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Ronni Haslett-Art Teacher

Lesson Title/Topic: Color Theory, 7-8th Grade

Target Concept: Students will learn four different color schemes, including warm

colors, cool colors, complimentary colors and analogous colors.

Standards/Rationale: TEKS 117.202. Art, Middle School I. (c) (1) (B) understand and

apply the elements of art, including line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value,
as the fundamentals of art in personal artworks using art vocabulary appropriately.
Lesson Objectives:


The student will create four different

paintings using the different color
schemes. They will use markers to
show color relationships with 90
percent accuracy.

Produce four different designs

showing the four different color


Paper, pencil, markers, iPad, app called Super Buzzer, tape, examples of pre-
done artwork, slideshow, color wheel and chart
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)
The teacher will:
Focus/Mental Set: Display pre-done

The student will:

Teacher Input:

The students will listen as teacher
reviews the 4 color schemes we will
be working with today.

color artwork that the teacher did

prior to class. Place the Color Theory
and Color Wheel poster where
students can see it, move it from its
regular location.
Discuss the different color theory
relationships. Define the
relationships we will use in class
today: warm, cool, complementary
and analogous colors.
Warm Colors: Yellow and all the
colors with red and orange tones are

Students will come in and observe

artwork hanging on the board and
predict what makes each unique.

warm. Conveys: Fire, Heat, Sun and

Warm Weather
Cool: Violet and all the colors with
green and blue tones are cool.
Conveys: Water, Sky, Ice, Cooler
Weather, Night Time
Complementary: Colors that are
opposite (across) one anther on the
color wheel are complementary
colors. Examples: Orange/Blue,
Violet/Yellow, Green/Red. Conveys:
Enhances one another, makes each
color stand out.
Analogous: Colors that are sequential
to one another on the color wheel are
analogous colors. Examples:
orange/orange-red/red. Conveys:
harmony and unity.
While directing the student to look at
the color theory poster, the teacher
will verbally call on students to name
different colors. For example: Please
tell me the complementary color of
green, (student name). Student
should be able to look on color wheel
and see that red is opposite of green.
Play Name that Color Scheme:
Divide students in half, and line up in
two lines facing the front of the room.
Teacher will show a slideshow of
different pictures using the different
color schemes. The student who

Students will be called on and
expected to answer questions from
the teacher. Example: Teacher: Tell
me the complementary color of
green, (student name). Student
should be able to look at color wheel
and see that red is opposite of green.

The students will play the game
Name that Color Scheme. Students
will divide into two groups and form
a line. The group that can name the
correct color scheme in each slide
first wins. Students will use buzzers
to chime in to decide who gets to

chimes in first using the app Super

Buzzer on the iPad will get the
chance to guess what color scheme
the image is showing. If the student
gets the answer correct, they earn a
point. If they get it wrong, they get a
point taken away. Teacher will keep
track of points.

guess first. Once the student is done

with his/her turn, they will go to the
end of the line. Everyone gets a turn.

Guided Practice: Divide the class into

Students will rotate to all four tables.

Each table will have a different color
4 groups, set up four different
scheme: warm, cool, complimentary
stations with markers and printed
and analogous. Each student will start
designs. Each table will have a
off with a design and start coloring it
different color scheme: warm, cool,
with the specific color scheme of that
complimentary and analogous.
table. Students will leave the design
Teacher will prompt students to start they were working on at the station,
a color scheme on one of the printed and the next student will continue to
work on the design left by his/her
designs. Teacher will prompt
classmate. Students rotate 4 times so
students to change stations every 3
each student will work at each
minutes. Rotate 4 times so each
student will work at each station.
Independent Practice:
Students will make 4 original designs.
Prompt students to make 4 separate Each design will use a different color
and original designs. Each design
should use a different color scheme.
Closure: Remind students of the
Students will display all 4 of their
final designs and tell the rest of the
definition of the color schemes.
class what color schemes were used
Encourge the students to use the
in each one.
vocabulary words in their
presentation to the class.
Enrichment: Student will use more than
one color scheme in the same design.
Student will need to make it very clear
where one color scheme starts and another
begins. (See example below.)

Re-teach: Simplify the lesson and only

work on one color scheme at a time. Have
students go through all of the markers in
the room and if its the warm day, pull
out only warm colors to be used by the
class that day. Give the information in
smaller chunks.

Hand the student the exact colors they need
to use to fulfill the requirement. Use warm
colors on a printed design that says the
word Warm. Use cool colors on a printed
design that says the word Cool. Ect.
Follow LEP and 504 plan for each student.

Technology: Slideshow of different

examples. Using the iPads to chime in
using the Super Buzzer app.

Slideshow for game Name that Color Scheme:

Enrichment example:

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