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Cailee Franklin
Professor Lynn Raymond



October 26,2015

The daily writing assignments that are assigned every day in class and the writing
prompts have encouraged me to look at situations from diflerent angles. They have allowed me

different questions about all aspects we have explored dwing this course, which has
to me having more insight about each of the topics. This concept of being able to examine
same details of large concepts is going to be extremely useful in researching our topic


faveling and in deciding which infonnation to include in the project.

Our literacy narrative project allowed me to determine what has been important in my life
thus far and what has shaped me into the writer that I am today. This qoncept of what has formed
me throughout

life alludes to that fact that life is a joumey that everyone

has to take in order to

mature and grow. This helped me decide my traveling topic for the semester long project because
every time you ftavel, you have the opportunity to experience a new journey and make the most

of it, which is how your life should be. The family tree project also helped reinforce this idea of
taking journeys because our ancestors had to make the journey to America, which allowed all


us to be settled here. There are many different reasons anyone's ancestors could have decided


leave their home country for Americ4 which influenced my groups idea to research people's


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My main motive for choosing traveling had to do with my love for my mission
Costa Rica

tip in

I went on this past sunmer. This lead to me needing to further research why people



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