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Evaluation of Sources.

Academic Journal:
1. Eisenstein, Michael. (2015). Medical marijuana: Showdown at the cannabis corral.
Nature. 525 (7570) s15-s17
1. Anyone interested in the medical implications of marijuana and fighting to earn
our right to obtain and use the substance for medical advancement.
2. It relates to my project due to the article covering how marijuana impacts certain
parts of society and gives positive reinforcement to its potential in medical
3. As far as I can see, I dont detect any biased in this article and gives a fairly
balanced opinion of the benefits and concerns to the legalization and use of Pot in
the medical field.
4. It tells me its a fairly reliable source of information.
5. The source as published this year which is very helpful to have information so
recent meaning its
6. I would say he is definitely a more reliable source than most due to the
information all being recent as well as backed up with statistics and facts with a lack
of biased towards either side whether to legalize or not
7. Since the source is fairly new there doesnt appear to be a lot of reviews as well
being cited. The originality is also lacking due to the pretty standard presentation of
the information
8. I see this source coming in handy when trying to argue the benefits and positives
of using marijuana for medical research.
9. 4, the source is peer reviewed and of an academic source as well as unbiased and
very recent. I would consider this an ideal source for information on the topic


Case Western Reserve Law Review. 65 (3), 649-687
1. Sort of a persuasive piece to show off how well things are going with the apparent
flag ship state for the legalization movement. Perhaps to try and keep the progress
going and get more states to join them through the positive facts
2. It is very relatable to my project because it too provides information on how it has
benefitted the state in more ways than one. Giving benefits in the Medical Fiend,
providing tax revenue, and lowering crime rates.

3. The article is biased towards legalizing because of all the positive feedback it
gives about how well Colorado is doing, but doesnt provide us with much of the
other side of the story. However this doesnt really detract much from whether or
not the source is a good reference or not.
4. The source is recent and the information is compiled through census and official
documents to be used in this article to back up sources and show all the good that
has happened because of it.
5. This article was published in 2015 giving the added bonus of being recent and up
to date.
6. The author has experience in
7. This source seem to have a particular theme over all giving the biased to the
case in Colorado which makes it a little hard to use as a citation for something
where im trying to get a balanced feel for the issue.
8. I see this article really being helpful with making people sort of open their minds
to how legalization could benefit the nation rather than tear it apart as most on the
opposite side would believe.
9. 4, because the article is exactly what my project is covering, but has biased to
one side making the information a little unbalanced even though the facts were well
put together.

3. Ethan Nadelmann. (2000-2015) Marijuana Legalization and Regulation. Received
from http://www.drugpolicy.org/marijuana-legalization-and-regulation
1. The Pro-Marijuana group and anyone for the furthering of their cause and
progress towards legalization
2. This source is exactly what Im covering for my project, but is biased towards
3. This source is very biased to legalizing, you can even donate to them on the
home page to help further their efforts and they start their first sentence with how
marijuana needs to be taken out of the criminal justice system.
4. I dont see a lot of citations and it would seem that they would only allow
information that backs them up, but you can contact the editors of this site via a
live chat box.
5. The website gives information from this year as well as a year before so most of
the information is fairly recent adding to its reliability.
6. It says the main editor of this page holds a PHD as well as several other titles and
he seems to have dedicated a good portion of his life to researching and funding the
cause he leads, but with the site only being a .com it leads me to suspect a

particular lack of reliable information. Not to say the articles are not helpful just may
not be as reliable as others
7. These people who support this page seem to have the mentality of those on the
front lines of a political war. They voice their opinion and back it up with facts that
makes them a very worthy leader for this cause and effort towards legalization.
8. I see this source being useful due to the fact its fairly recent as well as public and
has a lack of biased.
9. 3 due to it being a biased as well as it being edited by a large board of
supporters and editors of their site sort of giving it more reason not to completely
trust it.

4. Daniel Luzer (June 19, 2015). State Marijuana Laws Map: Received from
1. A broad audience of whoever really is interested in which states have which laws
towards medical or recreational cannabis
2. It gives an outline to how it is progressing by offering a little information on laws
and restrictions throughout the states as well as a color coded map.
3. The source is purely factual information and has no biased.
4. The information used here is pretty generic and textbook. Its basically giving a
census of how the movement is developing in the nation as well as what laws
govern what states.
5. The information is from this year and adds to the reliability. The information is
about whats basically happening right now which is what we care about.
6. The other doesnt really need that many credentials if he is taking the statistics
from other sources and putting them into a chart.
7. Id say very little impact because there is only about two and a half paragraphs of
information on this page.
8. The only thing I can find on this site that could come in handy for a project is
borrowing the charts and maps from the site to use and give credit to them in a
9. 2 , because it lacks in information, but the map and visuals make it easy to
understand. Making it easy to understand gives it certain merits but there are better
places to look for more detailed information.
5. Derrickson, Jason. (2014). Marijuana Legalization: State Initiatives, Implications,
and Issues. New York, NY: Laws and Legislation

1. Anyone interested in learning more about this controversial campaign to legalize

cannabis and research in relation to it.
2. It is a balanced piece giving both sides of the story and doesnt support either
biased unfairly which is how Id like to present my project.
3. The book is a very balanced source of information.
4. The books accuracy with information is very well presented and is supported by
citation to other reliable sources as well as what information is current.
5. This book was published last year so the information is very recent and adds to
the reliability of this source.
6. The author gives us a fairly wide background to back up his information and helps
to further promote the information.
7. This source can be very helpful for either sides of the argument and can be taken
either way unless you can take a look at the big picture and see what can be taken
and voiced as reasonable.
8. This book seems like a very useful resource for any project over the topic
9. 4, the book is a great source of information and provides a lot of information
about legalization as well as benefits and also voices some concerns as well as
suggested limitations

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