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Agosto, Denise E. "More than Just Books." More than Just Books 10.3 (2012): 36-40. Web. 19 Nov.

This article addresses the issue of parents being concerned about how much time thei kids
spend online. The article states that just because theyre online so much doesnt mean they arent
reading, or developing literacy skills for that matter. The author in fact defends being online,
because she says that the nature of reading itself is changing to be more social. Kids are learning to
read by engaging in digital text; things such as sending messages, ect.
The article is relevant to my topic because it discusses how in a digital word, children are
moving away from books, and more towards online reading and e-readers. I don't believe that article
is weak in any sense, it's well rounded and supplies me with the information I need.
As for the credibility, the page gives a number of credible sources ad outlets. The article has
been peer-reviewed before publishing, the author's full name and credentials are given at the bottom
of the first page, and the author supplies a list of sources and references that they used in their
Considine, David, Julie Horton, and Gary Moorman. Teaching and Reading the Millennial
Generation Through Media Literacy. N.p.: International Reading Association, 2009.
International Reading Association. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
This article actually addresses the issue that is my topic. It discusses how people are
growing concerned about the literacy and desire to be literate in the digital age, especially when
pertaining to millennials. It states how that, growing up in the age of innovation, we become more
easily distracted due to our always incoming flow of information.
This article is related to my topic because it explains how millenials are more tech savy, and
lean towards technology now more than ever. It also provides background information on how
growing up with evolving technology has effected their ability to learn. Not necessarily in a bad way,
but studies show there has been an effect on them in the past twenty years.
The articles is as credible as the previous one. It was published by the Journal of
Adolescent and Adult Literacy, and provides a long list of references and literary works cited. The
articles also uses in text citations when referring to information they gathered from an outside

Gold, Stephen. "Boomers and Millennials: Make Way for the Exponentials."Boomers and Millennials:
Make Way for the Exponentials (2015): 1. Web. 19 Nov. 2015
This short journal entry compares the life of the current generation, and compares it to the
one coming in the next decade, basically saying how the exponential generation will be infinitely
more diverse and tech savy than before.
This short article only touches on my subject in the sense that it states that the newer
generations of children are becoming increasingly more technologically driven. Other than that
the article is fairly weak. It doesn't touch on more than just that statement, and for that reason I
believe this to be my weakest source out of the six.
The article does, however, provide the author's credentials, but does not have a list of
references cited as the previous one's have.

Hambleton, Max. "Kids Discuss Role of Technology in Their Lives." The New York Amsterdam News
[Amsterdam] 16 June 2005: 18+. Print.
This newspaper entry is just as simple as it sounds. The publisher went around interviewing children
and asking them what impact technology has had in their lives.
A lot of this newspaper articles seems to be preaching hate against having the availability of
technology at such young ages, however I'm focusing more on the fact that these kids have access
to technology at such a young age. It really shows you how important and involved these kids are
with things like laptops and ipads, because it gives them a near limitless compendium of knowledge
that previous generations did not have.
There's not many credentials to identify with this source, primarily because it's a child author
doing multiple interviews. All the research conducted was his own, and the only way he can cite
the information is to include who he got it from. The publisher, The New York Amsterdam News,
however is quite credible.
Hsiao, Kuo-Lun. "How Do We Inspire Children to Learn with E-readers?" 33.4 (2015): 584-96.
Library Hi Tech. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
Given their popularity, e-readers such as ipads and other tablets have grabbed increasing
attention in schools. Why? Because kids are more drawn to them than a regular book. The Article
questions whether or not these e-readers are actually improving reading comprehension or not.
I think this source is one of my favorites, primarily because it discusses e-readers as a
helpful and interactive database. It talks about the benefits of using e-readers over physical text
such as portability and interactivity, as well as finding information more rapid than textbooks.
This article provides information about the publishing website, including what they do.
There are also a number of in-text graphs and charts that are cited to support their statements,
as well as a reference page with citations from up to 50 outside sources.
Mizrachi, Diane, and Marcia J. Bates. Undergraduates Personal Academic Information Management
and the Consideration of Time and Task-Urgency. N.p.: Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, n.d. Jornal of the American Society for Information
Science and Technology, 31 May 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
This article, while discussing a few of the topics mentioned in the last link, also provides an
argument to say that millenials are not completely technology dependent, and that reading is still
quite popular to this day.
The source studies how students/undergrads, aged 18-22, use technology in throughout
their academic career, and also states how libraries and other information outlets are beginning
to pioneer new ways of conducting research i.e. digital books/e-readers and computer
The article gives the date in which it was received for publishing as well as the date it
was revised before being published. On the first page, there is contact information about the
authors, in text citations, and a full page of references used/cited.

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