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Krystal Delgado

TA: Elizabeth Brott Beese

November 23, 2015
Case 5 Cyberbullying
#2: Cyberbullying:
Unfortunately, bullying has long be an issue in societyin school, home, and work
environments. With the introduction of the Internet, a new medium was created for bullying to
take place. Now, cyberbullying is a phenomenon that occurs frequently on social media
platforms, creating aguish for many, especially adolescents. Since much of the communication in
these sites takes place asynchronously or behind the security of a computer screen or mobile
device, individuals can belittle with ease, as they dont even have to face their target.
Now, that you have had the opportunity to view some issues related to cyberbullying,
consider the following questions with your group members: 1. Cyberbullying is an issue that
knows no boundaries, taking place and affecting individuals both at school and at home. Whose
responsibility is it to monitor and correct this behavior? Does the responsibility rest on one
group? What do you base this reasoning on? What evidence do you have to support your
viewpoint? 2. Consider the cases and realities of cyberbullying. Do you think anything could
have been done to prevent some of the outcomes that have occurred? Why or why not? 3. Now,
consider your role as an educator. What responsibilities, if any, do educators have to their
students related to the issues you have researched? How should educators address and overcome
issues considered here in the classroom? Do potential affordance of technology for educational
purposes outweigh potential drawbacks?
The responsibilities of educators include knowledge of prevention methods, providing
opportunities for students to report or talk about cyberbullying, informing students of the
disciplinary actions and consequences of bullying, and seeking opportunities for parental
involvement in prevention. (Morgan, 2013, p. 149) While teachers, parents, administrators are
responsible for ensuring student safety, I think that cyberbullying is an issue that should be
addressed by the community as a whole. Teachers should do their part by modeling ethical
behavior in class and on the internet. Because a significant amount of cyberbullying does occur
on smart mobile devices and the majority of students own them it is important that the school
staff inform students of the harmful effects of bullying. All school personnel should be made
responsible for reporting any bullying that takes place in the school as well as online. Since the
school staff may not be able to witness all bullying or cyberbullying cases, it is important to
educate the students and parents on how to deal with these situations. Parents should be aware of
the mediums that todays bullies use such as social media and how to report abuses of such
technology. Lastly, students should receive training on how to advocate for the victims or
bullying and methods on how to stop it.
When school personnel is made aware of the cyberbullying that school must act
immediately to address the behavior and mediate to resolve conflicts among students. There are
methods of preventing cyberbullying and with continual education about prevention I think these
cases could have been avoided. The community must become increasingly active in preventing
bullying and advocating for the victims. In a study conducted by Dateline NBC, educator
Rosalind Wiseman offers feedback to students on how and why they reacted while an individual

became a victim of a bully. Wiseman provided information to students on how they could have
stopped the bullying and why remaining silent makes them a participant in the bullying.
Teachers should address cyberbullying issues through mediation similar to Wisemans methods.
Teachers should also ensure that students feel comfortable reporting cyberbullying as soon as
possible and are confident that actions will be taken to stop it.
Technology has opened many doors for teachers. Bullying has existed for many years
and even prior to the integration of technology in our schools. Even though technology has
made bullying easier and sometimes harsher, it has brought many advances to the classroom.
With the use of technology teachers are able to produce lesson illustrations and media rapidly
and at minimal costs. Disabled students or those whom cannot attend in person can still receive
an education thanks to technology tools. The elimination of classroom technology will not
resolve this bullying issue because a majority of students have access to these tools at home.
Cyberbullying can be prevented with the help of all individuals in the community and with a
strong positive influences of school personnel.

Morgan, H. (2013). Malicious use of technology: What schools, parents, and teachers can do to
prevent cyberbullying. Childhood Education, 89(3), 146-151. DOI:

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