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EDRP 2111 -04

How Children Raised Under Authortative Household Adapt With Society

Alexus Watson
The University of Memphis


How Children Raised Under Authortative Households Adapt to Society

In some point of your life you may become a parent but just because you have a child or
children does not mean you have the fundamentals of being a good parent. Raising children you
should be ready to teach, construct develop have conformity in the home and nature skills into
your child so they are ready for society and the world in their near future. When parenting a child
there are serval ways to raise children. Many parents prefer different methods over others. Some
parenting styles are use more than others and are much favorable than others. Different parenting
styles bring out different characteristic and different reactions in a child social life and the way
he or she may respond to life situations. Sometimes the style of parenting can even change as the
child gets older and develop.
Parenting styles could be understood as a context that moderates the influencing of
specific parenting practices on the child (Darling & Steinberg (1998). According to Windsor,
A.L., Murrell, V.S, & Magun-Jackson., S. (2015) Baumrind (1967) distinguished three main
parenting skills Authoritarian, Authoritative and Permissive based on the degree of prenatal
responsiveness and prenatal demandingness provided to the child. Years later Maccoby and
Martin (1983) added Neglectful parenting styles to Baumrind three parenting styles models. You
have some parenting styles that can destroy a child mentally, physical, emotionally and
sometimes spiritually.
To continue, as I mentioned there are four types of parenting Authoritarian, Authoritative,
Permissive and Neglectful Parenting. Authoritative parenting is usually high demandingness and
responsiveness. An authoritative parent sets very high standards but normally supports the child


through the course of developing. Children usually raised under an authoritative household tend
to be more resilient to psychological and behavioral dysfunction (Lamber, Mounts, Steinberg, &
Dornbush, 1991) Authoritarian parenting set strict rules and demand their child to go by their
rules without questioning their parenting. Authoritarian parentings According to research, parents
who adopt this parenting style are unresponsive to the childs emotional needs. As a result, these
children tend to display low social competence because their parents prevent them from making
their own choices. (Harmon 2012)
When a child is raised under authoritarian household the child is less outspoken
sometimes leaving them fearful of their surroundings and shy around big groups or crowds.
These children really struggle with social situations they are put in and think everything is
strictly rules and regulations. Permissive parenting is more relaxed and accepting of the child
behaviors and the child development over time. Many say the permissive parents can sometimes
acts as friend to the child more than a parent. Although the parent may set rules like
Authoritarian and Authoritative Parents they normally do not stick with the rules they have set.
Children that have Permissive parents are very demanding and self-centered due to the fact the
parents has spoiled or always been accepting of everything he or she may do. Neglectful
parentings are the uninvolved parents. Neglectful parents are not in a child life. Normally neglect
parents ignore the fact that they are parents and do not accept the responsibility of a parent. It
does not matter how their children are raised or the environment the child may be in the
Neglectful parent is selfish and in it for themselves.
What different techniques that Authoritative parents use help raise a child? Children
under Authoritative parenting households deal with society differently. Children raised under


Authoritative parenting household usually have a different effect on the child social life.
Different styles of parenting causes diffenrt type of behavioral and moods in an induvial child.
Furthermore, focusing on how different techniques can help raise a child. As a parent you
main focus is to raise a great well-rounded woman or man who will be successful in life in their
future. Lets be real not everyone parenting skills work and the results may come out great. B.F.
Skinner an American Psychologist who did the research on Operant Conditioning. Operant
Conditioning refers to the control of induvial voluntary responses, and places emphasis on an
induvial actions Windsor, A.L Murrell V.S & Magun Jackson (2015). Within his study he focuses
on Reinforcements and Punishments. You have positive reinforcement providing the child with
something favorable after their performed behavior. Negative reinforcement taking away
something unfavorable something the child may not like after the performed behavior. These
techniques can help discipline the child when they are wrong and reinforce what you expect form
them as an induvial. Parenting styles that normally use reinforcements are Authoritarian and
Authoritative because they have guide lines they have set and expect their child to follow, Unlike
Permissive parenting who wants to be the child friend and Neglectful who does not care if the
child receives discipline or not. Another technique Skinner discovered was Punishment.
Punishment is defined as anything that might weakling or diminished the likelihood the behavior
to continue Windsor, A.L Murrell V.S & Magun Jackson (2015). Punishment one is consider to
be the punishment that has a child to do ling a behavior. Punishment two the removal or
something the child may cherish as induvial. These different techniques have been proven to help
raise children in different parenting household. Although the child who has a permissive parent
and neglectful parent may rarely receive any form of discipline. These techniques can also be


performed at school or in something to weak social environments where the child may have to
listen to another form of authority.
A child under Authoritative parenting households deals with society differently. Just
because some children take situations harder than others doesnt mean they are selfish or
sensitive they can simply be raised under different households that have a different setting,
standards and values. A child whom is raised under Authoritative verse a Neglectful household
may see life or deal with society differently same with the children in an Authoritarian and
Permissive households. Authoritative parenting has been known to be inessential factor in
younger children life in comparison with the other parenting styles. Authortative parenting can
be one of most effective and enhancing private social responsibilities in children, without
constraining their newly formed autonomy and who they are as induvial. Glasgow, Dornb
Glasgow, Dornbu Glasgow, Dornbusch, Troyer, Steinberg, & Ritter, 1997). Troyer, Steinberg, &
Ritter, 1997). Troyer, Steinberg, & Ritter, 1997). Authoritative parents are also known to
understand and connect with their children better than other parenting styles. They are more
openly to develop with society unlike other parenting styles. They confrontable with who they
are as induvial and embrace their self as a human being rarely lack confidence if placed in front a
life situation or something that society has through their way. Researches also say how the
children deal with society; Dornbusch and colleagues (1987) have found out that adolescents
raised by authoritative parents, when compared with adolescents raised by authoritarian parents,
have higher levels of academic performance in high school.
Last but not least, the effect authoritative parents have on their children. Maybe you look
at the behaviors or your child or things your child may do or say and think to yourself Yikes!
That remind me so much of myself Have you ever just set back and thought about the effect you


left on your child raising he or she. With majority of parents using the authoritative parenting
method what effect are they leaving on their child. With your child just being a toddler you do
not realize how much you may impact them, Psychologist Baumrind (1991) found that children
(ages 415 years old) of parents who were characterized as authoritative were the most motivated,
the most competent, and the most achievement oriented. As parents we may not know that you
impact your child as much as you do. Yet the last thing we want to do as parents is fail your child
and yourself. Unlike other parenting styles authoritative parents care and are very passionate
about their child well-being and opinions. If the parent is wrong in a situation unlike the
Authoritarian parent whom would not seek out their child feelings the authoritative parents does
the opposite. The permissive parent who may be correct would change the situation In such a
way it pleases the child and last but not least the neglectful parent who wouldnt care about what
effect they leave on their child. I personally think authoritative parents being raised under
authoritative household the effect that a parent can leave can be positive or negative based on
their life experience.
The effect the parents leave can help the child adapt to society very well because they are
willing to communicate and get an open opinion on how their child feels unlike the other
parenting styles. Even with authoritative parenting the parents is most likely stable and active
their self which can also can place a diffenrt effect on their children. The parent may think he or
she is being very well rounded but can easily turn into a permissive parent just by not
acknowledge their child well beings when they are not around. Sometime the parents want to
provide but the choice of employment over time with their child can really impact and effect a
child that is too young to understand how employment income is actually helping in the


In conclusion, there are four types of parenting authoritative the parents who have both
high demandingness and responsiveness. Authoritarian parents who are very strict and
demanding and the child have no say so or opinion on what they say. Permissive parents who set
rules but are not firm and does not stick with them normally wants to be more of a friend to the
child than a parent or adult. Neglectful or Uninvolved parents who are not a part of the child life
and could care less how the child is raised or feel without them being around. Everyone may
choose different parenting styles and have their reason on why they may raise their child under
that type of parenting style. Authoritative parenting the most used parenting style as of todays
society. The different techniques and understanding skills that authoritative parents use raising
their child stand out more than the other parenting styles and their skills. As I mentioned there
are diffenrt techniques such as the Operant Conditioning which was discovered by American
Phycologist B.F.Skinner. The Operant Conditioning consists of styles on how to reinforce
something on getting the corrected behaviors from your child and punishments also focuses on
behaviors. Authortative parents help raise and nurture a child more, teaching him or her how to
deal with society if they are placed in certain situations. The children are easily to adapt to
theater surroundings and people around them because authoritative parenting normally keep their
child around peers and involved with or around people. Each and every parenting style has its
pros and cons. Raising a child is very important into todays society and can reflect your children
and even your grandchildren future. As I wrap it up Authortative parenting has been proven to be
one of the best styles of parenting them want the best for their child and to grow independently.
When an authoritative parents discipline their children for breaking rules the parent is fair and
does it in consistent manner unlike other parenting styles that was previous mentioned.


Darling, N., & Steinberg, L. (n.d.). Parenting style as context: An integrative model.
Psychological Bulletin, 487-496.

Dornbusch, S., Ritter, P., Leiderman, P., Roberts, D., & Fraleigh, M. (n.d.). The Relation of
Parenting Style to Adolescent School Performance. Child Development, 1244-1244.

Glasgow, K., Dornbush, S., Troyer, L., Steinberg, L., & Ritter, P. (n.d.). Parenting Styles,
Adolescents' Attributions, and Educational Outcomes in Nine Heterogeneous High
Schools. Child Development, 507-529.

Hamon, J., & Schrodt, P. (n.d.). Do Parenting Styles Moderate the Association Between Family
Conformity Orientation and Young Adults' Mental Well-Being? Journal of Family
Communication, 151-166.

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Steinberg, L., Darling, N., & Fletcher, A. (n.d.). Authoritative parenting and adolescent
adjustment: An ecological journey. Examining Lives in Context: Perspectives on the
Ecology of Human Development. 423-466.


Windsor, A.L.,Murrell,V.S, & Magun-Jackson.,S. (2015) .Lifespan development: An educational

psychology perspective. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions

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