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Technology Integration Matrix

The goal is to promote technology integration that is seamless and that adds significant value to students learning of core
curriculum (language arts, math, social studies, and science content). You will investigate theoretical and practical issues
surrounding the use of multimedia, email, Internet resources, educational software, and hardware within K-12 classrooms. The
Technology Integration Matrix is to assist preservice educators in making connections between theories, resources, content, and
Learning Objective
Students will analyze projects completed in class on the Technology Integration Matrix to demonstrate the relationships between
theories, content, technology, and pedagogy.
Course Objectives
2. Integrate technology into curriculum and pedagogy for ALL students.
4. Describe appropriate uses of technologies (Internet, multimedia, communication tools, etc.) in learning environments.
Skills Development
5. Apply information literacy skills (including searching and evaluation strategies) while using electronic resources.
6. Locate, analyze, and contribute to information from Web 2.0 sources.
Teaching with Technology
12.Research, teach, and publish ways to use innovative technology in education.
1. Read all information (introduction, objectives, explanations, the matrix)
2. Compare the concept, project, or method to the matrix.
3. Fill in how and why the concept, project, or method applies to the theory and standard and provide suggestions for use.
4. Write a five sentence reflection describing more detail or providing clarification for the information you filled in on the
5. Load the matrix to the appropriate dropbox in BlackBoard and post it to the matrix page on your ePortfolio.
Explanation of Standards
Colorado Academic Standards were created by the Colorado Department of Education to increase student performance in K-12
education and success post high school. The standards create accountability and are a topical organization of material in multiple
content areas. Every grade level has several standards for each content area designed to provide clarity and direction.
The standard elements include:

Prepared Graduate Competencies


Grade Level Expectations or High School Expectations

Evidence Outcomes
21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies

Explanation of ISTE, NETS-S, and NETS-T

ISTE is The International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE created the national educational technology standards for
teachers and students in K-12 education to assist learning in a digital society, because technology has forever changed the way
teaching and learning occur.
The benefits of using the ISTE Standards include:
Improving higher-order thinking skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking and creativity
Preparing students for their future in a competitive global job market
Designing student-centered, project-based and online learning environments
Guiding systemic change in our schools to create digital places of learning
Inspiring digital age professional models for working, collaborating and decision making
Explanation of Educational Theories
Education theory is the theory of the purpose, application and interpretation of education and learning. It largely an umbrella
term, being comprised of a number of theories, rather than a single explanation of how we learn, and how we should teach.
Rather, it is affected by several factors, including theoretical perspective and epistemological position.
There is no one, clear, universal explanation of how we learn and subsequent guidebook as to how we should teach. Rather, there
are a range of theories, each with their background in a different psychological and epistemological tradition. To understand
learning then, we have to understand the theories, and the rationale behind them.

You may agree or disagree with theories presented, but knowing and understanding if they have any value to add to your
pedagogy, and if they are in alignment with your teaching and technology integration philosophies, is vital to your preparation for
becoming an educator. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts and theories presented, please take the time to follow the links for
further information.
Explanation of Differentiation
Technology can be the great equalizer. In a classroom of 30 students, how will you meet the diverse needs of students?
Technology is one method to assist you in making this process a bit easier. Differentiation is modifying instruction to help
students with diverse academic needs and learning styles to master the same academic content using engaging techniques and
methods. As you complete projects for this class, you need to think of how they can be adjusted for gifted and talented students,
students with physical disabilities, and students with learning disabilities.

Technology Integration Matrix




Blooms Constructivis Student


1. Number

2. Patterns,
Functions, and
3. Analysis,
Statistics, and

Teacher will
During students Recall - students
free time or
will recall the
Math Evolve extra activities information they
app on
time, students have been
classroom iPad will use the
taught in math
or tablet. Since classroom tablet do play the Math
the app is
or mobile device Evolve app.
$2.99, I
to access the
recommend it game Math
just be on the Evolve.
teachers /
Students have a
variety of games
tablet so
they can choose
students dont with this app.
need to pay
They can
any money.
This app was
rated #1 in the
top 17 math
apps for mobile

Flipped Instructioni Behavioris
Instruction Classroom

4. Shape,
Grade: 1

Teacher will
Students will
Apply - students
make sure that have a lesson on will apply the
students have shapes.
information they
access to a
Students will
have learned
mobile device. then use their
about shapes to
Teacher will do mobile device, find objects in
a lesson on
iPad or tablet to the room which
shapes in the take pictures of are that shape.
objects in the
Teacher will
classroom that Analyze are the shape
students will
skillsstudents then have
students take they have
organize the
pictures of
learned about. pictures they
found into shape
1. Shapes can things in the Students will
be described by classroom that then categorize folders on their
look like the
all the shapes
mobile device.
shapes they
they found into
the same shape
attributes and have been
learning about. category. E.g:
created by
student puts
composing and
picture of book,
notebook, and
piece of paper
into the
picture folder.

Reading, Writing, and Communicating

1. Oral
and Listening
2. Reading for
All Purposes

Students will
Understand 3. Writing and Teacher will
write a
receive the
students will use
paragraph on a writing
the information
Grade 4th
word document paragraph that they know about
Concepts and and send it as the teacher
editing and
skills students a shared file to shared on the grammar to edit
the class. The mobile devices. the paragraph.
paragraph will The students will
3. Correct
be full of
find and correct
the errors in the
paragraph using
their mobile
and spelling are
applied to
make the
meaning clear
to the reader


Researc Teacher will

have students
h and
pick one
Reasoning writing genre
which they
Grade: 4th

Students will use Create - students This is an example

their mobile
will create their of constructionism
devices to
own story or
because it is very
research one
information piecestudent based.
genre that they depending on
Students will
want to learn are interesting whatever genre conduct research on
about and
in. Once
they research.
whatever genre
they are interested
Comprehending research. (E.g., students have They will plan
done research and produce a
in. It is an inquiry
entertaining, about their
final product of approach to
information for fairytales,
genre, they will their research.
learning in relation
research is a
group up with
to using mobile
informational, others of that
ect. After
same genre and
students find write someone
with discipline information, using whatever
both alone and teacher will put genre they
within groups students into learned about.
groups who
For example, if
have the same their genre was
genre as each narrative,
students will
write a narrative
story. If their
genre was
fairytale, they
would write a
short fairytale.

Social Studies

Teacher will
Once students Recall - students
1. History
create a
get the picture will recall
Grade: 2nd
picture folder folder, students information they
Concepts and with pictures of will see the
know on
skills students important
photo of the
important people
in history and
master: People people in
history who
person and write write what they
have influenced have made an a caption about know about
the history of impact on us what they did them. This can
neighborhoods today. Teacher that made them be used as a
share this
important in
study guide to
folder to the
history. E.g.
help students
Student has a
mobile devices.picture of
information on
historical people.
Student writes
caption of 1st
president of the
United States.

2. Geography
3. Economics Teacher will Students will use Understant teach students the Virtual
students will
Grade: 2nd
a lesson on
Piggy Bank app understand
importance of
Concepts and making wise to recored
good money
skills students
buy for one
decisions and
Teacher will
week. The app apply it by
then have
also lets them
2. Apply
practice adding everything they
decisiondownload app and subtracting. bought for one
Virtual Piggy
processes to Bank.
the next week,
the teacher
decisions (PFL and
students will
both use the
app to record
anything they
spend money
on that week
and keep track
of their money.

4. Civics
1. Physical




2. Human body
systems have
functions, and


(2nd activity)

Teacher will do
a lesson on
having a well
balanced diet
and what is
needed for
each meal /
day. Teacher
will then have
download app
for Nicholas
Garden. This
app if free and
lets students
record their
food. This app
helps promote
healthy eating

Students will
Analyze This activity is very
download app
Students will
student based. It is
NicholasGarde analyze their
authentic to each
n. During snack food they ate to students diet and
time and lunch see what they
everyones will be
time, students need more or
different. The
will use their
less of.
students will get the
mobile device to
opportunity to see
record the food Create - students what they are
items they have will design and eating and learn
eaten that day. create their own about their own
(Students will
My Plate
also do this
nutrition plate.
during dinner for
homework) Once
all their food is
recorded, they
will make their
own My Plate
to analyze their
eating choices
and see what
they need more
of or less of in
their diet.

Teacher will
Students will use Understandtake students their mobile
students will
outside to
devices to take compare and
either the
pictures of two contrast the
schools garden types of flowers plants from the
or an area
or plants.
first photo to the
Conceptsand where there Students will second. They will
a variety of observe and
observe and see
skillsstudents are
plants. Teacher record what they what changes
will have
see. After
the plant has
students use several weeks, made.
1. The duration their mobile students will
and timing of devices to take take another
Analyze students will
life cycle events pictures of 2 photo of the
different types same two plants analyze and
such as
of plants or
or flowers. They organize the
flowers when will observe,
and longevity they are in a record, and then observations
very early life compare and
from the first
vary across
cycle. Teacher contrast the
photo to the
organisms and will take
plants from the second.
first picture to
outside again the second.
Evaluate every 2-3
students will
weeks to do
check the plant
this again to
every few weeks
observe life
to observe
changes in the
life cycle.

Students will go
home and
analyze what
they ate for
dinner. They will
then come back
to class the
following day to
look over what
they ate for
dinner. This is
an example of a
students do the
work at home
before they
come to class
and work on it.

Disabilities EEOs

If a student has
a learning
disability, pair
the student up
with a student
who is gifted in
talented to
help them. You
can also offer
to Skype with
students if they
have any
questions or
needs of
clarification on
an assignment.


Reflection: In our world today, mobile devices continue to make a huge impact on our students. Students are now able to access
information by using their cell phones or tablets. It is also prevalent that students are having access to these devices at earlier
ages than before. Many times, teachers ask students to keep their cell phones away and not to use them in the classroom.
However, since students love to use their phones, what not let them and make it a learning experience? By using mobile devices
in the classroom, it makes learning authentic for students. Students love cell phones and tablets so if we can find ways to utilize
them in a lesson or activity, students will become very engaged in the lesson. However, there are several drawbacks to using
them in the classroom. Just drawbacks are that mobile devices must be monitored, students may be distracted and not paying
attention to the teacher, not everyone has access to a mobile device, and some parents may not allow their child to use one. If
these activities were to occur in the classroom, its important for the teacher to contact the parents first and make sure they have
permission from the parents. Like any technology device used in the classroom, teachers must take precaution in making sure
they are not abused in the classroom setting. I think that students would really enjoy using their mobile devices in the classroom.
It would be a very engaging way for students to learn and encourage students to learn outside the classroom as well.

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