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J., H .. NELSO'N

SIU~Hn"iI,'r~ ~I (lXI,( nt fJ,rt~ t ii\() B. o j'lhoJl·hua,v,e '"ad iu' ,V;',p PIQg(l,' iO-l~ (lol:tdl,f f.il.$ ove,' ," j'Vo,r'rh A,t,t;anUc 1~(Ji· a: PVt:'-lItUU" period" Q,ud tJ.~ ,.'e'laUuc posi,"io't, 0/ t,h:e ,planets i11! t'ht ,$o'l(i~· Qlt',ni, di$ctHe8' "o,n~a: 1II"r;u '1t,"~',~dtH:g' OQr·, ~·ei«,tf:onl'. AS' (j, "'C'8;U~' tJ,I' ,,Ne1 QOnr:"l'QCio',H~a., lI'lifli'r,t,(l:i::rI, P"C1UCI'<U"!i ,~'t,l,a,Uo'~$h,i;),f (U~e ,d,edlccild COl have spl6ciP:c ""eet. on ~ad'i:O p,J:"opagQtlft)OHtAr(lil~g. the,ir ;i;N:~ 1l"feNe,d upon. th.e 'MU" Ff(rth.~.·' in"",Ctgati9n IiI re:q,rlind to .IuUiJ' c':Cpjo,re ~he eJ1',c~ 01 ,p':aH'et ptlBiUous (I,n: ~o;adi() ,p'~Opa'Q"U~t,~ :itli. (Jr:(l,r eh(,d. .til" ,Algld'p In',~J>Ot~:f(.nt,t; lidd .,/ ,to:d~i, 1otathe.~ !or,c,a,ti1\tg t,,",atl be prof,hu·JV ,de~,"'oped.

M.A. NY.' i.n.c.v.e.$tig.~_a .. ".~.,~.r:s ... 0 ..... 1.' SiOJ.'.,ar.ae'tiV.:i~Y .•• ill the ... ~.as. t'.h.'.la. we eon._d.'.l!ct . .e.~.' ,t~teWilve studies ofplamet,ary ,pbenomena. In an effort to

a.ec:otlnt .fot" the max:i,mum and minim.u.m,o,f the el,even·yeal~ 3UIRS,POit ICY:C!:I ,D'nd alse theshOirter period va,r'i:at.ions in s,unspot, n'Qmbers \,hieh t.aikephu;~e from m.Olnth 'to'Mo,ot'h. The 'I:\e-s.ul'ts. ,o,f s,evetal,ofthese, h1v'es1t,i,gat.o,rs apP,eali· t,o i.odicate a" ,connection. t1etwee:n, the in.tel,",I,·t~.a~ tionship, ,o,t 'the plallets and the degl~ee ,of ;spott,edness o,ft'he' s,·olar SlU'" .face.T.he W'(lirk.$, 0:1' H'Ulnt:ingtoD,,,,1 Clay'to:n,::': and Sanfol'dt:li \Vel". t'ound to be parlicula,rly ap,pUc',ablet)o the ,subj,ect 'mlltte'r of' tbis ,'aper ..

The r,esults ,of tileirin,ve's,tigation:s, 8.Ug~ge:sted tbQ,t. asim.:ilnr'shtdy rell.Un:r p~a,net8r,' 'p,henome:nu. to radio dlst,tu·bn,nc@N, Q",·el"' tb:i No,:k'tb ,Atla:n:ti,c mligh,t revea:l ,ini:ormation, of v'al,ue,. Sblc:e: J:mle, 1,94,8~, the a,uth,oil:' bas cona,luctfiQl, r-eileail:eh 01'\ t.h"is subjc'et" and this ,pa,pe.r" p'rflsen,ts; the ,clorreia'tion th:at has been. foull.d between shorhvnve: l~adio di,sturb .. a,nets and Iceria,in, ,')aR'elary pbenomena as de.'scri bed belcn'Y~

.. Dec~ma:1 C:I,as;sifi,cation,:; R, U.3,.:2,16 •

. _ ~ :E, •. HUht:ingltOn,; .EAB:T'H AND ,SUN~ '\"a.I,11 Un~v,ers~ty' P,r'e:s", New

Havenl, 'Col:l,ne(!ti(!'ot.192:3~

_ :: H. H,. ,Clayton:. SOLAR R,ELA,TI:ONS, Cla:yt'on '\Ve:a.t;h,(u· Sel'vi,ce~

Cu:n,t;o:,n'lt ,Ma,eaebuae'q'I' 194iS:.

IF'. SiLliI.fol'id.t INFLUENCE, ,OF 'PLAN'ETA:RY' ICQNFI,QUR:ATIONS Uro.N THE FR'E.IQ,UENCY 'O'F' 'VIS:.IB:LE SU:NS:POTS. Sm'i't:h:soraiilll In§ stit'utionIWasbiing:t.QR,~ D', C.~ 1.:936.


Thebeliocen tr~e :interl'el,at:toD ship bet ween l'.lercurr.. V en"$~ Earth~, ~Ial~, Jupit,er and SatQ.rn \vas extl'tl:cted fl"om.the: A.~I:E!U:CAN· ilPUE.~mERmS AN:D N"AOT'ICAL AL~UA:N.A!C p:ubUshe:d by the U.S~ Naval ObsefV.a,:t.ory ilt \Va,shin,gt:o.n •. D •. C'~ .forthe ye.lrs, 1.942, 194.4" 1.'4"1, 1948, and 194:9~Dates \vhen the hel iC)QeRtrie '~elati()n,$i.i, of an:y two. p~la.nets WIS 'O"".9()"'\ 1.80° or 210<> ":fre ~',e<:orded" .A.t 0~ a:n inn,er pJan.et h.; ht Une on tbe $a'me $,id,e: of the .s:un\,~i:th an outtrpl.lnet ;: at'90~ art inne'~' planet ls '90'0 a AfQ:d· of an ontt·~··plan.et; at lSO~an in:nerplanet undia n: OUb!,l;~pIQ"etal·~ i'n line .. on ,qpPosit,e side,$, ,of tile ·su It; at 21,0· an hl:llle:l·pla.net ~s· ~O" beltbufan Otlter 'planet. The$e~~ehlt£()nS are heN'" in3fteirl'erel'ri~d to es confi.g'!u·rn:Uons..

In.add[Uon toploUin:g :tbe pos.tUons. o:t·theval~io"s pi,lfttts luthi' \eva,. .;1 reeeed lY'alsm~deo:f the :so~al~ <lIuadr,ants ovet· \\ildeh It'a.ch Ci~ll: .. figuraUon took pln·ee... The ;$Ola.r· quad~·a.nts. in thi$ studY'ar,e deter.min:ed by t:t~e 'Et\dh-Sun :a:'el'ationsldp "n.d.el"\\~hich, the SUIRLS div'ided iatoils, foul" qu,a.d'~ants· 3sfol!ow$:; 'Th·elirst ,quadrant is tibev.i~,ible sector of· the east.er.n· h.em:isphertr oftht Su n~$\"'ie\ytd f:~'om the Eal1··th ;: tRe see ... ond,q"andirant. is the invis:ible se~tor of the ea:~t4~i'n hemh~f)here ; the third q~adraftt is: tk.einvj:sibJ:eseetor of the ·\vts.t.el·'n hemisphere .;a114 .be fOI~jrth quadran.t the: vi:sUi)llt $.eelor·of· Ute '"e:s.tel'n he:miisphere~

E\tE:t"y con6:rul"aUon ,of thet)··pep\l,:eYi:c)"~I,meRU.onedw.as ",.a:icul!3ted bet.\~·~en l\,fe:f.cul"Y andV:er. U:S~ Jler(:u ry and: Earl'b • '!f!ercury tII:ndr.'ars .. MtJ1cUt·, lind J:up~blr. and j'·fer,cufyarndi Satnrn. p:o~~or'\"in.rt,hist~lJl s,amemethQd \vas ustd.\\ritb Venus "'ad its !o~'terp~anet$, Earth and its onb~t: ·p)a.l1lets" J;la.rs .and U.$.Otltel~ plan.ets.~ and. JupUer and :S,a.tu.rn. Tbe ana.·~,~ ... sls $1I1Oo\\"$ that. the,sl: >l!on#ilgltrati,ans. iU'e<ll~dti ~andom in: tinu~~ ana. val~yfN>:m eases ':\there ~nly one '('.¢IHg'Ul"at:i<>ft between t"o ·p·hl;lJ.eb t~ke$ p~ace in a. l-1 .. dPl·)~ pe~~lod te ,enses, h~ 'wll,:icb '''·eo' 't,lest $b: ,lao'e:ts. ar,e ; rnrolvCldin a ,cGn:ft.g'll,.a.Uou,,'Uh seme ·ot,h:er pl:anet.\" .. Uhin a :fortF'eigbt. hour' pell"i.o(1 .• Cftsts wht'~i nn b .. n~l· plane:' makes a confta:Qr:aUon '\vit.htwo, OUitel~ pllnnets.\yiUdn a. tweftl\)r .. fo:tn' hour pe'r-ilotlarct quite nume:f'Ot.IS.

A"t ])lerlheUorl ... Mel~Ur.1 moves 6'" 1;9i'per da.)f tUlathel~fiO'1"e~yin :m~.k·e mo~c oon:figur.a,uORS pel' u'nit tim'8 aJ ,'his poi'llt illlitsGl'blt tban at .aphenon,~\\~J1ere its speed j's reduced ·to2°· 4.·4:" Iltr da,.. Thev8I"ia(ion in ot;bit speed oCthe ,ot1herp~Qneb is: Deg~irible' f.or this .parUcu):ar stttdY.

MBrlliOJ) or OBS:BlYA'1'10N

Eaehteehnieian at tbe: nCA 'Com.muni:eatio:ns~ Ift¢.Relee~v'ng Sta,., tion a.t i:iv,·er:bead.. LlDg I.s~and.. N,ew Yo~k~ m,a,i.ntahl:sa )01' record

durio.lh[s 'tour 0" duty whie'hl pr'ov.ides a :recoird of 'COQc:UUOI'l3 Oon. snort .. way, fJicnals, over' tbe No.rth .A.tlao.tic ddf.ing tbe nddnla&t, to, 8 ;!010 A'lbt. peri4dJ' tcb!e8 :(10' A~N.~o,4.~: CO P .M.Deriod ftll.d the 4 ~'OP',!.M.~ to. m jd ... night ·pe.riod. AU ,ofthE'se: eight-hoL1Jrptl"i!ods. f.or tbeyeara 1942:~ 1'94,4\.~

-1947", 1948 al1d UNa \vert (:o.I~IJ:el'ated wUh 6-xi5'ting:p,laliul:t'3:r,' '(lOnfigul·a ..

UaM azul the r.'8U ttt lysttmatScal:ly t'kOrded~ Th'eeoffl'laUOD. between .S'ttO,f,tw.aveEUsWrbanO:e8 Arll<l plltoeta.r.r¢()ntUrurl'tio',1lS I" snow.n inF'~ • .& ure 1. :for'eacb o.f t'he lea.rs studitMI.

tJI:IOM: so

I ,
:1 ,
I _CQI. I) DfD



__ :Q una


HI_ 0- UBI:


JII'GII '1),".&


1_la OJ e-I«I! ll;&tt1I :P:II:lOM 11m ,,l.$ :M~D (PO<III. '1'ClO QUIDU! o:tI,AIJD f'GDdS III"OU UXlD,ll'J: 111'11 (If) «IIJ~"~ .1'. cmUMJ...LUQJ lUoTaM10HUIII ,&,3 .!cr:- ~

Pil. l-'Corftlador. ,betw~fJ;l\ ,dbturbtd. p,eri<JdI: :and day of COAI6i;:u.rlat5on:~

l't:. can be :nad:U: INn fro~m the",u glfaphstbat distul"bed 'fonditiolS :sno,\V gOO" correllJtion ,vith planetary :confi.guratiol'Js.. This strOl1g'br 'in.dtca:tE!S 3. relatiooshi,phct utecnN ()nhAUa.nt~,c .$hOrP'IE1VI! a:igDalH~ hav.iorawip,ian(!t.:rry eCIOII,guraUons. AJl CQilJllgufalloR$, MWf!vell. arre notae:eompa.ni M. by d l5tu.rb ed. eond i t ions. A. IUlil)"6,1~ a:hOlVS that some ,0,· .. 90· t .lSfjI·" ,or:2'10iil ,configurations betW-E!trli tW(),pl:lan!ets: ca!n be "tllli .. Jed I'l (!In~G: of' 'them is 'ClOS,1 to 120~ fl'·om another planet en the same day~

J tis~ however II dtft:inUel, sho\vmtba:teacb of :Ute six p,J,antt~a:tudied .is fdT:ec:t lYe! n. .s:om.e Ico'.n.fi.gur.atio;n:a.

Th.:r~ $eems, t:o '»ea .IQilLuldrant tlt.cljtin that planets. over ,om. solar quad.rallit$ $11:o,\V betttr ·oor,n::J:A.ti:onwlthcU~tu :r:bed: GondiUonsthan ''''he,D o:,~,er othtrQ.II:ad:r.ants:~ Tbebvo mOist effeeC.ive q:uadran'tsare $hc.n.vnln t:h'8 study to :be t'he' first aDd third 'qu:ad.l~.nts and tl1'e:teast ,etr'ecUve tbe,fourtb qu,adr.anit~. Good eorrehltioD e:dsts 'wUhconfiguf.a@ UQ'I'!UJ 0,1 the 180·'t.)~pe Wherein the: inner p]a:ne1t i.e ov~r tho first 'tlI:tlttdl"a.nt 81ilJd! the ou~e'r' pllne!t over the thi:rd q,uaa.ran.t~

T'he: rt,sulb; of ,a, apeels) study o"fM',ereury whenthia plan,et W'I!lJi m\~tl· the :first qU3Id'ran;t 3ndth~ (tute;r p:I!~nE!t"vM o~,e:rtbe third 'Iluadrant is. Sbol,~~.n betow~ (The l>er~Qdl of pl'1s, ilI1id :.'in'l·j,on:c da" from, tftllguraUQR. d'nJ.~ ,0," i .• hrte~d~y period ;,vas consid'8roo in dtterminiol \~·hE:ther correJaUc'R '\~M made "Uhra;dlo· condiUons.)'

PJ.ne!~ Ilew'cury ....... Venus Ifereu,ry - )I!ors

~-[- J ~-

" , ~ -, I I' I', - - - . i - -., - '.~ I J _- -

._:erctu:,y ~ ! tlpder

"[!ere'll:Q~ -Saturn



ofAlxnte T,pe





N'umbet,o:r Co:nfigu'r.at~M






T,lle beat .c(lirl~@!'atlon is found between :ahort,w.a,vEl' disturban,eet a:nd oon.fi,gul'ati6IRs. 0" tbem,u]Upl,e 'type" Analysis sbo,\ys tbait the closer a con 6::gu rl.'tiOiD. come's to belin:r ,amulUplej :l'hegt.'ealer Ute Ukel:ihO<.ld: '0' a disturbfl,n(:t" l:n I, 'nlUIU,.'8 conn,g:uraUon olielast Inn,er planet. .,in m:R:ke a t'onfigltr,at:ion"yith, hyo slo,,'er Oltlter •• planet! whUe tbe two Q~'ter ptn.neu a,re themselves actuaUy in ¢o:nrill'uraUon 'oreltMJe loa oonfigur.i\Uo:D", ,An e);.lunple' """uld btMclrcmry 're',8c:hin;g a pO!d U on. \\·h:el'e it \\~a.s910'o behind Venu!$ ·and 18!Oof:I'um .J'upiter'\vhlch :pla,ces \~e8Us. 90· behind. .Jilnp:itQr~Confil;8:Url·t'ioi.n8. of this t"pe. $ur,prisinlb~,~ tUre qu:i.te CIODlIR1on. Six ,tXlu'Opl'g are abo\vn beto\y ..

(1) Fi6b'fU.a,ry '7~ 1944 Mer-cury ,-,V;~n'Us O·

FiQbrURl)~ 81' 1'944, It. reo ry ,-luplter9IO·

Febl'ua.ry 8~ 294,4V:.tnul ..... Iuplt~,r 90·

(Fcebruar, 7tb to, lOth. \wre seve.re:1y disbl:'Jbed.)'

(:2:) AprU 12. 194,9 Mcrt(lu~;r- Velrdl O·

April 12~ 1949' Venus ....... Jupit~'r SO·

Ap:rUlt UtilI Me~eury -,Jupiter It,·

(Apri 11m tb to 131.11 we're s'el.'erel)r d:listurbecl)

(3) la,RIlI:" 21. UJ41 lIer,c'llr, ,~, Ba,rlh

,Janular'y24~ 194' Mer,enr" ~ SaturD

,J,anlo,ar',26" 1947 .Earth ~ Sa,tgr,liI,

(',J'anUJ8If.', 25lh.w,u, st!verrely d:i,lturbed)

(4\ ),M~, 14., 114' :Ear'th, ,~ lupi~e:r O·

,M,a, :15" 114'7' Mercury ~ ,Iup,iter 18:0·'

Ma" II., 19,4'1 Mereulry ~ E:arfh 1,8:'"

(M'a,r 'm3t:h to, :171,1iI weN ,swler,e)y' disturbed)

(5,) February:2211'9:4]'8, 'V,enus ~ "lJpiter

P,ebruary 21" .1148 Me:nm,:I'Y ...... , V,enul

F,elbl'lull·Y 2:3~,mg:48, 'M,el"eu:t:'V -lti1p:i,~e!r

(,'ebru,a.ry 2S~dto25,'t,h, \ve're se't'~~e],y dist ~ rtl ~d)

Mercury ~, Venus

Apr:i;J UIi,.U148 ,Mel~cu,:r'.f ~ I !ill. 171 Iter

A,pr',n. am, 1:94:8 V',enul- Jgp:iifle,r

(A,d~ unbtlO :!:3rd. w,e~e se:ver,e:], dislu:rilre<U

1,80,0 180'~ o·

UHlir" ~'U)· 210·

180,· 90· 2,110,•

T',he: r:el1ati'Q,g,ship hebv,een UI,e positions, e,fJupi.te'r a,ll,d IS,aturn ,is very important :i.n~e$peet t~().u ~t,i:p'lei 'cOP,:fi:lura Uon:$ and duri n I'those ,",ears when. lmesie t,'t'g, p~anle:t:s a,re' .sepla,fated! by 01°11, 911)0 ,1,SO·:. af:l:d. 21'1(t'·'lt :tber'l: w:iU be ,Bg:r,ta.te'rru.lDlbe:r of' mll1l'l:tip~re ,eonilgurat.ions, "inicelhiise pbl.Reb mOrV'e 'Very slow:ly..H'ence.~ t,he: iast-er :ioner' p~anets '\\'U~liDa]![re ;ft ,double conngur.at,io8 in r.apid time ,seiq,t~,enC::le ,evlery ti:me one of the:m Nakes, ,a. co:ntl,lcrt,wU,h .eUber 11ll,l'll,iber of ISatur:m., 'Tbj;s ilpa..I"Ueular]y loin the ea5'! ,ofM,ereu rr orVenu:s.

Tbe'enc(!I!u ra:sdng C(J,Vt'ie[a ti ~R found bet,wle·en .~{iI.mospherj'cd isturib ..

Inces o,vE:rthe No,~··th At hudi,c, a.nd. ICion.ftglu~'a.ti,oII:Ul (JHlrtieu]a.rlly 01 the mU)It,iple t."pe') .foa~ U~4'2~ U)44. If'41~ UI48 .• m9!49. sUJI'.l',est,the f'o~~m\V~nr ded,od:i,OM :

(I) That 'the: most,· d~s~u:r.berd tweh/'e'-m:ontllil, [JIeri.o!!IJa, wiUI be those p.[lieedi.n:gandfoUow~ng IQonfi.gurati.omrs ·o:f the O:eJ ii' 'II·~. 1801",j and :270 !;!type 'betw,ee.11, Sailllrn and J"upitet .•

0(2) Tha·tthlem,Qlst cUsturbed ,:arts; 0;1 fhe peri.ooa in fl,)1 w.iin be' t'hos,e in.wh~ch. I\IQ.r.s~s Iciflse bJlI coni:gura,t,i!Qi.n, 'of' 'tt",! 9",. 901'" f .1aO., •. and. 2'IO~ t,:ntH! wiith e,i.tboer' Satlllir~, ,or ,"l!JJpU.e:r'.

un That,tbie'most d~st'I!JJ~·bed. pa.rt .of 'the' period:s, in (2:)1 wUl: be '\ve'ek.a, \~·he.n ·E:a.rUlI,., VeRU5~, t!.)o[ .M·ercury lJ,ag a. oQi.nl1,IIUi:r.ati:,on. ,of


the 0'. OOO~ 180Q• r()r270~ type wi.th. either Satum~ ·Iupiter, .: or Mar#!!.

(4), That the m.ost seve~'e d.jsttu·bance:s CJf .a.lll wUI COome when the eembined innwen~e:f)f Mal;s,E:a.rth" Venus,., and 'Merctl.ry are such that an fou.!l· ,yin be arranged in pos;iUons \vhere there win bea greatc~n~~n.tratioR of p~anetary :influencenearthe 0·" 91°~ 180'0" or 2'10'" points of the Saturn-J npit.er team dur .. in r tile con tigura.ti ons mentioned in (1) ..

(5)1 That the least disturbed pedo€lS win be: those preceding amd fonowing periods when SwtWl'Il. and ,Jupite!rare separated by 1200, tneprineipal dist~rlimDces dUring these: p~eriodseoming fram. configurations o.f the O~ t 90·~ j 180.o~ 01' 270G' type that the I.nnel,· planets Ma.l·S;jt Ea.l'"th~ yenust and Me!l·clIll'Y make among themselves, (101" as a MUilUple with either Salmon 101" Jupiter.

(6) Tbat the: least disturbed PeJ.'iOO5 cd all ,~:m be th{)5e when Saturn~ Jupiter~atldMar.s 21'e eq1!laUy spaced by 1208 t the princ,ipal disturbances during these periods coming fro;m ,configurations that Earth, Venus" and Jilercul'Y make ,amonr themselves, 16r asmlllUiples with S;atm;·n., .Jupiter, or Mars. COinn.:gur:ltions. o·f the muUiple ty"pe Al~e less :fl'eque.nt during anarnJngemen't of 120e. ;RmQng these three slew outer plane,t's ..

en That 60e.re[atiooships between planet.s win also tend topreduee ,uleast disturbed periods" since GO~ iii Oile half of 120.·.

An exact arrangemen.t. ot 1200 as mentioned In (6) Is rare but &. very doseapproaen to it oeeurred in 1934 when Jupit.el' was 120°' behind. Saturn on June 1st. During .Augl!lst* Mars came to the 120-' position with both Jupiter and Satu.rn within it le''+I'' days~ while.Jupit~r and Saturn WEH'e :n 79 apart, }Iagnetic activity l'\9cords show tha.t th.@' 19134 yearly aver.age was the knvest Flec.orded bebve.en 19-30 and 1949 ..

Co:nsidorable scientifi.(: .. st.ud,y has been devo:ted to the greatmagnetie :i;tGrm and aurora of Jully 26th to 3JOtht 194'6.. Figl;we 5 S.iH),"va. the IlosiUOflS ,ot" the six. p,lanels as theY"·@:l"ea.t zero Green.wich mean time:

July 27th, 194ft Th.e space saparatlen between the planets. is given. below.

Jupitel'-· :Satm:n 91- 45'

Jupiter~Eadh 92Q 5i'

Satu:r.n-E,rn·th 176 <> 20'

.Mars . Mtl'tUry 89"" 12'

The speed of 1.1.efiCury carried U past the 90~ point in relafion to :lIars a few hours after ZE!l.:O and [01.0 a m.ultipJe eonfi.gura.tion wi:th. Saturn and ,J~.pUer :on JUI~Y 30th ..


o '.

t .. "'~, 10'5'"

2'IUUS 1(;2',22'

,) I.iI..ID ]1.1, 12

It, IWi:I I,' ',; 'MU'U20 'Ob, tII,u,md l,' I"

:1\ _en! 2,,11;

J a.1,

11.& ,IMU

5 M'IIa, .., sm.


:2:~' n :2'U, ,oJ

'I~' 'it«lI ~ SI

~ '10

52' !O,

'00 II

* S,' :ellS b

li.02 C\1I,

WI ", lI'" 5&' Ul ~

:Fhl'., 3~HtnO!C,el1ltri ~l)ftr:i t ud,e' of p,~aneb dl.ri Rig dli:::!lihllr;bn,ne:es ,0:1, ,se;p,~e~nber 18~


F,~,g. 4~H],eUO~It.mtrile ~,onlgltud!el 'OIf' planets du 1'1 nilit' diw,sMlirlbanGlieS O~II In-:-mulo.~y 3~ J!94fJ.


The helioceliltriic positions. 011 the plaIH?:ts are shown in Figures 2" 3 and: 4. for three other severestOl'ms, n~arch 231"<1 tOI 26th. 1940.; SePt.embe:r 18th to 20th, 1941 with. am'c)l'·a and January 3rdand ,11th, 1946 with aurora ..

Sinee 194,6 So! shotttiJerm. (2;4 heurs) forecasting .system has: b@en under dev(l:lo!pme:nt at the Central Radi,o Office o:fRCA Comrm!!l:nicatioJls, rnc.in New YQrk City .• Ali!. Qbserva:t~r1,. ihou.sir"!;ga. six-inch ireh-,acting telesco[)e~ is maintaltllled and daily aolar obsen"atiQfls. we!3tner permi.tUngj. are made and correlated with exi:s.ting radio condiltiOtHtFromt these solar obsery:ntions •. eonsi.s.ting of a s:tudy of the sOlIai' surface by ey,epiie<;c·. {lind the fiililpping: and (:IMsU'ying Qf mil SIUilSPOIt:s; a forecast, fotr the fl!)lhnving t.,!\'entj;·~f!)ur hours ts made. 'I'hese f()x'eca.sts wh.en cQmpared to actual r,adio conditions: have been attaining an atCllfllt~y of around 80: per oent1 as, reported by ReA C<-IDtnu.nicaJions" Ine., Rivedl~.ad. N tW: Yortand Radio Suisse, Berne, Switzerl!ond.


1 CR:ClJar:ss I_' 2 ~~, ill:! 0, 1 ~ ]OJ 2!. _. ~ 199"

,; ~11I1 ~Q ~b ~~ US iI!1.

Fig, S---:HeUo-:entric t'ong.itude of pllaMt$ during di~tul:'batlcrea

on JI"" :21, J!.946.

The !i',e~C'i'1lI'eh eeudueted at th is Obs!(tli"VntoI'Y since 19146 has qldte deli.nttely indictl..b?:cI thnt SUIilS,POts themselves are not the tul.OO answer to 'the problems that are manife$·t. Tbel'e is\,"ery stronS' evidence' tthat some other forces. are at work in add.tion to the sunspots, Th·e need of a I~ew approa.eh is indicated, The 1S<tJl,ldy of theplanetJ:i as a new approa.ch to propsI:gati,oTII an:aJys.is has netted t:I'~e enoouraging resuil.ts that aregivelll ill this paper and sh()lw~;llIffident promise to w,an'3nt f1urther .and d.eeper stud,.. A.. )l![gbly developed :forecasting t~lUl.:iq.!Ue Qf thh~ typew.ouM enaMefQlrecastiug to 'e done several years ahead $ii.llee advance pl.;J.netaol~y phenomena eaa be calctl.!atedl with very ,grea't a.c:cutra.cy ,

(iFat·efui acknowledgment is made to H. C, Ingles., President of R.CA Oommuntenuons, bu.':" for his apP'I,oval, inttlt'cst,tl1li!E encouragoment given the.author t:ht'ougholJt the pl'!ljeet Appreci~ltioni$ expressed for the valuahle dai.lyr;:adio propagtl..tion reports ;rec(liivedfrom: the RIverhead staff. in pa.l;'tieuhu.·, A. T' ... lElhvQQ(i; Gompalrni:e RadioFrance, Parts, France ~an.d Direc:Uon Generale des Telegraphs die Sude, StO(:khol·m.i' Sweden, Val!ul:l~]e as&~stance is ackno'!:v.ledged to lear! W. Nelson, Glotloestertl rt'la.sEla~.htl:s:etts~ in Ute determlna:tion of the ulea.st distul'bimg anglles!~.

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