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Name Date Chapter 5 Assessment Big Ideas Fill in the circle next to the best answer. 1. Explorers hoped to find a Northwest Passage that would lead them ‘A. across the ice of the North Pole. B. down the entire length of the Mississippi River. C, through North America to Asia. D. into the interior where they could find gold oO 00 2. Why did many American Indians die from contagious diseases? © A. They were forced to work as slaves in the mines. © B. They got tired of giving European settlers free food. © C. They did not have the technology of gunpowder or swords. © D. They were exposed for the first time to some kinds of sicknesses. Why did the rulers of Spain want a shorter route to the East Indies? A. to practice fighting wars B, to study a different culture C. to send away their prisoners D. to get silks and spices oo000 = How is a colony different from other places in which people settle? A, Itis ruled by another country. B. It was started many years ago. C. It is designed to be temporary. D, Ithas a very simple way of life. oo0o © Teachers’ Cucriculum Institute 5, Juan Ponce de Leén looked for © A. the Seven Cities of Gold. © B. ashortcut to Asia. © C. asite fora mission. © D. the fountain of youth. 6. Hernan Cortés fought against © A. the Aztecs in Mexico. O B. the Seminoles in Florida. © C. the Incas in South America. © D., the Mayas in Central America, 7. Which man explored what is now the southwestern United States? © A. Cartier © CG. Cabot © B. Coronado O D. Hudson 8, Which river did La Salle explore? © A.Colorado —O C. Mississippi O B.Hudson . O D. RioGrande Reading Further 9. What was the first permanent European settlement in the United States? © A.Fort Caroline © C. St. Augustine © B. Cibola O Dr San Salvador 10. Why did the Spanish attack Fort Caroline? © A. They were hoping that it would help them conquer Mexico. © B. They did not want the French to challenge their rule in America. © C."They wanted revenge for American Indian attacks on their fort. © D, They hoped to discover a new route to the Pacific Ocean, Routes of Exploration to the New World 37 Name e Date Social Studies Skills Use the timeline and your knowledge of social studies to answer the questions. Write your answers on the lines provided. Date of First or Most Famous Expedition 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 Franesco Henry Robert de Vasquez Hudson La Salle de Coronado Christopher Columbus John Cabot Jacques Cartier Juan Ponce de Leon Hernan Cortés 11, Give the beginning and ending dates of the century in which the most expeditions took place : 12. Who is the last conquistador shown on the timeline? 13. Which men explored before 1500? and 14, Whose expedition took place soon after Jacques Cartier’s voyage? — 38 Chapter 5 fe Teacher? Carica fstute Match each vocabulary word to its definition. Conquistador East Indies Northwest Passage Colony Contagious Diseases : Southeast Asia, including India, Indonesia, and Malaysia 7 The supposed route across the northern part of North America that Europeans were looking for but never found. 7 A Spanish explorer who came to the Americas in the 1500’s and claimed large areas of land for Spain . A community ruled by another country, not by its own people \ 7 Asickness that can pass quickly from one person to another as germs are spread by touch or through the air. Essay Question: We did not circle the Bible in the matrix for any-explorer we studied. That means that the explorers didn’t really care to spread Christianity. Therefore, why was the spread of Christianity important to the European explorers?. 7 Be sure to: + tellif the spreading Christianity was important to the explorers * tell who really wanted to spread Christianity ‘+ tell how the two groups helped each other * tell how it affected our history

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