happy, sad, joyful, etc).
ii. The students in the audience will then have to guess which
emotion the chosen student is displaying.
b. This will happen till all students have had a turn and all
smileys/pictures are gone from the bag
c. During this the teacher will tape the picture on the board and
write down the emotion discovered next to it.
d. TTW discuss with students what made them know which emotion
was which and why that is helpful to know when talking to
friends? ( making someone feel better, understanding a
conversation, being helpful)
a. TTW explain to students that today during a center they will be
doing an emotion sort with the feelings they discovered during
the charades.
b. TTW model how to do the sort.
i. TTW show the learner the cut out pictures of people and
discuss the looks on their faces and decide which emotion
word/smiley it should go with.
c. TLW complete this activity for ten minutes during a center,
working together with their center group.
a. Checking for Understanding
i. TTW be able to tell the students understanding of
emotions through their correct placement in the sort and
how it relates to the discussion previously held in class
about the charade results.
b. Closure
i. When centers are over, TTW reiterate again why it is
important to recognize others emotions and what we can
do to be good friends when others are feeling particular
emotions ( happy, sad, scared).
c. Methods and Materials
i. Methods
1. Hands On
2. Visual


3. Movement
4. Verbal
ii. Materials
1. Bag
2. Emotion word smileys
3. Markers
4. Marker board
5. People cut outs for sort
6. Smile emotion cut outs for sort
7. Space for discussion
8. Space for center sort
a. TLW complete their center sort allowing the teacher to see their
understanding of correct emotions

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