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Java CHEAT SHEET Basic code structure text file named HelloWorld.java | mame ’ main() method public class HellWorld q public static void main(String[] args) t System.out.print(“Hello, World”) ; System. out.print1n(); t Statements f body put and outpu use any editor to type javac HelloWorld. java type java Hellovorld create your program to compile your program to compile your program t ' ' editor »Hellovorld.java compiler »Helloworld.class~ JVM -»“Hello, World” t { 4 your program computer-language s output (a text file) version of your program a 1 type pe set of values common operators sample literal values int intergers +24 % 99 -12 2147483647 double floating-point numbers +7 */ 3.14 -2.5 6.022e23 boolean boolean values a ||! true false char characters Le In String sequence of characters + *aB" "Hello" "2.5" Assignment status declaration statement : values true or false variable name (ENE As D3) tierat a = (1234 literals true false assignment Bee 99% statement = 995 ‘ ee ee epee) eee operators && lI ! combined declaration and assignment statement Comparison op meaning true false equal 2 2 2 == 3 l= not equal alt= 2 2 1= 2 < less than 2< 13 2<2 <= less than or equal 2<=2 3<=2 » greater than 13 >2 2 > 413 >= greater than or equal =3 >= 2 2 >= 3 Loops initialization is a oop declare and initialize Seperate statement contintation —jniialication another 12° control variable condition variable in a loop intvea; ¢ tet “Condition itorgment while ( v <= N/2 ) int v= 1; braces are ¢ for (int i = 0; i <=N; i++ ) reel, A aaa starement~Y system.out.printin(i + =“ + v); body v = 245 } 4 body Functions signature return method argument argument type name ‘ype variable = public static double sqrt ( double c ) { if (c < @) return Double.NaN; variables] Hou err = le-15; [ doubike is = c; method __» while (Math.abs(t - c/t) > err * t) ka t= (c/t +t) / 2.0; return t; eall on another method ‘return statement PSG e RE ee cers os ep ate Redeye Pes eet acuta

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