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1. How did your family and community help or guide you in preparing for a four-year college?

Please rank
from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Not At All" and 5 = "Very Much", and explain:
5) My family has instilled the idea that college was the right path in life and so on my own I've done the best
to get everything done for college and be prepare. 4) My family has also encouraged me to push myself into
combating obstacles of life; if I can make it through things then I can persevere through a university and
push forward to my life goals. 3) My family's income is spent mostly on medical bills for five of the six family
members. 2) My community and school has offered many programs and workshops that allow me to get an
understanding of universities I'm interested in. 1) Around me, I see a lot of people who can achieve greatness
and to not fall behind I want to find my own greatness, and so I would like to find it in my university career.

2. Do you have an adequate workspace at home to study? If not, please explain. *

I do have an adequate work space at home. I am able to find a space in which I can efficiently do any work
and finish any tasks that I'm given. It has enabled me to put the best effort into my work and not stress
myself on the environment; I don't live in a good and well made home but I have found my little sanctum
away from the mess in and outside my house.

3. a) Does your high school provide adequate educational resources (such as teachers, counselors,
assistance with course selection and college admission planning, books, facilities, size, and location)? If not,
please explain. b) Did anything prevent you from taking more advanced college preparatory courses? If yes,
please describe what prevented you. *
My high school does provide adequate resources: the teachers are incredibly helpful and spend their time
reaching to every student they have time for, we students are given multiple resources out of school to study
on our own time, and we are constantly encouraged to join AP classes and clubs to become well rounded
students. Although the size of my school is expanse and the city isn't the most crime-free area in the state,
we are given many helpful programs to receive aid.
I was not prevented from taking as many advanced and college preparatory classes because I did what I felt
would be good enough for me. I see that a lot of people also take similar courses but I feel that I am in the
right position where I stand, having a total of eight advanced placement classes and passing them all.

4. If you were involved in an academic outreach program (EAOP, MESA, Talent Search, Puente, Upward
Bound, AVID, etc.) during high school, explain your level of involvement and what you gained from your
participation. How did your involvement affect your academic achievement? *
I have been involved in AVID since the sixth grade, learning proper noting techniques and discovering
inquiry skills for other classes in that year. Later on, AVID began preparing my to follow universities and plan
my high school career so that I can meet the state's requirements. After that, I participated into various
community services, such as summer day care work and a lab assistant for my AP Biology class, as part of a
grade. Currently, I am getting help in applying for universities. AVID has opened a door for me to become
more academically successful by helping me become prolific in classes and decreasing much of the
problems I was facing in certain subjects.

5. Describe any personal circumstances that have affected your ability to achieve academically (such as
working, family responsibilities, etc.). *
Some of the things that have affected my academic achievement are my family's income and some of my
shyness. My family's income is exclusively reserved because much of it goes to medical expenses,
groceries, and paying for rent. We are left with little for ourselves and so sometimes I cant go out and
completely pay for tests and applications. The latter makes me very dependent on fee waivers since that's
the only way I can pay for things which are important for my college acceptance and that can ease spending
if credit is taken by the university. My own shyness has pushed me back from being outgoing and I've
missed out on presentations, participating, and simple class projects which make me go in front of the class.
Although I do well in class I know that I could do so much more if I didn't let my shyness get in the way.

6. What have you done to make your school or community a better place? *
In my community, through the National Art Honors Society, I have aided in spreading the arts by conducting
gallery walks through the city once every month. In those gallery walks I set up and instruct art activities for
every pedestrian to enjoy a community funded event. I have helped kids be exposed to art as well as adults.
Being able to go out and give this lesson in expressing themselves while at the same time expressing myself
in my own art as well is something I take very proudly; I have helped people find ways to show what they
want and how they feel through a medium I can enjoy and benefits others. I know that I have helped others.

7. As an IAP Scholar you are required, in part, to go back to your high school and encourage students to
apply to the Incentive Awards Program, UC Berkeley, and other institutions of higher education. How would
you motivate and inspire younger students from your community/high school to pursue a college degree? *
My story is that before I entered high school I was completely illiterate and failing both in and out of school. I
was inspired to try my best in the beginning because I wanted to see a world where I didn't fail, even if I
didn't have a dream to run for. Within time I had instilled in myself a dedication to a dream career and I knew
that to get there I would have to go through many stations in life, and college was one of them. I'm not saying
that everyone has to start where I did, but I will say is to find what moves them. If they can see the road
ahead and understand that they can make it, and can pull through it no matter what, then they can follow that
road to their goals. To get there, college is a station they can go through to continue ahead.

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