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376 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS People vs. Bigayan, et al El tentgo De Ladin declara, asso, que Vado para impedir que el (De Ledn) prestara ayuda a Hemnindec, ‘momentos antes y durante el ataque, Valid, armado de lun “bllsong” Ie atscé aeestanda varias putaladas que no hlceron blanca, La verdad es que De Ladn que estshe Aesarmado a0 solamente no Eus herido sno que no susié fi rasgusos. El testigo De Leia, finalmente, aleg2 que momentos después de escaparse del hygar del incident, 4 después de haber recorido doe manzanas, voMis a le tscena del crimen donde encontrs « Hernindse tendido tnt suelo bafado en su propia sangre. Si consideranos cel hecho, como asi aparece en autas, que De Leon regress 5 Jn eicena del erimen sin estar acompafado de nadie. in haber dado parte del incidente ela estacion de po- Hela que solo dista 200 metros de ls escena del crime, fu comlenelin que momentos antes de au regreso Velide armado de un “balisong" le habla atatado y asestado ‘tas pufaladas, y que tovo que darse ala fuga poraue ss vido estaba en peligro, es cletamente fnonsistente y Foera de razon. ‘fa. vista de fs datos expuesios el Tefbunal se resiste 4 dar endito al tertimonio de De Lecn que Valido armado e un “balseng”, para impedise que prestara ayude & Hlemnder. le asestsveriaspuflaladss golpes que no hi- sieroa blanco. Tribunal, pues, concliye que entetiene Ssevias dedas cn cuanto a la culpabildad de! apelance Benigno Valiéo como cémplice del delta querllado, divas que deben reslverse'a favor del apelante. (US. + Lavada, 18 Phil. 9; US. 98, Douglss, 2 Phil, 261) En |a imposildn de la pena al apeante, Bibiano Biga- yaa, el juagado a quo considerd a favor de aqudl la cle- Ccunttaneiaaenuante de intavession porque Bigeyen habia tomado vino ofrecido por Valido momentos sates del incidente. Heenindez, De Ledn y Vaido dectaran ue of apelante Bibiano Bigayah iom6 una pequota cantidad VOL, 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1953 a7 Montiola v5. Herbosa, et a de vino ofrecide por Valide que este Tribunal considers insuficiente para causar intoxicacién a aguel (Bigayan). Et juzgado 2 quo, pues, err6 a) considerar « favor de Bigayan Ja circunstancia atenuante de intoniacién, Le maxima de la pena indeterminada debe ser en este caso impuesta en su grado medio. ‘La causa contra Patrielo Casem fue cobreseida por el jumgado a quo a peticién del Ministerio Fiscal EN eu wikrup, este Tribumal después de aplicar Ia Ley de Sentencias Indeterminadas le condeaa « sufic Ia pena de un (1) afi, un (1) mes y diez (10) das de prisién correccional, como mana, a ocho (3) aftas y us (1) die de prisién mayor, como méxima. Se absuelve al apelante Benigno Valido del dlito quereliado, con Ia mitad de las costes de ofielo. Con Ie modifieaidn Indieads, yotames por la confinnacisa de la deteéa apelada en euanto alos Otros respecios, com una mitad de las costas ‘asi se omen, Stinches y Enriques, Mi, esthn coniormes Se modifica la sentonsi Inve 2202-8 Pebramy 24, 158) ENRIOUE P. MoNTINOLA, plaintiff and appellant, ». Esti ‘tsiao Himast and Macino Oru, defendants and appellees. 1 Juooumime; Riza Rute; Jno oF Limewire Antcner rat avo i Hehe Row not Sai GOONER OF ‘ane Doers, 126, wo Lowsee Koonce; CAa6 Ie ‘MAe—in Decomber, 1686, Dr, Joe Mia wer charged blogs {he Spuiah Gooel of War sith tn tere eine fond 2 Eee 373 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS Montivola vs. Herbosa, ete ‘ng es esnasons 0s» means & poneing «induce ‘lin after = preding tn wich be wan Sd the igh of snot, wae envied und eaten to dat, nd ecdered to pay on deny of PLBDIDOG in foe of {he Sat the sigaton Sing treme hi ie Bel ‘vs eid en Ds 58, 108, nmng cesta sie gated Tie ten Thc il coat Ml et th Sedge a edema i i ateeble galas the tae od hl of inl, abd Uat the rls Is quuon long Yo the Bayele (th Palgpnes becuse thea Indy aw ver Bes find Hels? The judgment of innty mayne entra, fr the tlw root (1) Hint hs = Sised the Spsih change that inl wr etre 22 Wel 1 the vay of the erinina) proceedings aginst hi. Te ‘rove the Tedpnens youl be to verte ewer of Mie {ary that Ral dnt» hen of the Pipe pope, (2) TM chee ann iawn fr coe wi aia {he Treaty of Pare of April 100 pollinate owls ‘ei pata complain of he Spenish Crown Eee ee at wl ad vol (3) The fudge was eared more (ha 6S sear bes (See 6 Hal 8) Se af Court A 14, Gl ote) 2. ase; Rie Uwe Aamo’, Wor & Witty naman rch ery expres = ht wih se x Shoegat o soice tot ee to cola n depoien of property andes ot ‘Sal oth care bleady ioe tly reece SONU Een “ue Adee’ fe Mey pe af rote ad arse intendod. Te may be sane + wl he geome ‘seals Det ot Un he lea cr Jude sa 2 saz; Puce ator ne Re, nor Peon; rie Or #10 ‘Seat Bin Poerio--While tte UD a the CO (oie dae et euie for Ue aiiy of cnt of ue thatthe ple beso eosin that te pee be enh sot et fete Woe the things old ar worth 2040960, Ie prof 00 i nt mecely poly nent ba ot eis tes ‘ovnnan Passes Nor 6 MEME Comin wor BY ToAB: enaate rbot Laon re thre a great at al VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 1, 1953, 379 Mentinola vs. Herbosa, etal ‘he vsdor woul remain In pension of the thine 8 {the et low meneip va nat paar hy mize sna bo by edn 4 Actos; HSCovERY oy Posen oy Prasat Pao: Possession wy Gow Fates Equviuers 10 Tire Erence— {Te yous tn ocd a forme property equ by Inertia te delle ta ate (Art, 26, lv) Gas) mee, atin te Teor omen 9 erin oper, ining mace prove Gate's le caer at beer et Sessr and that he alos oF had been wml ened these (Seta We Hnage, (CA) 420.0, B15) APPEAL from a judgment of tha Court of Fiest Tastance (of Manila, Gatmaitan, 2. ‘he facts are stated In the opinion of the Court Jose 4 Francisco for plaintiff and appellant. Vieoute M. Magpoc for defendant and appellee Estanls- Jao Herbosa. “Assistant Solicitor General Esmeralda Umali and Salto. tor Eriberto D. Ignacio for defendant and appellee Max carlo Oflans Ms, Jusmice Cxvisreaso delivered the opinion of the court “The plaintiff and both defendants having admitted ia their pleadings that their respective claim of ownership came from the same souree, Dofia Trinidad Rizal, there ‘vas no question thatthe Rizal relics were private property. The tial court, however, seized upoa plaintiff's testimouy that Dose Trinidad hed docked whether sbe had the ight to ell him the Rizal relics, In order to make the strange tnd abrupt finding that with reepect to the intcinsic validity of the deed of sale, Exhibit B, there wore histori= cal dats against the same, which required » narration in chronological order oftheir oecurrense in December, 1896, ‘The Court then gave the narration, the highlights of which yfee Lilian 380 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS Montinola vss Herbose, oa vere: The criminal poten of Ria before the Coe de Gaara ts Shc he tis dc the iit ok Contonstin! Be comscson forthe complete of founding gn! ancien the meane of prmoring or incising ebaon the sniene of death psd span fn witht elatnn oy the Sta ate cn cf Fingino, he abianoon Song arama to hie fei the orl ofGovenor Gena! Fol eproving Judgment tnd providing for Rinks enocton hy sisters the notation f ial f te este of lath on the 30h nf Decor, 1B wing of “MI ‘iin Ao the eve of his excton the fates delery of eld poe, hdd nan seb amp to Str, Fnaed nl inte maring ofthe oy faces tin, Desmber 30,896 the st of ncn afer le thar ner shots of Maa Traio™ we he mltary Sands playing the March de Cf andthe al =f EinIy emer toga tesa f ac, cde ie Cathatecmetery, between an widened bar eadeer fd thac of a sl, recorded ss persoes wh de In peste Sad the lcs “noe enn arin le a swltd uth ane a te ee tena oe ce KE ee BESTS Sater on can Tt nate SE LS ST ee mint Sada SGO Yee at Se Tr veass mas fn oa Noe sins Po fog ar ert fs recat ce a cone for tec Zou ton ste oe pemme du rat Sted Son i spl schon 8 wre TE nna de Ma a ws da 4 es bsegiy rt pa ney nah nie SCE Goa ede de see eS ao ogra VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1953, 3a Montinola v8. Herbosa, etal. la president dal Sr Teniele Corel Don Zon Tere ‘Aven, per very falar In eoues instead sonien Do Jost ual Meradey Alen acute de ie daltoe de rela, ‘eel y asoién Meta, le'be examina soy Sed es (lin yeild, poevia ta etare de un actencnes, bela bor Sohor Hur Testratr, vee in seal fel dst legato de defean y I aician » Iara lide pot) act ‘ily el Geax de ren ardonsie' depen. dare ow ets emcee dln dar carne ‘Sendo 2 Primers medio meeaie page cjeetar ol segundo? ferllandeeapiscaiey ce concep de ante, el prada “En ou vite, falls que dibeeondenary eondane vf dy Don nb Miele po desnmertes yn coy 2 lai, ‘le defaults abate perptee ene de buch evince do In asian por of hee de 98 i, te Sendo autor en cocople de ndemiasian al Baad liad dein il pre con In oiigusign dl teaamine Ie stern do ela idamelacia a lee berdere| ted en arreio# Ins els 188, am. 2 e raion on ln S'S 18, y B00 en sean com el sume 1 del 86,1, 6,03, 1, 9,138, 19, nim, 4,208, 6m 3, 290, nfm, 3,290, 123, fm raul en’ cl 18,'aGme 2, 7 188 y dede de general “peter el Osleo Pena ‘dal 6 proancia y manda el Conese de Cours errs fe Para, timandoin el resdente y Yeues de) Nan Jose Tegprs” Belo Redvguer—Mafee—Riearée Mutor— ernin Pirer Rodeguts—Mfanuel, Raguers—baneel Dis, oerlbano—Senlage Zeguerds’ (Bega de Ra! por Re ft Prima) a none andeetocls sinha esta ful reida po ol Go Sernuaer Deeral yaprsbada por ol mime poe meio de siguiente ‘asl 28 4 debe de 08 Conte om et anelor ictamen apratte I setenea Setade Bor al Gnajo de BRP REY 362 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 383 ‘Montnola vs, Herbosa, et a. ta ea oe impo pena de mre te ost Pons Ms fon a ue Geen pakodse per ew a sl ete maps dele tnt elt no emo Bare aun con la formalde at ely prevenePars 2 cemtimitey dee gue earrponde, Yuta al Foe Tt tee Captan B, Rute Deniaguee Conus Qe Poursa! (5 2. seman wntin onatc ee anmnernan sere maet Sern iaten pce eae Siete doe cores Some rane Soest Soe oergciee euan ee ete Sr mikieorne reece iSeries avanecaa seit ei cr tom sce reset et meena aca oee es Seen Secreta Fash Siete ee co Sine Veter nes Shin i Accmmacce fee daar reece sna sie foams eee Se one vane eerie aie aasewoer tone Seite oe oes Sn ntee ec We tave no quarrel with the narration as facts of history, but we Find error in the sdoption by the tral ‘court of the foregoing historical events as its own findings ta support its conclusion that the Consejo de Guerra’s judgment of indemnity against Ril was, and still is, ‘eli gnd enforceable, and that tn view of sad judgment, ‘the State now basa lien and rights oer all Rizal relics Montinola vs. Herbosa, et al, superior to the rights of planti or his predecessor‘ Interest and of any and all other persons whomsoever. Seid the trial court: ‘> et cuante al eal que Dusen dejade dade dese gue ne peda havo dad Iegamento bones Tals, ponte. qe ‘om ys Felis pana eondenatri le teas ems entre en mon de P10{0068 In aligacan de stare ‘eps. de a canidad sein precriba l fala se impuse Ine five a sn berets, In Nstera no ace gue fre haya io seca} 7 pista as debieron de babel cerrendidom ‘ue seg Seafo Weneslao Relana (Vi y Boeri, . 488), ta cal, pees de fants Zot Rin,» VE, come mae roe sn pennies expnenes eco hijo ex 0 mee a one oes scans um Ge Sona at btnes do ore) om fer g0 carat, y retin “amore cons veserde way hase shes stem VE (ees indo ay Impetetmos a Was cay ign goarde Dit muchos 1 Hagar Wiping, 4 Jor PM, M2, woe bacon see le mule ve ssbecenn, gate por lo Satadr Uniden al Cras el ‘Teaneck ol delembse de 188} Unnwends = Ppl Faded qveMoguna bru erste, nl lame detest, ane testis a Ratads pues rsamar doe prefer sob ts Bene Tompeco edo olegursr quid) derandanie e su ont 34 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS ‘Montvale vz Rerbosa, eta cr is te pep inp er Ge deeds ecbr Bede? storia! records show that Rizal's execution sparked the Filipino revolution sgsinet Spain. We recall the immortal word: of the great Flioino poet, Cecio Apostol, ox ‘Rizal> executions “St ana bala dstrg® fu cranco fam bien tu ide destroxé un imperio." After the overthrow ‘of the Spanish regime and the defeat of Filipino arms by the Americans, the American regime did not move forthe execution of the Judgment against Rizal and his ets with respect tothe indemnity; Instead, the American regime is accord with the sentiment ofthe Filipino people, ee- ‘ated Rizal tothe seat ofthe marty Thus, Rial became fur greatest national hero and hab rersined 20 for 8 Period of more than sixy years tordate, comprising the ‘american regine, the Coximonwesth period, and. the Republic ra. History hes thus repudiated the Spanish charge that Rival was a trait, a well a the validity of the exminal proszeding against Real In which he was denied the right of conrontation of the Spanish sentence of death and the execution of zal, and of the jidament ‘against Rizal and his ales to pay the Stats, than repre- sented by the Spanish government, the sum of P10, 000.00 5 Inderaley. To say sow, as the tal court ha, that the Judgment of indemnity against Rizal aad his heirs was. ‘and still is, valid and enforceable is error. Such holding 1s a repudiation ofthe verdict of history in favor of Ra. 1 fs error to bold thae the judgment of the Spanish Counl of War Is stl enforceable against the estate and hairs of Ril, and that the elie in question belong to the Repiblic of the Paippiaes because the adjudged ‘indemnity of 710000000 hae never been satisfied, To sustain the enforcement of the Spanish judgment of the he VOL: 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963, 385 © Montinola vs, Herbose, eal. Indemnity against the Rizal relics, aside from Being le- ‘gall impossible, would be ta rewrite the verdict of history that Rizal died a hero of the Filipino people. ‘The trial court went further and held that the-Rizal relic in litigation were property of the State from a dif fereat point of view, to wit, that Rizal's "Utime Adios” fs a holographic will The lower court's reasoning is as Fallows: dems, ok cudit eter tadaia sobre Ia ead ‘do prendnt vlan, tevin de sepvntacin ot lover iene contain, Ca pola Min Fen a “Alids, Fakio eran, eeén det so) ee, ela de Mar te Orient, mueto perelde dt, ‘Aste vy ne, Ie tte, mtn 1 fare a Seon mas ey de Sai, “Eo campos do baal, Iecunde con deli uzr eda so vay ale dud st ues ‘Be wud portay ed Ina Helo Caiaso 6 camps able, eames 6 cre met 1 lomo en fo pen in Patie 7 ol hope ‘emer, ead ws que id ov ern YY al tin andosin ol la was Ionege apes 41 gran cean, par Wale te butera, {Vera te acre iy derdnala cn boen er, YY diva ur uf dou mate tt ‘ale mete, eunie apenas modhacbs adeeznta tis stn etna Jovy Yu Han de Vents Posron eh vernon fye Gel Mar de Oriente ‘Stee en neers feat Ie teen foe, ‘Sine, serra in tanchas de Tube, “Encnte de vid, ml ariate vie athe, (Salud te teeta, gue prone va pure "alot ay que es emose ent por dare wl, Dore par dete Via, ote bao tee, + Slanbre mi alers vires bri, em i, Ente ease gerbe stelle burl fn, + daisthiate COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS ‘Montinola vs: Herbose, eta. 4 cee oe Actas tat ho y ban na ‘eta een fet te Ia be 8, ‘ets terme) 6 Gh eve, "Deja In na ver onl trangia 7 me; Daj gue ae evs 0 soplonerSops "Data que del anéodn, Ia yas evapo {Fa eke tren pas, con mada cpr Deja gue we ar enigo fr fern ‘on ins seems tare, case pr gen or; re tabi 98 Pav or ml decano 8 io ‘a per taee causes roan in wee or ene podedern ementn al ‘or tats pobre madre uv lee 42 amteses} Poe trance vids, pret en Ht, ‘ove part gue vs tree tna Y aie slo woerr goin veo al ML pee Malta dlr den dlrs, CuertPlpn oe pater SAM te dae toda mis pobre, rie mere, Sy donde xo ey eee, erage Hepat ‘Donde Ie 26 no mata ote ete De "aie adres y herman, a a ‘Aig et inti nl pone haar, . VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 387 Montinala vs, Herbosa, 2t a Dad grag, gee decors al Zinn a ‘dug ke eee sn amigny i aleplas ‘Adie, queries seven Moir wt dunn” Se nolan gue om a eslarin 39 (yl Drs Biel eis "ARI a dae tedot No eate dari gon el prononiee Me” we rere fle Putsiny ne debe de entender oa tei tl Testes destin Océan Meclocanio poate gue or 48 700, le iran scrote dee poole al Topi ‘aula of ec etael feta: "Sitang Pipi, lps hong binicng, Sunt ne male bo sean ay pou Hiling pasa eas fy fran ‘Ang lat at bln tno 2a bay? ys Kage por Chases Desyshize be side tedactn eta pate ‘My tethand ene, that wakes te my sero onde Beloved Pits, hear ow my et geoys! [pee thee, porate bd dred nd render ‘For go where ns slave bate the oppresir bende ‘Where ftth ea never Kl on€ Obd eles er om Wah ‘tea dead gue de Jo que hablere de dja sre bred yor a Pati, In pucia wens ter In expres de que wl Scots expat sue mat pretundiesetinesee ne gaits al hase perder ‘nretar Join de qu er un etamento (Peete HD 20) por ete went de spate tre dete er ao terme ‘seat, vals eden leinlon ntncen gente (Act 8, CC Gr Eipeta. Sh cabo alaear em cmt wo males de qe to ‘Spenbu date me die dese ctorgunienis ofa ou fee ‘al eamo se regen ln ley eve cad tmblen be det ‘te bay Jvipradercin (eames V: 636) ave dle gue tales Te sterol eon sin oy toy on pss tapes pode pease ge in verre o posi Be Few poor en cain son hr sucess ju afro, mo pote. ‘etr de urine in somanon de ev tl dnements te eed la vopere a dl fusaslena, Em cuanto la Em 1a Tee Toot Gatmaytan, jg COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS “ontinola vs. Herbosa ex a. nin dele Cats Seprena de Papua dB de Jeno 4 198, SStitece gor Mann (V5) tee que ec rt Joe Soin amlon att ponds dnt alee por Dov termi ome ge = prestarse # frvaninctn nto ce Jo cay afin depate dee unt a (etn, tat come ae pre eee! Ar 683 el Clg Civil de Samia pot lo gui den yoo por mao Gun te Sonny cna tse rege Sede ol pris Cie Cul de lip. a ede, Sede ara doa ley ater 245, it eatin Btn ein pes Ge coetin, sade o2 Fibliog oie mkine demand, dite SG coe "Ulm Ade foc trae D. Ral, 11 Tncev, i Gonads deal tbe prac = erie {h fur time su timid. La pow tone vin de la {Se vrai yt ide Pte go eB {soe hbdn heron manaco que Fle at ia do Ss an unten, 7 son st oa iba bot tart or Dr Eh to bala Gado Drees fons 3 ‘npne ik srcnn de qo a denusnte n dee adjaeroe 1 puoi en velay cane, Br eur une ot i garg tie coe cle wands pare pr aloe id, de tro ta el a ran to Dit, Dr, Bi baie igen queen regis Fon seme fon dh prea ‘dads sintaas sas dl i pee: vida emia vendo ior mero deo ren ona ei ews de nse 7 lexan, tate guy 0 pare ieoote dn (icin dee spas Sar: ‘Petgans Sten ciwiceont wom, dvteant watinont ess, ‘ere enti lr quod ese er Prophet VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 389 Montinola vs. Herbosa, etal, tet: Divnrons ni vtinentn me, ot superetc ‘espots gus le haber ervefndey Tyee {Seer eee x sue verbo, ehunde eau on fee cat Pb in prfute que diet Repvicon exiy rn worse, {P soruaron tina! (Mate EVIE 3) ‘ome que Ie ereanans de Riza ven de reuerdefaperndero. {tis apparent that the law was given a strained intere pretation, Rizal's "Ultimo Adios” is a literary piece of work and was so intended. 1 It were Intended as « will the poem would have been entitled “Ultima -Voluntad” and not ‘Ultimo Adios” "The words: An, aj tds ie aden, vb mer”, Jn the third line of the 13th stanza of the poem, merely ‘xpress a thought of parting, not of bequeathing, Besides. Rial at that time has ino known property worthwhile ‘bequaathing 19 his baloved Philippines or to, which his country could be instituted as helt Ts also to be nat that the word “dejo” whose English equivalent i "lave" was, apparently, wrongly translated into “give” by Charles Derhyshize, whose English version of "Ahi, te dejo todo, sis padres, mls amores" is, "To thee I give al, my parents, amy Kindred and frlends".’ ‘An instrument which morely expresses a last wish as @ ‘thought or edvice but does not contain a disposition of property and was not executed with annus testandi, ‘anot legally be considered will, Such instcment, ike Rinal's “Ultimo Adios", may be considered a wil in the ‘grammatical sense, bot notin the legal or juridical sense ‘The mandatory provisions of the Spanish Civil Code fof 1889 on holographic will, the imperative application we |? oa RRAKS 399 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 391 “Morinala ve. Horboas, oa ——IE———e of which was evaded by the tlal court by giving the Shme a strained and allen Interpretation, areas follows: ‘hae 88 ologcapie wil am only be excl by pore of ase ‘order tat the yh be valid mt be denn on amped er ‘correspening tothe eet of te enon, mon nis fairey by te Winer aad elgned AyBim and mvt soa 2 etment ofthe yur, month end ap af een 1 shuld stan any exe cece, o inna word (ae union mint Menty Gomer he spsetare orgs in eet brats we he we eage” “Ane t6, Hdeprophs wile ast be polled snd sll raented for ie purge the jude wf fee Iaanes of te Tat dma of the tee, oF the sao the place where be ed tin ve youre oom bu day af be tila deat Wie esis rouse shal no be a” [Assuming arguerdo that Rizal's “Ultimo Adis", pari ularly the third ine ofthe 1th stanza, was 2 holographic Will, che noncompllance wich the foregoing mandatory Provisions of the Spanish Clvil Code rendered the will ‘worthles. , Te il our ay leat if zal a ef eng perty the same is sill subject to the superior len o evens fort prymen of te Spach Tadgnest ot fndeznnity for 7109000.00 against bm and kis heirs We Cannot sustain this holdiug. The charge of the Spanish (Ceow agalnst Ril a5 for a erime with political com- plesion, for "founding iliee associations”, as » means Df inciting or Snducing rebellion. Ite legal axiom ehat topon a change of sovereignty, all political ac! or acts ‘with political complesion become null and ved ‘The Supreme Court of the United States in Pollard ws. Hagan (1845), 3 How, 210, quoted by the Supreme Court Gf the Pulippines In’ People vs. Pefecto, 43 Phil. 887 sid aur Montinola vs. Herbosa, f al 1 ana be edited Hat he King of Spin cad by sant of oterven, gat te the preoatives; much eorex i be ated that the have i tro trig tna i abc he Cut Sf the goverment cing 1" ‘The fundamental principles for the protection of the life, liberty and property of tha individual "which are che base of all free governments” and upon which the American nation was bull, acted as a retrition upon the exercise of the authority of Congress over the Philippines. (Balzac ‘oe Pusrto Rico, 288, US. 298, 66 L. ed 627). Conse ‘quently, such crimes as fase’ mafesce and. scandalum ‘again, offenses committed against the high officials ‘of the Governmeat of the Crown, were crowded out ofthis Surisdction upon the effectivity of the Treaty of Pari Tt follows thet upon the change of sovereignty and by viciue of the Treaty of Paris on April 1, 1899, which ceded the Philippines to the United States of America, all political acts er acts with political complexion of the Spanish Crown, the former sovereign, including the afore- ated judgment of the Consejo de Guerra against Rizal, ‘became ipso facto-null and void: eis now also legally impossiblé to enforce the Judgment of indemnity against the Riza relies, for under See. 6, Rule 38 of the Kules of Court, and Art. 1148 of the Cis Code of the Philippines, » judgment can be enforced by ‘motion within § years from the date of its entry, and Thereafter within a period of 10 years by an ordinary action, provided it has not been barred by the stata of limitations. The judgment in question having been 2n- tered more than 6$ years ago is no longer enforceable and cannot be revived legally The appellant consinds that he acquired ownership of the six Rizal relies in litigation by purchase from Dota AS LATS gj «COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 393 ‘Montinola vs. Herbosa, et ab Trinidad Rizal by means ofthe publi Instrument of sale, Exhibit The Rlzal alc i tigation are the following: 2. The original painting of Rizal in oll by Tuan Luna; 3. The original crayon painting of Leonor Rivera by Rina! 4. A silver pen of Rll which he won as frst pee in 4 literary contest 5, The woolen clothes of Rial which he ware in Europe and America; and 6. The two top hats of Riza Exhibit B ented "Bseritura do Venta” enumerates tnd describes sixteen Rizal relies allegedly sold by Dofia ‘Trinidad to Earigue P. Montinola for the price of P10. ‘The instrument of sale wae notarized by Notary Public McD. Melotindes in and for te City of Mana en Septem ber 13, 1990, the same date of its supposed execution by Doda Trinidad Rizal. It reads “scRiroRA DE VENTA SEPAN TODOS Los GUE LA PRESRIETE VIEKEN. ‘QUE YO, TEIMIDAD RIGAly sete, Pip, re deed, 1 wcin de Oued de Manly TFs'por7 et mcercin tafe ee ON PESO (0) moves ping, eben ee ne esi a! ater antec eS ENESGUB F- MONTY, Gaind & Manay CP, vatibe, abd, ¥ BRASS a de 8c. BNRIQUE P” MOWTINOUA' sae beds + erveahtinng 1 sgvnvesetiedae persnnos de) cman, Be Sot Bah ‘orb ado ca ede! 1 as neta (0) ears dei eas, De, Jnd Ril siguse dee tin ft, ec me ple y ney oy "Uns cain pil pre grader gaan Derm, De To Rak ee ge Montinola vs. Herbosa, et al 5. Uno aja de cen do ursnler resides por mt ero, Dr Jone Ria en Dupont Dot ee 182 a Er “4 Ur athe de fami del Dr, Jon Ria, fechas on Lane ees eV de Toto de, ee 5 Disonsto Hope oom lot Hite “S.R Sin Comann’(Cstatonsio) el Dr. Soué Ries 1 Posmas dl De, Joo Rl et 24 pate Ts 8, Uon, avp-vita de slomiale del Dr, Joa lal, co lor (ails "UR" y "Eanes SE; 8 Aleuos sre conten dl Dr, Jools 1, Un par de peas de bere oe Dr Joab Ran; HL. Pintrs en es conn yo (Sviniad Wien) era jon: IE Eder de sll dente se bu aguzrinde 303 Uline adi ai'Be Sod Beal, 8, Pre de pita eso prior prom de on ertamen de 16, BI olga Gas del De, Sea Riel pero pintor Juan ane vigil de Maia Clava ox erage po DJ i EN TESEIMOMIO DE LO CUAL, firme Ia preenis om In Glotad fe Mane 1-F, by 18 au Septenbre de 080. (61a) Tam eae Bw maseven (Sou) VALENTIN o. MONTES (God) ERIBERTO 0. CORDON sevtmaca 96 remus) ease or mea) a En hed de ally {Ps top 39 Sette, 1K ‘Da, Toidad Rieu, sin cerfioudo de reidunein por raaoe de ‘de espn dor th Se monn por wr ls Peon Oa8 Sagi al wesinin aeons de tain 9 eis er AV sles So ete en Mine Sond y lepee so 2 (PRA soa COURT OF APFEALS REPORTS —— enna va Heroaa eal etn 4 anime te smite! y Eales ei Bons wee ‘Notarie Paice ses ete Dee de 161 ag, Noto 2 Pag Net Le fe fe a 080" jvtefnatrument, EX Azcordng to appellant the prio priate ntrment, Ex: fhbve © daced. July 25, 1969, signed by Dosa Tri Bie, atte the te pice of 7200000 of al the Rial ales sold by Doda Trinidad Riza to him and emsmera! in Exhibit B. Behibit C siz smper0 De, Zak ay trl el Yo Sewer ate FG's fw fem ae me Don “Sie ee rowe 5 STAD 8 rao ons oe a ‘ute bean a Dr, St Be Seno mum oy voce 18, cn be mate ne caence Held 108 EL 2 ne hn ante Be rn Deon, 28 de Sale S868 (Pee Ta ioai0.8) (se) Tuya Be (entra) spa) watars F Pace “Tain (es) 3. cmos . rae VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 395 Montinola ve, Herbosa, al Appellant also alleged that upon the execution of Exh. B, Ihe tock possession of all the things sold, except the six (6) relics in question which, upon Dota Trinidad’s re- quest, were left In her possession until her death. Dota ‘Trinidad Rizal died on May 9, 1951. Dafendant-appellae Estanislao Herbos, nephew of Dota ‘Trinida Rizal, admits that he hae in bie possesion the following three (3) Rizal relics in litigati 1 The alechol lamp where Rizal hid his poem “Mi hima Adiée"; 2 The original painting of Rlzal by Juan Luna; and 3. The original crayon painting of Leonor Rivers by Rizal He claims that the alechol lamp was given to him by his stunt, Desa Trinidad Rial; that he took said lamp fom ‘Dr haldo who was then in possession thereof, sometime In the last month of 1950 or the first month of 1951; that in compliance with Dota Trinidad Rizal's last wish, Ine lighted the alcohol lamp beside her bier as shown in the "Saturday Mirror” pleterial of May 13, 1981, Exh. 1; that the crayon painting of Leonor Rivera was Ukevwise gived to him by Dotia Trinidad in the middle of 1950 togsther with the painting of Riza by Juan Luna because, according to Dofa Trinidad, the two palintings should not be separated, DDefendantappellee Macario Oflana clalme that on June 19,1950, at the mauguration of the reconstructed Calamba faraily home of Rial, then President Quirino of the Phil- ippines verbally directed Luis Montille, Director of the Navional Library and Chairman of the Philippine Histo- cal Committee, to retrieve and collect all the furniture and relice eft by Rizal. Acting on said directive, Director Monilla requested appellee Ofna, then Secretary of the (Committee, to gather and take possession of the scetered * Ail Lipa, 306 «COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS VOL, 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 397 Montvale vs. Herbosa, et a ae ee furiture and zelics left by the national hero from the surviving members of Rizal's family in Marla and the pearby provinces. AS soon as appellee Ofana acquired {ald roles and other peroonel property left by the hero, [he deposited them at the Rizal Shrine at Fort Santiago. Appellee Ofiana admitted that among the relice thus de- pptited by him at the Shrine are the hero's two top hats Gelivered’ by the hero's nephew, Dr. Ubakdo, and the ‘woolen clothes delivered by hic sier Doi Trinidad Rizal, Dbut denied having received the silver pen which Rizal had ‘ion as first prize in a literary contest, Appellant Ofiana rade an inventory of all the Rizal relies in bls custody for the Committe, marked Exhibits 1-Ofiana, 1A to FR, inclusive, Director Montilla made « formal report to the ‘President of the Philippines of the work of the Committe in charge of the gathering and callection of the hero's mementos and memorabilia, which were ine stalled In Fort Sentlago as pert of the permanent Rnalana exhibits. The furaltire remained tn the Rizal family ome at Calamba ‘The court a quo refused to give eect to Exhibie B in relation to Exhibit C of pleltiffappellant because of cxrtin circumstances ‘which strongly mitted against ‘the validity and effcecy of Exhibit B, and affected the Integrity thereof, The tral court sid: ‘Ssaminads hs prebay el organ eeseice ue Ut cane 6 donate et sate Yar a dormeta Btail BY bor ot tetimse dd Norio Pots Se Mano D, Malin be porn no; po nd, of Saxo hn cade gue doc ‘eet ex dplado cable ¥ nw vga wana ‘hw tia den vendodra pero a acalén dl Reta gat Ae ink rtifend, dee alge gb deer porn acpi teal ue tna ¥ que wp In pest al Furgads came as eq 1 15 inane a ade 1986 am shea (3) ater Somat Lang, de Sr cert ieee de Dona de que 38 We io St wr Montinola vs, Hlerbosa, et al 30 foc a) Bak, 32 bin deigue le wees aburede todar fl ozo decumensy Hah, B, ol Tusade eneuenre fncaprentic eto ws queen aguel peer daca Eade Gynt ae enelena ‘qe le yest rely vordderamereiebye toad agen 15 pa ‘Utne poe, win aso apes que Josenes Te oman €e Jan doe (12) pone que fron auprmica. 1 Jexgndo tom ‘%.g a espa de loi faves que queer en poselin €¢ In‘veeddora: st Dentin dee que eo xe debe gue Doda ‘ose e, por cet, baeta eleion ol June ne 2m ‘ronda por ut Mostnls no xine sigur ura ete al efato {eiqee Doba nied reels parte lor efector weedider Y 36 1 ica gue ere tguecimienta era dafick, yg In ve vislent, or reple go Mons ne western, pores Dat lat Imlgnee Ea, By Cy vemos qv tpear Je sbeapeely Mentinle fd'fie yal ee, pido uj6 gue se otorgne cl dowmete de ‘ota rutaver, Adem, sf como Sobasa dt, quel pele {Gta delete ola 38 pastas ee de P2000000 9 gue Al J6 bie ies, pagane pare de ‘tre prin desea BAC, {setae on lo fcha @ famaicamnte enter de le fecha ae Segmds denmerta, Enh. of It de Sptenee de 3064, Dar- {tad m0 comprende el por gob tviera que gees etl sence ‘ecamente Ge qe el prvi cre solamente Ge an peso (PA99). Yak Slee oyna gue dso shen poe Defa Tonal we queria Se iin ne Se gue St Mee, penne fe nyu deetinte Dele Tomidbe Lr Qin “x Prope, el Soeeao ba otto que ls ites fa Bx dmestan brrnes Agate ee de Ta fru tongues dal Sh Cy 9 Silo e104) ere a aru de P0000, (y nad hay on as Frets fue amuance que Daye rade fondo 6 que tlre mostde ontante autre en In fecha Gel Eph Be Stgade ener pS LIBR Aas 398 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS Montinola ve. Herbosa, et a, sede eile dearacién dx Jenin Baa 4 goe We sunbed pe {de pr Mensole a 36 de Soe‘ 100 en Ue PaUU00 7 No InN Del all eng end gue sn ge pate del ‘BAL G, elder Sethe deriga por be duce elem eu Y 6 abled nada es ae procs a eos gue ademas dees ‘zm enresin ol 9 Se fo Be 12, one Habe Degas Se PL wm cBeh.'Betcpaéa 0138 ae epibee de 160 a0 a weed 7 que ol verde praco em Ge FIDBINE, Timms) sin aber alt le abe Dos Tid pan rluvien tm Doe mete ‘he tind ela fteso a 98 maye de BSD, Soe {tee cprendh io w qan en ningun pare Ue te preet be demotade leur Anode Bede pure pode we Sezer por ser sno, Imeditaente drys ce marie Dob tide, poet ru ane be pies en ls pcaios (Exh 2 & Hoe {yearns «ts Vemandndr ms wn ato opus Ss aye de 101 (Ech D)y sono 29 de spine 128 {em BE, Haeed om Appeal We agree wth the foreglng Ending of thee cout which ate bore ost byte retords andthe ede We fader bold tts (1) Eshiit Bis» separate and distinct contract fom shit and that Mb B eamot wand valid 8 contract of sale, for thereon that the sated ale of PL far hinge worth at eet #2050. 0 flemt es amount to no price at all tina pice tha i "soi acrrdng te the Tallancommetatrs. While the aw (Art 147, nw 1469, rw Civil Code) dows ot equi for the vty of the sontet of i, tht the Fic be adaaas it onduina that the prea be ral and Hot cdGour Ite obvious Ga he pre of PLO9 stated wh 3) LIBRAR: VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963, 399 ‘Montinola ve. Herbosa, a al fn Exhibit B is not merely grossly inadequate, but that 4 fo not real, chet i is fettions. Neither can the inst ‘ment (Exhibit B) be considered valid as a donation, under ‘Art. 1471, Civil Code, there being no showing that it was Intended a gift. (2) Dota Trinidad Rie! could not have sold the she (6) Rizal relics in litigation to Entique P. Montinola on Sep- ‘tember 13, 1950, because the aleabol lamp, the portrait cof Leonor Rivera by Rizal, and the painting of Rizal by Juan Lunt were then in ‘the custody of her nephew, ‘Dr. Aristo Ubaldo, and thres months later, she gave sald slics to her other nephew, defendant-appllee Estanisieo Herbosa, while the two top hats remained in the eustody (of Dc, Ubaldo until he delivered the sarne to defendant. ‘appellee, Macario Ofiana. Dofia Trinidad turned over lectly to sald Ofiana, the woolen clothes of Rizal. It is to be remembered thst Dosa Trinidad Rizal was reared And bred in the honest and honorable waye of our fathers and it is unthinkable that she could have been guilty of double dealing and dishonesty, of decsit and esta, by alenating agai certs Rial lis which she had already sold. (3) We give no credence tothe testimony ofthe alleged ‘buyer, plaintifsppellant Montinola, thet he did not tale possession of the six (6) Rizal relics in question because Dols Trinidad Rizal requested that she remain in posses sion thereof during her lifetime, (4) Even if Exhibit B vere given effect, the execution cof sd public Instrument did not constitute symbolic ‘tadition because of the agreement that the vendor, Dosa, ‘Teinidad Rizal, would romain in possession ofthe things sold, “Hence, the buyer did not acquire ownership, for {in the civil Iw, ownership does not pase by mere consent Dut by tradition. (3),The setion of the alleged yendee, Montinole, fs 4o0 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS ‘Montinola vs, Herbose, eta. ‘bared by laches. Dia Trinidad Rizal died on May 9, [95I., Plaintifés action was brought only on Novenber 28, 1955. There was an uareasonable delay of several Jeass im bringing the action for which no satisactory ‘Roplination was given (Tuason vs, Marquez, & Phil 381, Shee there was delay of 16 months in bringing the action Und the Court held that it was barred by laches). At Tuas, plains unreasonable delay in suing is indicative Gf the lack of merit of his claim. “(Vatea wx. Preto, GAG. R. No, 2706¢-R, promulgated Des 29, 1961; Glenin ti De los Reyes, CA-G. B, No. 0306-R, June 30, 19563 Vega vs ll, 1 0, G, No. 10 (1942), p. 690; Sancher vs Salazer, CA-GR. No. 16425-R, April 11, 1958; Buena ‘ventura ve, David, 37 Phil. 43) “With, respect t0 the claim of defendantappellee Her~ ‘ora, we Find that his possesion of the aleobel lamp, the rayon portralt of Leanor Rivera by Riza, and the peint~ fae of Rizal by Tuam Luna, acquired by lucrative tithe fram his aunt, Dols Trinidad Riza, [s equivalent to & tile, pursuant to Art $59 of the Civil Cade, paregraph fone of which provides: Migse m2 The pesestin of propor som i poet aid Gusset 2 ia Novel, one Mo Bas Tat ny OSE ee elewtliy ded tor, oay eee Ht ‘The plaintigtappellnt Montnola having failed «0 prove {hot be was the owner or priot possessor of said Rizal folies nnd that he had lost the same ot had been unlaw- fully deprived thereof, has established no case for To overy of possesin of the movables from appellee Gferbora. In Sotto vs. Enage (CA) 43.0. G. 5075, the Court of Appesis, speaking ther, Sustce Reyes J-B-L.» civilian and jurist, seid “athe mt inf the oan that in eto fer the sete ot meneble eer, tbe Habe of ney Is A whee the VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 401 Montinola vs, Herbosa, ah ocme of the cai bag ha soya good and Sndtiba Bicyctet wher ptt Ws the fare Owner and hae bon {eens dev teen. ‘TAs lash fom the tet of arte 6 forw Are BH) af our Gt Cale ara 12° coer era sting Stes on mae re ‘Bl dhe a in Ge Onde ee ak ola one Preemie of ie pan fh dt ght vad egiat ibe tua owen sept ten poe ef aa 9 Shu Gripen" Tis prof ie Sy Tdapemaue soe, ¢ ‘ona tou ea wr of atv crn tne inal pia, te ome her ean nat bt hie defean ven ify an Pom he has to ata Pee hee hemi erty Imai fe re Ar tn fact coun that the powcr ms yet he wma, don 2 ahve unt where the Foams has cet au neaabis {ie by et ws uy, verse peneion for he ney Deri 8 Droat of ins oF High deportion sve wal the Zormer over i chat wutd o ge b eli! to rcover i er ‘ow the elias far the plat pany inndenste oo asin "the alleged en! degration ov eshenton eel Ar aot tra); ot tor ern bi ton at a ‘On the whe, we eof the opinion Eat the evidence dos ot vsran the sodng of consbeton meade in ht ecm of te {ek cme A reading of the eon epee fom cacy ws fiat Ge tra fdge at sight of he oe estan’ in Arte 124 ome ASS) of the Gel Co aed onthe tery {i pail ep hie ockin sere he pind otal (crvats the gif af te queen ie'vbulbr Hall war Healy Ste of Se soni nt wth tn a ee ‘Gerda. tenant posunion "athe cht Ia goed fhe ‘ftcene te onthe ng! desiatin of former oer I ‘Sty pov, ich wat nk done * = = Over and above the reasons stated for the intsinsic svalidity of the Deed of Sale to plaintif-appellant Mont nla, ie the paramount consderstion chat the signature LIBRE 402 COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS Kao Ngo Ang vs. Republic of the supposed vendee Dosa Trinidad Rial is a forgery. ‘This Court, with the conformity of appellant and appel- oes, by Resolution of October 19, 1961, referred Exits B,C, 6 and 6-A to O-l to the National Bureau of In- ‘estigation with a view to determining the genuineness of the sigature purperting to be that of Doha Trinidad Rigel in Exhibit &. On Fobrusry 12, 162, the National Bureau of Investigation’: report was received by this Court, pertinent portion of which is a5 filo “pinpings-concs 0%: ‘onperaive examin ot the spines seed eras that are ave agniontiterees mp hontcing charcarit ‘Slag teween te gas ond the spleen, ‘hs ose tha the geod slmaare we Mer waitan ty ome, TD Boat” ‘As regards the claim of defendant.eppelee Ofiane, we also find that is possession of the two top hats woqsired from Dr. Acisteo Ubaldo, nephew of Rial, and of the woolen clothes, acquire? from Dota Trinidad Rizal, is ‘quivalent to ttle and that, for the seme reasons here- tofore given, plaintiff-appellant Montiola has proved 20 case For recovery ofthe possession of said movables from appellee Herbose ‘The judgment ofthe lower court is revesud The com> pleint is dismissed, with costs against plaintiff appellant castro and Villomer, 72, cones: Judgmen reversed (We ORR, Feerty 34, Kuo Neo ANG, petitioner and appelles vs, Raouauie of ‘ae Pagcareness, respondent and appellant. ae VOL. 3, FEBRUARY 14, 1963, 403 ‘Kao Ngo Ang vs, Republic at cnet be ded tt oral ere, ‘oul ot be aught under ste me twedng mt by Avs Ia of the Gill Gio, Bet mast be ‘had oct an appropriate aston why al the pers te be dtced by the Intended sorcectin, eng the Stale re nade Tepindote APPEAL from a, judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Vasquez, J ‘he facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. Assistant Solicitor Genaral Pacifico P. de Casiro and Solicitor Octavio R Ramirez for respondent and eppellent ‘Romero & Romero for petitioner and appellee. Lucene, J: rom a decision of the Court of First Instance of Maula directing the Local Civil Registrar to change the nation- ality of Kao Ngo Ang, as it appears on the birth certificate of his daughter Debbie Ong Ang, from “Flliino” co “Chines,” the Seliciter-Gencral appealed contending, in the main, that the supposed erroneous entry Is not a clerical mictake which might be corrected by jdicial sanc- ‘on under Article 412 of the New Civil Code especially where, at In the case under donsideration, the evidence adduced is uterlyinsulicient to establish the commission of a clerical error. In aupport of bis petition Kao Ngo Ang alone tested and his testimony, Insofar as ft besrs upon the alleged ‘erroneous entry, js as fellows SQ this sth certs, B.A, thre peas in the tuee tercepenng to the father of the cia your saoniy here a> pen se Flip, What san you tll sot at? ‘AMT ed nor bl Tam a pon cht Paes

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