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kavel and continue with the rest of our presentation, so this chart would be a strong introduction

to going into detail about our own traveling experiences that we are going to share.

Fig. 3. Caffas, Costa Rica

This picture is going to be used in my personal anecdote about taveling to fully show the
differences in traveling. Most people wouldn't think of coming to vacation at a place like this,
but Costa Rica is also known as a popular tourist site. I will be sharing how one counS can have
many diflerent opportunities for traveling, for example there are mission trips to the rougher
parts ofthe country and there are also tourist expeditions to the more tropical part of the country.
This picture will compare and contrast most peoples view when they hear someone is going to
Costa Rica for a trip and

will hopeflrlly

option in why people travel.

be eye opening to the fact that thiere is more ttran one

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