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Assignment #3: WorkSmart Campus Test

Building Capacity in Future Ontario Workplace Leaders

Due Date: Week 11, beginning of class (25% penalty for each day late) - Specific day to be assigned
by your professor
Value: 15 % - Graded out of 10
Work Smart Campus is a compilation of 3 health and safety management modules that
has been developed by the Ministry of Labour for college students. You will complete
this test and submit it for Assignment #3.
The three modules are as follows:
1. A special version of WSIB's HS101
2. A Ministry of Labour program called SafeSmart
3. Passport to Safety for leaders (modified version of the Ministrys Passport for
Supervisors test)
COPY OF THE TRANSCRIPT THAT YOU RECEIVED. If necessary, check with your co-op
consultant to get a copy.
1. Review the WorkSmart Campus slideshow on FOL .
2. Give yourself at least 3 hours to complete this assignment. You do not have
to do it all at once, but once you get to the Passport to Safety test at the end, you
must complete it once you start it.
3. Go to: www.WorkSmartCampus.ca. Register where indicated (you cannot log
in until you register)
4. Enter the campus id: MEVT2747
5. Enter an email address (Note: This email address becomes your password please
record the one you use. If you forget this or have difficulties logging in, please
email Dana Copeland @ dcopeland@fanshawec.ca).
6. Access and study on-line materials (take notes).
7. Take the on-line tests. You must get 100% on the first two modules to unlock the
next module.

Additional Details:
1. Submit your WorkSmartCampus transcript with a cover sheet (name, course,
professor, date).
2. The grade you receive on your final test transcript is the grade you will

receive for this assignment.

3. CAUTION: Your transcript may be checked against a report received from the
Ministry of Labour (end of the term). Submitting a transcript that has been
altered will result in an academic offence.

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