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5 Science 1


Based on the diagram 8.1 the problem faced by the plant

are soft muddy soil such as the problem face by the
Rhizophora species that adapt by using a prop root
support and anchor the tree in the muddy soil. Next the
plant in mangrove swamp face a waterlogged soil with
oxygen.Thus the plant that grow there such as the
pneumatophores grow vertically upwards into the
atmosphere for gaseous exchange. Furthermore the plant
face seed sinking in soft mud and difficult for
germination.Hence the plant have viviparous seeds to
increase the chances of survival aradicle grows out from
the germinating seed while being still attached to the
parent plant.


one of the importance of preserving mangrove plant is for

prevent soil erosion because the mangrove swamp consist
of prop root tree which help to prevent soil erosion. Next,
the mangrove swamp need to be preserve because it is a
breeding and nursery grounds for varieties of marine
animals which is important because the some of the
species live in the mangrove swamp is endangered.
Beside that the mangrove swamp is a main source of
timber and fuel which is important for industrial. Finally,
the mangrove swamp is important for source of tourism
and recreation that act as an income for our country.

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