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Justine Subject: market research Due Date: rmaandag 28 september 2015, Status Not Started Percent Complete: 0% Total Work: Ohours Actual Werk: O hous Owner: Justine Divicke ‘Group composition (-5 students) on Charlo International strategic management ‘maandag 28 september 2015 Not stares o% hours hous Composition of the groups (groups of 5) by subscribing on Chamilo (‘Course groups’), Justine Dierlelo. Subject: International cals and marking maragement Due Date: vijdag 2 october 2015, Status Not Started Percent Complete: o% Total Work: hours ‘etual Werk: hours Owner: sustine Die ‘mall product/organzation+ export propasa+ mention allthenames of tearn members. Subject: E-skilswestes group task Due Date: rmasncag 5 ottaber 2015, Statue Not Started Percent Complete: o% Total Worke hous Actual Wort: 2hous Owner: Justine Dierex 201483730 Justine Db Subject Intemational strategic management Due Date: maandag 5 ottober 2015, Status: Not strted Percent Complete: o% ‘Actual Work: hous ‘Drop your article on Channlo (assignment). The lecturer willapprove your choice Justine Diericko Subject internstiona business communication Due Date: dineeag 6 oka 2025 Status: Not Stated Percent Complete: O% Total Work hous Owner: sustine Diente Presentations using effectve visas (tes) market research \woensdag 7 oktober 2015, ot stared hours o hours sustine Derick ‘rap your problem or information need on Chamilo (‘assignments’), You will receive feedback from the lecturer ‘within 2 week Your problem / information need wil ether be approved immediately, or you wil receive feedback how to revit Justine Diericlox 201483730 Subject: reporting Due Date: wwoensdag 7 oltober 2015 Status: Not Started Percent Complete: O76 Total Worke 0 hours ‘Actual Worle: 2 hours Owner Justine Dierick 202483720 First version of retroplanning and blueprint Justine Dierickox 201483730 Subject: international business communication Due Date: viidag 9 oktober 2015 Status: Not stared Percent Complete: o% Total Work: hours Actual Work: hour owner: sustineDiericl:201483720 lease prepare a writen t-paper based on page 479 and urea iton Cham before Friday 10 aon (12.00) Ute at eat vo sentences for every Ble bad ingute 161 and show mehaw fas hebed You oshape You presentation FRead ine “TO norrsof Engst documento make sure you dnt se pons (Chan > documents» esson 2) Subject: Operational excellence ERP Due Date: rmaandag 19 otteber 2015, Status: Not stared Percent Complete: o% Total Work: hours Actual Worle: 25 hous Owner: Justine Dirck 202683720 and in case study 2 Justine Dierickx 201483730 Subject: reporting Due Date: Ginsdag 20 oktober 2015 Status: Not Started Percent Complete: o% Total Work: ohouts ‘Actual Work: 2houte ‘owner: Justine Dieice 202483780 Fiestversion ofthe report of international strategie management Justine Diericla Subject international lbusinees communication Due Date: sinsdag 27 oktober 2015 Status: ot started Percent Complete: o% Total Work: hous Owner: Justine Dieider Negotiating cases test 2) international business communication vjdag 30 oktober 2035 ot started o% hours {hour sustine Dirickx 202483730 PID assignment Justine Dierielo: Subject: TMD - bucty project phase 1 Due Date: zondag 8 november 2015 Percent Complete: o% Total Work ‘hours Actual Work: shouts owner: sustine Deck In phase: (completion before end of autumn holidays Novenber 8, 2015) ouwill be gen the names of your rmenteesana contact data. Contact your mestorship group anc have 2st sociatsing event. ry tobe crestve in your approach an scivtle, Docurtent your activites for your portfoi by means of log entries (s8e appends) Justine Diericlox 201483730 Subject operational excellence - ERP Due Dats: rmaandag 9 povember 2015 Status: Not Started Percent Complete: o% Total Worke hours ‘Actual Work: show's Owner: dusting Dirck 201483720 and incase study 2 Justine Diericlox 201483730 Subject E-sils Start Date: \woensdog 28 oktober 2015 Due Date: maandag 9 november 2015 Statue: Not stared Percent Complete: o% Total Work hours ‘ctal Work: hours Owner: sustine Dien 20148730, Send over the link of my website Justine Dierickx 201483730 Subject send link sil Due Date: rmaandag 9 november 2015 Status: ot Started Percent Complete: 0% Total Work hours ‘Actual Worle: 15 days Owner: sustine Dien 20148730, “Tasks provided on website should be: y 2) 3) 4) 5) 5) 7) 3) 5) Web real lfe examples Web? 9 website survey and analysis coms 1 > words cMs.2. > evaluate sofware (Ms 2.3 2 software packages Collaborating) online meeting Collaborate 2 online earning task social media t > your social media Social media 2 PD rackacompany Justine Diericloe Subject: presentation fans Due Date: Glnsdag 10 november 2025 Status: ot Stared Percent Complete: o% Total Worke hours Actus! Werke hours Owner dusting Dien Chomssez une entvepnise et compléteria fiche didentité de cette entreprise ‘aser-vous sur les données de a fiche eidentité de la société que vous aver chose. La presentation det tre simple, dare et bien strucurée Liniter-vousaessential! 1. Présantezoralement votre société devant le groupe +/-5 minutes ). Evite surtout de débiter un texte 2pprs par cour I 2 etre présentation dot obligatoirement contenir des informations cifrées | 3. etre presentation dot ebligatowerent contenir 243 graphiques que vous commenter Justine Dierickx 201483730 Subject serine Due Date: dinsdag 10 november 2015 status: Not stata Percent Complete: om Total Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 1s hours Owner sting Divi 201482730 Seminar "international sales in practice” in AULA Sat 15.00 Prepare questions Look up some background information Subject: ‘ap first ass Due Date: dinsdag 17 november 2015 ot stares O% Total Work: hours Actual Work: 2hovts Owner: Justine Dirck 201883730 Prepare TMO2 Time Reflection Research module on ChamilLinks and bring tasks to cass Justine Dierickxe 201483730 Subject: seminar Due Date: insdag 1 december 2015, Statue: ot stared Percent Complete: o% Total Work: hours ‘Actual Werke as hours Owner: sustineDietickx 201483730 Seminar “working & ving abroad? in aula 4 a 18.25 Prepare questions Look up some background infermation Justine Dierielox Subject Intemational wategic management Due Date: ‘jeag @ december 2015 Status: Not started Percent Complete: om Total Work: 0 hours Actual Work: hours Own stn Dieidec submit report © Printed version © Digital varsion on Chama Assignment’) Justi Subject Intemational teategic management Due Date: vnjeag 4 december 2015 status: Not stata Percent Complete: om Total Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 2 huts Own stn Dieidec submit powerpoint presentation on Chamlo assignments) Justine Subject: compréhension rae et éerite Due Date: Ginsdag 8 december 2015, status orstanes Percent Complet o% Total Werk: ohovts “hour Owner: sustine Dit Justine Subject: Intemational business communication Due Date: Ainsdag 8 december 2015, status: Not started Percent Complete: om Total Warke o haute Actual Work: nowt owner: suctine Die Debate [test 3) subject market eseerch ue Date: woensdag 9 december 2015, status: Not States Percent Complete: om Total Works o hours Actual Work: Shouts Owner: stn Dieidec sulpmit report (online + on paper] Justine Dierickx Subject Intemational strategic management Due Date: vrdag 11 december 2015 status: Not States Percent Complete: Total Warke o hours Actual Work: 2 outs Own Justine Die ral presentations Subject: Due Date: Status: Not state Percent Complete: om Total Work ‘Actual Werke 2 huts Own sting Dierih 201482780 Prepare 1MD2 Networking module an Links and bring tasks te class Justine Dierlelor Subject Internationa sales and marketing management Due Date: woenedag 16 december 2025 status Not starts Percent Complete: om Total Warke o haute Aetual Worle 1éay Own ustine Dierik hand in printed version + sign ist Justine Subject portfolio rane Due Date: vijdag 18 december 2015 Status: Not States Percent Complete: Total Work: © hours Actual Work: 2 hours Owner: Justine Die Lerdle de cette section ost de vous aider 3 clarifier es raisons pour lesquelles vous apprene2 le frangais. Répondez a chaque question ‘Vous deverrédiger vos réponses de maniere 3 ce quelesforment un texte continu dau moins 400 mots. Justi Subject: TWO ae Due Date: ridag 18 december 2015 status Not starts Percent Complete: om Total Works o hours Actual Werks 2 huts Owner: sustine Divi Assignment "time managment bret Share your ‘alendar (outloc) forthe semester as a pdf and put this in your portfolio Your tak oreakeonn Ist ‘An analysis of ime wasters anda priory gre ‘reflection with at the end 2 action points (SMART) Justine Subject: ‘TWO - budey project phase 2 Du Date: ildag 18 december 2015 status Not Starts Percent Complete: om Tots! Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 3 hours owner: surtineDieie + get together with your group atleast once for the purpose of peer tutoring: help our mentees with their study approach ~contant of fist year courses questions thay might have with raged to exams... Document your axtiities by means of log entries (see appencin) and do not ferget to add 1 photograph ofthe groupin action. (2 hours of studying together) + together with 2 other mentors [21BM studentsjand all your mentees: organise a cultura trip or participation ina cultural event document your activities inthe log > intemational day [8M 1 howe Justine Diericloe Subject: Tap ass 3 Due Date: vaijdag 18 december 2025 Status: ot Stared Percent Complete: o% Total Werke hours Aetusl Werke 25 hous Owner dusting Dien Aesigament 3: Profeesional talent an! lever ils brief Prepare forthe talents workshop by working your way through the digital matenals TMD2Talent an Charilo>tinks ‘G0 tothe workshop and do the exercces the teacher has prepared for you in smal groups Inclass, you explored which talents are in our personal top five and how you demonstrate them in dai life and during your studies. Fellow students have asked you questions to check whether these are talents for you and not partof your competence range. Use the answers you gave them tofilin table (end of brie) You can look at the descriptive “Talent cards’ again under Documents>Talents on Chama The second table shows your lever sl. In lass you looked for seme specific examples forthe skis ou demonstrate te courtertelance the exaggeation of your talents. Add them tothe table an give personal examples. For thi: use the Laver sile cards under Documants>Talants an Cham, Justine Diericlox Subject Two ass Due Date: dag 18 december 215 status: Not States Percent Complete: om Total Warke o haute Actual Work: 95 days Owner sting Dei Assignment 4: Networking bret Deadline: this assignment has tobe handed in for feedback deadline i 18 December 2015 Final version's part ofthe end portfolio {deadline 23 May 2026) that has to be handed in via the Chamilo Final Portfolio Asignment folder, Part 1: Personal networking objective During the workshop on networking you ceria outa set-analysisto describe your patsonal goal. You aso started ‘hinking about your network and wnting down your intresting contacts (warm/cold. Add 2 wnten ragor ofthese exercises as part 1 ofthe tas, thus including : parsonal baseline for your resume or profil + the names of your col and warm contacts and what you relationship with them sat the moment. are 2 = write dwn your slavator pitch [eee exercise in lars ar 3: Linkedin profile Ifyou haven't done eo yst ereate a persona Linkedin profile. (You can check ou some tp frst on youtube or vi wu hou-te-ealy-use linkedin.com and wa. nenworlang, coach com (You can register fora free online reworking course and rece networking tps, follow a webinar or watch some igeos th hints fr free — dat least ene ofthese activities) Apply the suggestions to your profile and write a shor report, Reading ths part with 2 rec ink to you LinkedIn profile: describe the action you took and why + describe 3 new insights or 3 action points you developed through these activities. art: auit your ovm Facebook page from the point of view of «potential employer. Check your privacy settings Which changes wl you carry out? If you do nat have a Facebook profile, enumerate and explain the reasons why you havent got ane. What could convince you te change Your mind? art 5: at one ofthe seminars you have to participate infor this TMD course, engage in networking activities Introducing yourself and folowing-up. Describe who you epprosched and how you made hirer part of your network Subjoct TWO part 2 of assignment 6 Du Date: vijdag 1 api 2016, Status: Not States Percent Complete: om Tots! Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 2 hours Owner: Juctine Oherickx 202482730 art 2: Paster fair 2M — inthe month of Api wil be organieing a Study tip poster flr in which 218M students will presen thei trip t the fist year students. Cheek Charlo forthe right date. Task = produce a poster (large format) with photos and impressions of you study trip and 2 good infographicto vsuaize(see lessons ofE skis and International Business Communication! be prepared to explain whet you've leat toa group of interested fist year students, Deacling - Apri Subject: TWD class Due Date: dining 19 ap 2016 Status: Not state Percent Complete: Total Work ours ‘Actual Werke 2 huts Own sting Dierih 201482780 Prepare TMD2 Talent Moule on chamlo and beng tasks t class Justine Dierickx 201483730 Subject intemational week Due Date: ‘woensdag 4 mei 2026 Status: Not Started Percent Complete: om Total Werke o hours Aetual Werke 5 hours Own Justine Dierick 201488780 are: the international week From? May 2036 til 4 May 2016, the department wl host and Intarnational Week on campus, with guest speakers from our partner institutions and compantes. The programme ul be found On| Chamilo>decumentsinteenationl week and you willbe able to register your attendance via Chamilo>course Groups>International week. Altend 1 keynote speaker and 2adltional speakers, according to your Interests and language knowledge, Wate a report on ‘+ the content of the lectures ‘+ short reflection on why yeu chose each topic “= what you leat from the topic as presented here “+ apply your critical reading/listening sil (928 workshop and dial materials Time rmanagement/reflecion/research) 4+ which questions dd you ask? What was the answer? Justine Subject: ‘TMD - buddy project phase 2 Due Date: vijdag 13 mel 2016 statu otstares Percent Complete: o% Total Work: hours Actual Work: 05 days owner: sting Di + gottogether with your group for the purpose of peer tutoring atleast once and document your activities in thelog — (Lhour) +” together with er 3 other mentors organise asports/esure activity that you can doin group ~ document ‘your activities in 3 og (hours) Justine Subjact TWO ass? Due Date: maandag 23 mei 2016 Status: Not States Pereent Complete: om Total Work: © hours Actual Work: 3 hours owner: suctine Die Assignment 7: Intercultural knowledge and etical evaluation (On Chamioin the Documents folder Assignments and portfelo, you wil finda subfolder called ‘Critical reading ‘ise These were taken from a bestseller nook an Intercultural business competence iritan by an Amancan author |. Choose those pages that refer to your own country/nationality/culture you fel closest teo and apply your tritia eading kl Write @ reper ancwerng the following questions: which information given by he author struck you as particulary true? For each sentence you quate from ‘the book, provide atleast 1 other source that substantiates ths statement Which information given by the author struck you as not tee? For each sentence you quote from the book, provide at least Lother source that counterarguments the point and mention how you would correc the Information in the book Which information that simgortant i this culture s missing? Wee the paragraphs on this information vourset and provide the necessary references to your sources (APA). Inawhat way is the author biased according to you? (are some items of information given more prominence inthe text than others, des he demanstate a personal prference..) If your country is missing altogether inthe book © why would ths be 0? 9 Write your un version ina similar format with similar subparts and provise the coerect references, make sure you da nat demanctrate bias youre Justine Subjoct Two 52 Du Date: maandag 23 mei 2016 Status: Not States Percent Complete: om Tots! Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 2 hours Owner: Justine Die Look online for information on side shares and ste casts and how to produce agood one with added sound (podcast Rereae the information on ‘teflactng skis for managers’ (TM/D2TImernanagementResearchRefletion} Take notes during the diferent seminars you attend so you can include information in your se cast Make sure the seminars se cast includes © content summary of the 5 seminars yu attended ident tham clearly with tite, speaker, date, place and timing © Some rendering of your own research an the tape ofthe presentation you were most interested In, referenced correctly in APS.— some questions youasked and got clanfistion for Fer your xin seminar (aot organise by me): motNate why this topics par of your professional interests 9S short reflections, ene foreach ofthe seminars. Mind: your reflection should be aimed at what you learnt ‘and your own experience. Be on te lookout for acres moment curing the resentatn that gave you Insight nto the topic. D9 NOT jst repest content information here! Produce interesting visuals to see for your audience, do not just type teat inthe ste shave. Justine Diericlox Subject Two ass Due Date: maandag 23 mei 2016 status: Not States Percent Complete: om Total Warke © noure Actual Work: 05 days owns sting Dei Assignment 5: MY internship research and motivation brief Part 1: tthe end ofthe wotkshop on talents, you received the task offing and reading an internship report (from International Entrepreneuring students) inthe library ane taking alookat the internship databank. You were asked to choose a report based on practical considerations (network)(= knowing someone who works there, having worked there during holidays, close te where your parents or relatives lve abroad.) or based on emotions (you ike the reputation ofthe company, you have heard stories of other studants, sina sctor that you know because of hobbies... nthe interaship report, pay specific attention to the paragraph called “Internship evaluation! personal experience and ential analysis ofthe laaring opportunity by the student} Having done all that, now write a reflection of max. 1 84 page typed on why this particular internship opportunity ‘would be your cup afta. Use arguments to suppert why/ why not and ansuer the folowing 3 questions while ‘wrtng the structured toxin full sentences = Why would ths internship place be an opportunity to use your talents (what talents do you have that could help you to excel inthe interns Job ant actvies nthe company) a (wy does it net mateh your awn talents?) Which levers would you have to use or develop you really chats the company ae your nterahip company? ‘As aconclusion : motivate why you would choose or avold this internship place Part 2: Your motivation for your top~3 of internship places / for your choice from thelist (1.A4 page in structured full tex) If you choose your own place ofnternship (not from the schoo’ st, you wll have to motivate for me and Mrs Naeyaert what attracts you in these companies and the internship they offer. Add this motivation a part of your portfolio. Pay attention to your talents and your career choices. Look at the context and how it might match your falents ard use what you leet from the talant context cards. Look at the end competences of IM and reflat how {you willbe able to use what you leant at school. What action points will you have to prepare forthe internship? {Also do some research onthe compari and what t can offer you. Add what you stil haveto ask as questions when ‘you contact the nterehip mentor. Alternately: you are choosing 1 company from the schoo’ Isto your research on the company and what can offer you. Laokat the context arel what you leaen fom the talent context cards. Look atthe end competences Of 18M and reflect how you wl be able to use what you leant st School. What action points will ou have to prepare forthe internship? add whet you sil have to askas questions when you contad the internship mentor. ‘nite dovm what you can offer the company a preparation for an interview (se International Business Communication 8) Justine Subject: Twp 2886 Due Date: maandag 23 mei 2016 Status: Not stated Percent Complete: o% Total Worke hours Actual Work: hove Owner: stn Die Assignment 6 : My study trip task brief Part 1:in the Documents flder on chamilo(Oocument=-Study trips information), you will see specific folders for ‘ach study tip. The organisers wal put the assignment information In the appropriate folder. Follow thelr Instructions and ad your completed task tothe portfolio, Deadline = 23 May 2016 but start on it betore/during/ight after the trips ast willbe impossible to complete otherwise Subject: ‘ina deadline buddy project TMD Due Date: maandag 23 mei 2016 Status: Not Stated Percent Complete: o% Total Worke hours ‘Actual Werk: 20 minutes Owner: ustineDieik 201483730 ‘Ad your logs tothe portfolio as part ofthis assignment + write your conclusions and include the answer to ‘the following questions “+ checking your customer satisfaction : Which actives dé your mentees like most ? ‘and Which activites did your mentees think they benefited from most? ‘© What di you find aficult in being a mentor? Which problems dd you have? ‘© What did you find enjoyable as a mentor? ‘What have your learnt inthe area of leadership competences?

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