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December 4, 2015
Final Reflection

in todays ever changing and growing society, it is so important for people to be

educated in areas other than just those that concern their own culture. I think that bilingual
education can be very effective in teaching students a second language, and can help them
learn it more easily because the second language is integrated into their everyday classroom
lives. By giving young students this level of exposure beginning at young ages during their prime
language learning years, children can more easily grasp the language and retain the knowledge
long term. This method of teaching also exposes students to different cultures from a young
age. One of the only possible downfalls to this method is confusion amongst the students while
teaching in the second language. If a teacher is covering a subject that is not particularly easy
even in English, teaching it in the second language could make it more difficult for students to
understand. While some might argue that teaching in a monolingual classroom setting would
solve this problem, it also would take away all of the cultural exposure and opportunities for
students to expand their linguistic knowledge. If I were planning a curriculum, I would teach
subjects such as grammar in the two separate languages, due to variations in grammar rules
and techniques, but with subjects such as math and science, a second language could easily be
integrated into the teaching and learning processes. I think by incorporating more of the
bilingual learning into classrooms, we can raise a more educated, culturally diverse generation
of students.

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