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Systematic Observation Report
Evaluation Team
October 28th, 2015
Week #4

1.) Overview
This is a report of a week of activities that were led by Sheldon Simas outside on the
field at Cleveland Elementary. This week of lessons was based on the skills of
underhand serving and returning in the sport of badminton. There were two total
lessons during the week October 28th. There were approximately fifteen students,
all of which were assumed to have no experience in the aforementioned skills,
however Sheldon did try to extend/ relate the skill to underhand throwing. It was an
interesting week, with a large amount of behavioral issues and equipment misuse.
The equipment needed was 25+ cones, 25+ badminton rackets and approximately
15 birdies. None of which were color specific.

2.) Systematic Observation 1
The first observation I completed was the SoFit analysis. I was very impressed with
the level of MVPA yet again. The calculated MVPA% came out to about 48 or 50
percent of the lesson. The instant activity was one that demanded constant
movement and the lesson enabled students to spend a good deal of time engaged in
the activity. Students did spend some dead periods receiving instruction, but
obviously not enough to drop the MVPA% too low. I think there is still some room
for improvement in the length of time students are receiving instruction. I feel that
anytime instruction periods stretch beyond 2-3 minutes, you lose the ability for any
of your instructions to absorb into the audience. Especially such a young audience.
Instruction can be delivered in the same quantity, but in shorter more brief lengths.
3.) Systematic Observation 2
The second systematic observation I completed was the teacher feedback and
questioning. I love this observation sheet because it really gives you insight into how
smoothly the lesson went. Even if you arent there in person, you can easily see the
tone of the lesson if you review a completed feedback sheet. This lesson was a tough

subject matter to tackle. With that being said, there were some serious issues with
students remaining on task and engaged. I noticed some children even complaining,
I hate this! and of course that attitude can spread like wildfire. The issue was only
their lack of efficacy and success related to the task. If Sheldon takes the opportunity
to smooth out the amount of success they see with the activity, their enjoyment and
patience levels will go up right away. Feedback in this lesson was largely related to
the behavior and the organization of students. Some of the feedback was
individually directed, other feedback was to the entire group. Regardless, the clear
goal is to really get some quality direction and feedback related to constructing and
molding student performance and improving their self-efficacy in the task.
4.) Closure
All in all, this week of lessons was tough. A lot of behavioral issues arose within the
lessons, and many students had a tough time working the skill of badminton.
Throughout this Systematic Observation Report you may notice my frequent use of
the term efficacy. This is because, the early connotations and emotions attached to
specific tasks are important, if a student doesnt enjoy a task because they struggle
with it in elementary school, they are very unlikely to participate in it later on. In
result, the amount of success they see in a skill is important and just as important to
verbally highlight. They must have enough self-confidence to adhere to later more
difficult activities without giving up.

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