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Location 1


The City, and Country of the location: Roatn, Islas de la Baha, Honduras
The Name of the 360 Image: Eagle Rays
The GPS Coordinates of the two locations: 1618'10.62"N, 8635'38.83"W
A screenshot of each 360 image:

Location 2

1. The City, and Country of the location: Harissa, Lebanon

2. The Name of the 360 Image: Lebanon Lady - Harissa
3. The GPS Coordinates of the two locations: 3358'54.16"N, 3539'4.47"E
4. A screenshot of each 360 image:


Hi Jason,
In the picture of the street outside the Shanghai World Financial Center you can identify pedestrians
walking, but their faces were blurred and the only evidence identifying the ethnicity and language is the
Chinese characters signs. Further research of the city shows that 98.8% of Shanghai's residents are of the
Han Chinese ethnicity, 86.9% of the population may be either non-religious or involved in the worship of nature
deities and ancestors, Confucian churches, Taoism and folk religious sects, and the dominant language of the natives
is Shanghainese, but the residents speak different dialects of Wu Chinese along with Standard Mandarin.

In the second picture, you immediately notice the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower monument
identifying the city to be Paris, France. Further research of the city shows that the dominant ethnic group
living in Paris are citizens of French ancestry, though nothing specific due to the fact that by law the
French censuses do not ask questions regarding ethnicity and religion, only country of birth, the dominant
language spoke in Paris is French, and the dominant religion is the Roman Catholics (Approx. 76%).
Hey Charlie,
The first thing I notice when I saw the first picture was the Cathedral of Barcelona which is located in Barcelona,
Spain. The Barcelona Cathedral is a Catholic church so the religion in that location is Catholicism and the language
spoken would be Spanish. Further research of the location shows that the dominant religion is Roman Catholicism,
the dominant ethnicity in Barcelona is the Catalan, due to the fact that 62% of the inhabitants were born in Catalonia
which is the largest city in Barcelona and the dominant language is Spanish.

The first thing I notice when I saw the second picture was the Baslica de Esquipulas located in Esquipulas,
Guatemala. I only knew that because my father used to live in Guatemala and I remembered seeing many pictures
taken by the church. The Baslica de Esquipulas is a Catholic church so the religion in that location is Catholicism
and the language spoken would be Spanish. Further research shows that the dominant religion is Catholicism, the
dominant ethnicity in that city is the Ladino, which is the mestizo population and the people of European origin, and
the dominant language and official language are Spanish but some ethnic groups use it as a second language.

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