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Session 6: Lifebook

Psychosocial Development
Stage 1 Trust vs. Mistrust a child
who develops trust feels safe and
secure in the world; a child who
develops mistrust feels that the
world is unpredictable and
inconsistent (0 to 12 18 months)
Stage 2 Autonomy vs. Shame and
Doubt people who successfully
hurdle this stage feel confident and
secure, while those who dont feel

Psychosocial Development
Stage 3 Initiative vs. Guilt
Success at this stage means children
feel capable, especially in leading
others. Failure means a sense of
guilt, lack of initiative and self-doubt
(3 to 6 years)
Stage 4 Industry vs. Inferiority
Children who are encouraged by
teachers at this stage turn out to be
confident, competent believers in

Psychosocial Development
Stage 5 Identity vs. Confusion If
successful, there will be strong sense
of independence and control. Failure
will mean insecurity and confusion
about themselves and the future (12
to 18 years)
Stage 6 Intimacy vs. Isolation
People who are successful at this
stage will develop close, committed
relationships with other people (19 to

Psychosocial Development
Stage 7 Generativity vs. Stagnation
Success in this stage means feeling
that one is contributing to the world
through his life and career. Failure
means feeling of non-involvement
and unproductivity (40 to 65 years)
Stage 8 Integrity vs. Despair Success here means a feeling of
integrity and satisfaction with life, as
well as wisdom (65 years onwards)

Lifebook Exercise
Write down the outline of your life
from birth to today
Identify the 3 significant experiences
of your life
Share with a friend

Lifebook and Enneagram

Discussion on relating the Lifeline
with the Enneagram
How has your Lifeline influenced your

Reflection Questions
What are the highs & lows in my life?
Does the pattern follow my
Enneagram numbers pattern?
What did the 3 significant
experiences of my life teach me?

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