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Examples in Othello:

Allegory - Iago represents the Devil, while seeming to be just a character.

Allusion - All of the Hell/Devil references through the five acts of the play.
Catastrophe When Othello kills Desdemona in Act V.
Catharsis Roderigos reaction to Othello and Brabantios argument.
Characters Othello, Desdemona, Iago, Emilia, Bianca, Roderigo, Cassio, or
Comic Relief Roderigo could be considered the comic relief because he
humorously over reacts to everything that goes on, no matter how serious the
situation actually is.
Conceit Iago uses the example of how Desdemona betrayed her father, as a
reason why she would cheat on him with Cassio.
Connotation This could be the emotion that comes to mind with cheating on
someone, so when we start thinking about it, the play has a whole different
Context One context is when they were in Cyprus after the victory and were
Effect This play proves the Shakespeare was not racist because he had a black
man and a white woman marry.
Hamartia Othellos flaw is that he is very insecure of himself and worries about
Desdemona falling in love with someone else.
Invocation Othello has the Devil watching over him and messing up his whole life.
Socratic Irony - Iago did this in the scene where Cassio gets fired, he acted like he
didnt want to be called on so that Othello would call on him.
Verbal Irony Iago says that he thinks that Cassio is innocent but uses the word
thinks so that it puts a little bit of doubt.
Mood The mood changes a lot in this play, but it always keeps a depressed mood.
Plot Iago is manipulating everyone so that he can get the position of Lieutenant.
Complication The handkerchief problem was just another piece of doubt in Iagos
game of manipulation.
Crisis This is either when Othello kills himself or when he kills Desdemona.
Climax The climax to this is when Othello stabs Iago.
Denouement This is when Othello kills himself.
Recognition This is when Othello realizes that he killed Desdemona for no good
reason and that she was always loyal to him.

Reversal This is when Iago finally gets caught because of Emilia.

Setting In Cyprus during a battle time.
Tone Shakespeare tries to make it seem like Othello is the main character but Iago
is the real main character.
Tragedy This is when Emilia figures out what Iago is up to.
Tragic Flaw Iagos tragic flaw is that he was so worried about Cassio, Desdemona,
Othello, and Roderigo; that he forgot about Emilia figuring him out.
Tragic Irony Othello dies because of his tragic flaw even though he is a well-known
fighter and was the General.

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