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Design for Learning

Activity Plan- Math

Instructor: Miss Lawless

Grade Level:1st grade

Lesson Title: Magic Math

Curriculum Area: Addition

Estimated Time: 15

Standards Connection: Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency

for addition and subtraction within 10.

Learning Objective(s): When given a worksheet, Students will add 5 one-digit

numbers using objects with 100% accuracy.

Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:

You will be given a worksheet and must add 5 one-digit numbers together using
objects I give you.

Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):

The students will be given a worksheet (attached) with blank boxes to create a
number sentence. The students will add objects that the teacher pulls from a hat
and write those numbers down on their worksheet. The students will then add the

numbers together. Those who get 5 correct will be considered proficient. Those
who get 3 to 4 correct will be in the yellow range. Those who get less than 3 will
be in need of re teaching

Engagement: The teacher will read the book 12 Ways to Get to 11 by Eve
Merriam to a small group of students. She will call the students to a workroom
where they can work in private. The teacher will ask questions to get an
understanding of the students prior knowledge of adding. Okay students A, B, and
C we are going to go to the teacher workroom to do a fun activity. The teacher and
the students go to the workroom; the students and the teacher will sit at the
worktable. Okay we are going to read a book called 12 Ways to Get to 11 by Eve
Merriam. This book is about different ways to make the number 11! Can anyone
tell me two numbers that add up to 11?- Yes! 9 and 2 equal 11! I love how you used
Counting on! The teacher will read the book. Who liked the page about magic?
you did! me too! Has anyone ever done any magic? Thats great! Well today
we are going to use magic to do math! Does that sound like fun?

Learning Design: (Activity)

The teacher will have a hat to represent a magic hat. Inside the hat there will be 6
teddy bears, 6 tiles, 6 counting beans, a large plus sign and a large equals sign. The
students will have a worksheet(attached) with empty number boxes to fill in as we
pull out items and add them. The teacher will take a certain number of items from
each different type along with the addition and equal sign in order and have the
students mentally add them. The students will remain engaged by the different
items that keep getting pulled out of the magic hat.
Okay boys and girls, Im going to pass out a worksheet that we will use as we do
this activity. We are going to add numbers using things that I pull out of my magic
hat! The teacher gets the hat and sets it in her lap. First! We are going to learn
about some magic signs that you probably already know about. The teacher pulls

out the plus sign. Does anyone know what this magic sign is? yes its a plus signand what does it do? Great! it adds numbers to together!. Okay, what about
this sign? The teacher pulls out the equal sign. Who can tell me the name of this
sign? so close! This is the equal sign! This magic sign completes our math
problem and tells us we need an answer! Now we have our magic signs so we need
some numbers so the signs can do their magic. The teacher pulls 3 teddy bears out
of the hat. Okay can anyone tell me how many teddy bears I have? Yes! 3! Okay
lets write that number in our first number box! The teacher then pulls out the plus
sign. Now remember this means we are going to add the next number to this 3!
The teacher pulls out 4 tiles from the hat. Can anyone tell me how many tiles I
have? Yes! Its 4! So now write that in your next number box! Now we have 3 plus
4! The teacher pulls out the equal sign. This equals what? Write your answer down
on your worksheet! This will continue until the teacher has completed 5 different
number sentences with the students.

Assessment: Boys and girls, I will be checking your worksheet to make sure you
correctly answered the five problems we just went over. We want to make sure we
did all five problems! Take an extra few minutes to complete your math problems.
The teacher will use the worksheet as the assessment. Students who get 5 correct
will be considered proficient. Students who get 3-4 correct will be in the yellow
range and students who get less than 3 will be in need of re teaching.

Closure: You all did so great! I loved doing magic with you guys! Now lets re
read 12 Ways to get to 11 by Eve Merriam one more time! The teacher will re read
the story. Okay! To finish up I want us all to use our magic and think of one way to
create 11! When you have your answer touch your nose! The teacher will give the
students about 3 minutes. Okay who wants to share with the group? Yes! 5 + 6 =
11. Who else would like to share? Yes! 8 + 3 = 11! That was so much fun! Maybe
next time you can be the magician!

Materials and Resources:

12 Ways to Get to 11 by Eve Merriam
6 teddy bears
6 tiles
6 counting beans
big plus sign
big equals sign


Directions: Once you have written the

numbers provided to you by the teacher, add
them up and write the answer in the blank.

____ + ____ = ____

____ + ____ = ____

____ + ____ = ____

____ + ____ = ____

____ + ____ = ____

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