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Starship Damage

Severity Roll:

Damage to Vehicle or Starship

Diff in pips Shields Depleted / Ionization
Light Damage
Heavy Damage
Severe Damage

Ship Systems:
(1D: 1-3 Ion Engine, 4-6 Maneuvering Thrusters)
(1D: 1-2 Main Computer, 2 Sensors, 3 Navicomp)
Main Power
(1D: 1-2 Power Core, 3-4 Hyperdrive, 5-6 Hyperdrive Backup)
Life Support
(1D: 1-4 Arcs, 5-6 Turrets. Pick weapon randomly)
Depleted Shields
Shields drop in strength. The lost pips can be brought back with a Computer Programming/Repair roll
that takes one round. This roll can either be made at the end of the round so that the Computer
Operator may attempt to restore all lost shield points that round or at any time during it, but only the
Shield Pips lost up to that point can be restored for the entire round. The Difficulty for this roll is
Difficult plus the number of Pips that the Shield Operator wants to attempt to restore. Additionally, in
order for a Shield Operator to restore shields, they must have available power from the Power Core
(Check Power distribution)
When an Ion attack hits, and damage is higher than the hull roll, for each bracket of 4 points
OVER the hull, 1 additional system is affected.
For each affected system, roll 1D6 for the number of rounds that it will be unusable. If a system
is affected by Ion damage more than once, add an additional D6 to the 'time out' roll. EG; the
hurron warrior got whacked by a Ugly, and suffered 3 system ionized damage result. The roll
for which systems are affected, were life support and maneuvering thrusters X2. Thrusters
would get 2D6 for time it is out, while life support would only get 1D6.
If in subsequent rounds, the same systems already out, get hit again, the number of rounds out
increases by 1D6. 2D6 for the 2nd time it is affected, 3D6 for the third time etc..
For those trying to repair the system, a HEROIC+10 roll is needed to try to halve the time it is
going to be out. REMEMBER it takes 2 rounds from when they start to work on it before the
first roll can be made. So if power is out for 2 rounds, it would be better to let it go.

Damage Points

no pip loss
30% pip loss
60% pip loss
well... destroyed.

Every system can withstand a maximum of 10 points of damage. Check each system for special rules
according to damage. As each system accumulates damage to pass the next threshold, apply the
necessary performance loss (For example, a system suffering light damage 3 times is equal to having
suffered a moderate damage).

Condition (d6)
1. Ionized
2. Overloaded
3. Overloaded + Structural (2 steps down)
4. Physical
5. Physical + Structural (1 step down)
6. Structural Full
On Starfighters every hit also does structural damage due to the very small size of the craft. Use the
following chart:
Condition (d4)
1. Ionized
2. Overloaded + Structural (2 steps down)
3. Physical + Structural (1 step down)
4. Structural Full
Ionized: Due to extreme luck (or unluck) the system was only ionized for 1D rounds per 10%. The
system does not need repairs.
Overloaded: The system is damaged due to power overload caused by the blast. Usually this causes
glitches and malfunctions to the system (i.e. penalty on the roll).
The system itself suffers minor physical damage. A mechanic may attempt to repair an Overloaded
system with an appropriate Repair check (e.g. Space Transports Repair). The Difficulty and required
time depends on the percentage of damage. 10-29% : Moderate and takes one round. 30-59% :
Difficult and takes two rounds. 60-99% Very Difficult and takes three rounds. 100% : Cannot be
repaired during combat.
Physical: The system (or parts of it) suffer a direct hit. It loses the percentage in pips. Attempts to
repair it can begin after combat.
Structural: Hull suffers damage. Loses strength in pips according to the Condition Roll. Soak is rolled
always in full Hull rating. Check for Hull Breach. At full structural, hull takes all damage and no system
is affected.

System condition
Main power
Main Power affects all systems. Loss in Main Power results in random systems failing until the rest
can be kept up. On the next round an Engineer can reroute power to the systems he/she wants up.
- Overloading the powerplant causes problems in power rerouting (+1 for every step). 100% of
Main Power overloaded means the core will explode in 1D rounds if it's not shut down.
- Physical damage reduces the maximum output by 10% per step. Reaching 100% physical
damage on the core, results in total power loss, core overloading and explosion in 1D rounds.
A direct hit causing 100% damage to the core, means immediate explosion and destruction of
the ship.
Main Power cannot be ionized. Treat Ionized as Overloaded.

Life support
Losing part of Life Support is not critical but it can lead later to other problems if not repaired. Both
Overloading and Physical damage on Life Support affects how many days a ship can go without
resupplying (consumables). Failure of Life Support will result in deadly conditions in a couple of hours,
according to the passengers and the volume of the ship. (exact time is TOTAL MASS LIMIT in minutes
/ number of crew and passengers).


Overloading shields causes glitches on changing the arcs (+1 for every step). Also lose the
ability to spread the shields to arc according to the following chart: M - 3 arcs, S - 2 arcs, D
1 arc.
Physical damage reduces the pips (10% for each step.)

Maneuvering Thrusters

Overloading thrusters causes problems on maneuvering the ship (+1 for every step on any
maneuver, movement or dodge roll).

Physical Damage to the thrusters affects maneuverability rating (-10% pips for every step). A
ship without Maneuvering Thrusters increases all terrain difficulties by 1 level and an action is
required even for cautious speed. A ship cannot execute complex maneuvers (those with
difficulty more than +5). A pilot can still dodge and full dodge.

Ion Drive

Overloading the sublight engine affects the acceleration and deceleration. L - ALL OUT
needs 2 rounds. M - HIGH and ALL OUT need 2 rounds. S - NORMAL, HIGH AND ALL OUT
need 2 rounds. D - All speed changes require 2 rounds.
Physical Damage to the ion drive affects sublight speed. For every step lose 10% of your
speed (roundup). 100% of Ion Drive lost, means the ship continues with the speed it currently


Overloading the hyperdrive increases the mishap modifier in case the astrogation roll fails.
For every 20% , add 1 to the mishap roll.
Physical Damage to the hyperdrive increases the chance for the jump to fail. For every 10%
lost in Hyperdrive add +2 difficulty on the Astrogation Roll. 100% damage, means the ship
cannot enter in Hyperspace.

Nav Computer

Overloading the Navicomputer increases the time needed to calculate the jump. Each step
adds 10% to the time needed.
Physical Damage makes the calculation more difficult. For every 10% lost in Nav Computer
add +3 difficulty on the Astrogation Roll. 100% damage to the Nav Computer means +30 on
the roll.

Main Computer

Overloading the Main Computer affects the efficiency of the electronic systems of the ship.
Add +1 difficulty per 10% to any roll involving computers, communications, EW, CM and use
of the ship facilities (medbay, repairs etc). This is due to corrupted data fed by the Computer.
Physical Damage to the main computer affects the ratings of comms and similar systems.
Reduce the ratings 10% per step. Loss of Main computer, means that none of those systems
work. Every facility, including repairs increase the difficulty of the roll one whole step.

Sensors Array

Overloading the sensors array results in a +1 difficulty in any sensors roll.

Physical damage results in loss of pips and range (10% per step).


Overloading a weapon results in loss of Fire Control (10% per step in pips). If a weapon is
already 100% overloaded, it loses damage rating.
Physical Damage results in loss of Damage rating (10% per step in pips).

Hull loses percentage in pips from rating (soak is always rolled in full hull rating). Direct hit that causes
30% of damage results in Minor Hull breach. Roll 1D6 and determine which section is affected by
minor decompression. Crew has 2D6 rounds to repair or clear the area. Direct hit that causes 60% of
damage results in Major Hull Breach. Crew has 1D6 rounds to repair or clear the area. Cumulative
100% damage destabilizes ship's structure and crew has 1D6 rounds to evacuate. Direct hit that
causes 100% damage means the ship is immediately destroyed.
Passenger Damage
System Damage

Damage if Hull

Dmg if Sys Operator


Passengers take damage when Hull suffers damage or when they are operating one of the following
systems and that system takes physical damage: Main Power (engineering room), Main Computer
(computer operators on the primary controls), Sensors (sensors operator), Weapons (gunner),
Thrusters and Sublight (pilot), Shields (shield operator), Nav Computer (Astrogator). Pilot is not taking
damage if he controls remotely weapons, sensors, shields and navicomputer.

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