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Perfect Continuous




(+) S + V1 +S/es

+) S + tobe (is,am,are)+v1 ing

(+) S + Have/has +v3

(+) S + have/has + been + v1 ing

(-) S + do/does +not +v1

(-) S + tobe +not + v1 ing

(-)S + Have/has not + v3

(-) S + have/has not +been + v1 ing

(?) do/does + S + V1?

(?) tobe +S+ V1 ing?

(?) Have/has + S + v3?

(?) Have/has + S + bee+v1 ing?

( +) S + V2

(+) S + tobe ( was/were ) + v1


(+) S + Had + v3

(+) S + Had + been + v1 ing

(-) S + had not + v3

(-) S + Had not +been + v1 ing

(?) had + S+ v3?

(?) Had + S + been + v1 ing?

(-) S + did + not + V1

(?) did + S + V1?

Past Future

(-) S + tobe +not + v1 ing

(?) tobe +S + v1 ing ?

(+) S + Will/Shall + v1

(+) S + will + be + v1 ing

(+)S + will + have + v3

( +) S + will + have + been + v1 ing

(-) S + will/shall + not + v1

(-) S + will +not +be +v1 ing

(-) S + will +not +have + v3

(-) S + will + not + have +been + v1 ing

(?) Will/shall + S + v1?

(?) Will +S + be + v1 ing?

(?) will + S + have + v3?

(?) will + S + have + been + v1 ing?

(+) S + would/should + v1

(+) S + would + be + v1 ing

(-) S + would/should not +


(-)S + would + not + be + v1


(?) Would/should + S + v1?

(?) Would + S + be + v1 ing?

(+) S + would + have + v3

(-) S + Would +not +have + v3
(?) Would + S + have + v3?

( + ) S + would + have + been + v1 ing

(-) S + would + not + have + been + v1
(?) Would + s + have + been + v1 ing?

Note :
Untuk menghafal Rumus 16 Tenses seui table di atas, sobat horizon kebumen perlu menghafal kan nama nama tenses terlebih dahulu agar
lebih mudah untuk di ingat.
Yang pertama adalah mengamari table di atas, bandingkan bentuk nya dari tenses present,past,future dan past future. Jika sobat benar benar
memperhatikan dengan teliti, ada kesamaan rumus dan saling berkaitan. Sobat hanya mengubah kata kerja nya jika waktu nya berubah.
Contoh :
Pada rumus tenses present continuous dan past continuous ada kesamaa bentuk rumus yaitu S + tobe + v1 ing
Tobe adalah kata kerja bantu, dan anda pasti tahu macam macam tobe, jika tenses nya adalah present maka tobe yang di pkai adalah is,am,are
dan jika past menggunakan was atau were.
Jadi rumus tenses diatas sebenarnya saling berkaitan.
Sebagai tambahan, agar lebih cepat untuk di ingat,berikan ciri2 pada setiap sifat kejadian. Jika sifat kejadian nya Simple menggunakan v1/v2,
jika continuouse menggunakan v1 ing ( singkat saja ving biar cepat ) kalau perfect v3, kalau perfect continuouse been ving

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