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3rd Grade Multiplication

By Erin Gebert


Welcome 3rd Grade Class of P.S. 111! This WebQuest was developed to sharpen your
multiplication skills through an interactive task!

Picture This!
It is a hot, hot summer day at the end of July. Tim Times is bored. There is nowhere to go
swimming today. He and his family went on vacation to the beach, but that was a month ago.
Boy, would he like to go somewhere cool and FUN!

Introduction: Part 2
*Ms. Times Reward for you: Free Choice Computer Time for 10 Minutes
Tim and his friends (Alyssa, and Matthew) have decided that they can try to help
Tims little sister, Tina, learn her times tables. (THEY REALLY WANT THEIR
REWARD!) But how can they help? Tim asks each of his friends what helped them
learn their multiplication tables.
Their responses were:
Skip Counting
Repeated Addition
Number Lines
Bar Model
Distributive Property
Multiplication Table


You will be placed into three different groups (Tim, Alyssa,

and Matthew)

Depending on who you are, go to the next pages and find

out what your task is. Then meet each other on the group
link for the group task.

Can YOU help Tina learn her multiplication


Tim (Group 1)

Tim, you and your friends are working hard to try to help your sister, Tina, learn her
times tables!

You know that using your times tables to do word problems really helped you.

Go to each of the links below. Do 2 sets of problems on each web page.


Word Problems


Missing Factor


Missing Factor Word Problems

*Then, go to Your Journal and answer the question from Tina & Tims Mom there.
(Double click anywhere on the page to write your response on a post-it! Write your

Alyssa (Group 2)

Alyssa, your job is to help your friend Tim teach his sister, Tina, to learn her
multiplication tables.

As you told your friends, using a multiplication grid, as well as practice sheets
really helped you.

So, in order to help Tina, you are going to do 3 tasks:


Turn & Talk: Use the Multiplication Grid to show another partner in your group
how to use it to do the 7 multiplication facts.


Make your own Worksheet for Tina to practice with. (Remember, she needs to
learn how to do her facts through her 9 times table). Write your answer key to
your worksheet in your notebook. Show your work!

*Then, Go to your Journal Page and answer the question from Tina & Tims mom.
(Double Click on the page to get a post-it note! Include your name!)

Matthew (Group 3)

Matthew, you loved all the multiplication games that you played in school and at home to
help you learn your facts. Lets take a look at some other games that will help Tina learn
her multiplication facts!

Go to the links below to play each game 2x.


Sum Sense


Hidden Picture (Click on the Multiplication Button on Left)


Holiday Lights (Click on the Multiplication Sign)


Granny Prix (Try Level 2-9 or 3-12)

*Then, go to Your Journal and answer the question from Tina & Tims Mom. Double Click to
answer. Write your name.


To understand how you will be evaluated for this interactive activity, please
see attached link for Rubric

WOW! You have done an awesome job looking for ways to help Tims sister,
Tina. Talk to each other about what you learned. You can use this "Paper" to
write down your best ideas/strategies.



Teacher Resources
Purpose: to develop automaticity with multiplication facts, as well as to begin to develop an
understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division. This webquest would be
beneficial, as reinforcement, after initial instruction in the 0-10 times tables.
The role of Tim Times would best suit a student with good math reasoning and problem solving

Common Core Standards (National):

Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between
multiplication and division (e.g. knowing that 8x5=40, one knows 40/5=8) or properties of
operations. By the end of grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.

New York State Standards: Number Sense and Operation Strand

3.N.19 Develop fluency with single digit multiplication facts
3.N.20 Use a variety of strategies to solve multiplication problems with factors up to 12 x12.

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