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November 18, 2015: Hour 1

In this hour, a lot went on in Ms. Reagans 6th grade science class. Today, the class was learning
about what is and is not a cell. I didnt have a responsibility during this hour, I was simply
observing the childrens behavior, and the activity in general. Ms. Reagan handed out a
worksheet, each student filled them out individually before the activity began. As soon as the
students have finished they all got up to participate. They then picked a corner, one belonging to
those who thought a certain thing was a cell and one for those who disagreed with those students.
The purpose was for them to get involved, and gave them an option to have an opinion on what
they thought the answer was. The students attitude overall was good, I believe they enjoyed.
Especially the part when they could explain why they got what they got.
Some specific skills I believe I encountered was the ability to really get children under
control and how to control the environment after it is gets rowdy. Many students will also get off
topic on certain subject and being able to bring that discussion back to what we were talking
about was difficult but I definitely learned how to adapt to that.
At the beginning of this visit I felt a little nervous knowing that it was my first time in
a 6 grade classroom. I felt very welcome and ready to dive in to what the children were learning
that day. At the end of this first hour I could already tell that I was going to love this class. I had
such a new perspective on how to catch a childs attention when their off track, how to develop a
firm but fun relationship with the students. The most difficult part is the children who kept
consistently talking off topic and getting them back on track.

November 18, 2015: Hour 2

In the second hour that I was observing I observed the teacher going over the same topic,
with same activity, but twisted in order to fit that class. What I mean is that the teacher spoke on
new announcements maybe because it didnt apply to the previous class, new methods for those
students who have different disabilities, and just a different approach in general. My
responsibility was the same as the previous hour, just to observe the students behavior and see
how they reacted to the activity done. The activity done was the students again had to pick a
corner, corner depending on if the student thought if it was a cell or not. There were two
mainstream students in this class, they had an assistant with them to help them read and
comprehend the questions. A mistake made was the teacher passing out the worksheet early,
which got them off topic to where they didnt focus on the teacher. Toward the end of class the
students ended up just staying in the corner of the previous question because they were getting
extremely off topic. The students seemed to really enjoy for the fact is they had multiple
questions to ask and were eager to answer the teachers question.
A skill I have seemed to have encountered during this hour was what to do when a
student gets really off topic, and even after the teacher has specifically asked him to stop multiple
times they continue to do it. Ms. Reagan, once a student or students would get off topic multiple
times, pulled them outside the classroom to talk to them. She handled it in a way that didnt
single out a student because she put the assistant teacher in charge and then asked them to step
outside. So far the learning objective seem to be going successfully and I havent made any
changes to them quite yet.
At the beginning I felt good about this class since I had already experienced this same
lesson with another class. I was also curious to see what changes she made to that class. Toward
the end I noticed that when trying to make certain changes to the lesson to fit this, and trying to
keep up with the off-track students, many seem to have a lot of side talk while she was trying to
do that. The most difficult part was watching multiple students get consistently off topic and the
teacher being preoccupied with other students. The most satisfying part was watching the
students get excited for the activity and the questions being asked. This really affects my opinion
as a teacher for the fact being that I want my students to be excited to learn like they were during
this class, but something negatively that affects my opinion as a teacher is that I want my
students to stay on topic and not get side tracked so I want to learn how to do that.

November 18, 2015: Hour 3

I was able to go into a new teachers classroom and see how they teach. I went to go sit in
of a 6th grade history class being taught. In this class the teacher was conducting a project they
have been working on for a few days. All the students in this class were on google chrome
laptops. The teacher had previously gave them a list of need to know facts about their chosen
country in Latin America. They had to create a presentation of that country using an infographic
pictochart. The students attitude toward this was that they were excited to use the internet in
order to learn about another country, then make a presentation about it. The purpose of this
activity was for the students to gain a better knowledge for another country in Latin America.
Specific skills I have encountered during this class was how to handle a class when using
electronics. The teacher explained the rules of the laptops and went over what was expected of
them. He made it clear to them that if they had any questions to make sure to come and ask them.
So far I have made steps toward my learning objective and havent changed any of them this far.
At the beginning I was skeptical about the use of laptops in the classroom. But toward the
end I was starting to see the side of why they it is good to use electronics in the classroom. The
most difficult part of this class was just really trying to keep an open mind on the use of
computers in a classroom. The most satisfying part of this hour of observation for me was seeing
the students work together in this project. They loved showing each other how to use pictochart
and different ways to research. This class in particular really affected my opinion on a teaching
in general. My goal as a teacher was to try to use electronics as little as possible. But this class
really opened my mind on how good electronics can be for students.


Lab Hour 4:
In Ms. Reagans class I have noticed how big she is on reaching each students learning
ability and applying it to each lesson. Today in class it was really interactive. She split the class
into seven groups and she had two of each three station. Each group would get a chance to go to
each station. One station was just looking through a few different microscopes and observing
what they see, another was getting on laptops and playing games based on cells, and the last one
was doing a worksheet and checking which items had a nucleus. The purpose of these series of
activities was to get the students comfortable identifying with cells, what cells are, and looking
for the difference between certain cells. Overall, the students had a really positive behavior
because it was really interactive.
Certain skills I have seemed to acquire was how to pick stations to apply learning
abilities so that all students can take away from the class, really how to control a class that is
constantly moving, and make sure that all students stay under control. Something I gained was
the knowledge of how important group projects are. It really helps them learn how to work with
other students and just adapt to each new station they are provided with. I am making progress
toward each learning objective I have made. I am yet to change or update my learning objectives.
At the beginning of class I was really excited to see the students do a class where their up and
moving around and where the teacher isnt lecturing to them. At the end I was excited to see the
students get excited for certain stations they had in class. Most of them were really excited to use
the microscopes and visually see and identify a cell. One of the more difficult aspects of this
class was seeing the teacher preoccupied with other students, to a point where other students
were consistently getting off task. A part that I found really satisfying was just seeing the
students interact with each other and one another questions about cells to gain a better
understanding of them. In general this affects by view of teaching by really shifting my mindset
of group projects from there important to there a vital part of a students education and really
enhances a students learning.

Lab Hour 5:

In this hour of observing I am nearly repeating what I did in Lab Hour 4. Though I am
seeing this whole interactive class do the same work and the same stations, Ms. Reagan handles
it completely different. For the stations the teacher again went over the rules of the microscopes,
the groups each of them are in (based on table), and just what they would be doing in class. In
this class she had to spend a little more time on explaining to the students what they were doing
in class just for the fact of there were two students in particular that kept getting off topic. It took
a little of 15 minutes to explain everything which took away from the students station time. My
responsibility was just to observe the students and what they were doing, make sure they are
staying on topic and focusing microscopes when a student messed with it. The purpose again was
to just get the students familiar with cells and to really expand their knowledge on what a cell is
and how to differentiate between certain cells. These students in particular were excited to get
started on the stations. This class seemed to gear more toward computer games than anything.
A skill in particular that I acquired during these lab hours was how to handle students
who got off topic during instruction time. Ms. Reagan really just straight up told them to stop
acting like that because it was taking away from their station time. Though I dont know if
calling them out during class is the best way of handling it, I now know how I would handle it in
that kind of situation. I really gained knowledge on how to keep trouble makers to stay on topic
in each station. Basically what Traci did was put them in a group that they cant get off topic
with, basically the good students who want to get their work done. In a way its like pairing
introverts with extroverts. Im still making my progress on my learning objectives and having
changed any of them quite yet.
At the beginning of this hour I knew what was going to happen in this class so I was
ready to start this class and see how they reacted to the assignments. Toward the end I had gained
a new set of knowledges on how to handle students who can stay focused. Certain strengths of
this program was definitely the great interactions between the students. One of the more difficult
parts was just keeping two certain students focused on the station they were at while trying to
watch the other students and see their reaction toward the project. One of the more exciting parts
is just seeing all the students eager to get started on the stations. Getting students excited to learn
is a task on its own, Ms. Reagan does that really well. This has affected my opinion of teaching
on how to handle certain students while still trying to pay attention to the class. Its something I
know I need to think more upon in developing my own way of doing so.

November 20, 2015

Lab Hour 6:

Today in Ms. Reagans class, after multiple days on learning about a cell and what it is,
she quizzed her class on the previously learned material. She first went over what the rules were
for taking a test and then passed out the quiz. Though the students werent able to work with
their neighbor they were able to use their lifeline notes. Lifeline notes are basically and overview
of what the students had learned and what the quiz was over. They could only use those notes if
they had brought them to class. The students were able to earn points back at the end of the quiz
just as a simple grading curve. After the students had all finished she went over the quiz and told
them the right answer so they could grade the quizzes themselves. My responsibility in class
today wasnt just to observe their behavior and what went on during class but to make sure there
was no cheating amongst the students. The purpose of this activity was to test their knowledge on
cells. I noticed that the students were really confident in this subject and were ready to test. A lot
of the students did really well and were happy with their results.
Certain skills that I had acquired by the end of the test was the ability to form a proper
quiz based on the knowledge the students had previously learned. Ms. Reagan consistently
answered the questions of her students to make them confident in what they are learning. Since it
was just a quiz grade I like the way she allowed them to use their notes. I am making significant
progress towards my learning objectives and I have updated a few them to be more concise based
on what is going in class.
At the beginning of this class I wasnt too thrilled that I would be sitting in the class
where nearly half of the time everyone would be silent. But it was really surprising to me what I
learned. I learned about giving proper quizzes, setting rules for a quiz, allowing the students to
use notes if they were responsible enough to bring them, I got a lot away from this class. By the
end I knew a multitude of good tips on quizzing students. This affects my opinion on teaching
because I know now the difference between giving a good and bad quiz. Also how to handle
students in that kind of environment, well how Ms. Reagan handles it, was different than other
teachers. She gave her students the honor roll and let them test take, unlike some teachers who
watch your every move.

November 20, 2015

Lab Hour 7:

I again sat in Ms. Reagans class and again proctored the quiz. I thought it would be
exactly the same as the last class. Though I wasnt all wrong, it definitely had its differences. She
again explained the rules to the quiz and told them they could use their life line of knowledge
notes on the quiz. There were no partners again. Something that has come to my attention is the
fact that all her classes have different learning pace. For example, this class had finished their
test nearly ten minutes faster than the previous class, well at least a majority of the students did.
Once all were finished she went over the answers. Many of them did not miss any, so those who
didnt miss any went around the class after they were done grading and did peer tutoring or
talked quietly in their seat. She had also made an announcement about the students being able to
use the microscopes for the rest of the year for the fact of she wanted them to continually learn
about cells and what they look like and are made of. The purpose of this assignment was really to
see how much knowledge the student had retained about cells in general. The students I noticed
felt ready to take the quiz and were not even the slightest bit of nervous.
A specific skill I had retain from this hour of observing is how to keep the students
who had finished early busy and quiet while the others were finishing taking the quiz. Ms.
Reagan asked them once they were finished, to look over the test and make sure they were
confident in their answers. After those students had done that, she opened up the microscopes so
they would stay busy doing something other than talking to their neighbor. I was in the same
place as last hour. I have made good progress on three objectives that I had made, and slight
changes in order to make them more specific.
At the beginning of the visit I was kind of in the same boat as the last hour I had
observed in this class, I was not too excited on watching students take the quiz for nearly half the
class. Though I didnt take away as much from this class I was still able to gain knowledge on
students who were quick and knowledgeable quiz takers. That is a skill many teachers from
about kinder through sixth grade havent figured out. Toward the end I was ready to move on to a
new class and experience it. This was a good take away for me. One of the more satisfying parts
of class had to be when the students were grading their quiz to see nearly all of them excited
when they had got a question correct. One of the more difficult part was keeping an eye on all
the students to make sure there being loyal to the honor code set by Ms. Reagan. This had
changed my view dramatically on how to keep an always moving sixth grader who finished early
to be quiet and not talk to anyone around them. Ms. Reagan handled it really well and I learned a
lot from that. I always thought if you just let them sit there they would stay there and be silent.
But when I saw what I did my mindset completely shifted.

November 20, 2015

Lab 8:

In this hour I went to a different classroom to observe another teacher and their skills. I
went to a GT Math class which a double block. This class was little different because the kids
math skills were at a higher level I had seen compared to other sixth graders. In the first hour of
the math class the teacher, Ms. Smith had an assignment, which they do the first ten minutes of
every class, called Do Now. This assignment was a number line where each student had to
place the fractions on certain dots. After the ten minutes was up, the teacher went over it in class,
calling on different students who raised their hand. After that assignment they would add that to
there Do Now tab in their binder. For the rest of the hour the class went over there two pages
of homework. She would go over each problem individually, see who got it right, and went over
the problem for those who got it wrong. This really helped the class fully wrap their head around
the concept, which increased their chance to succeed in the class. My responsibly was just to
observe children during this hour. The purpose of these activities was to really make sure the
knowledge of fractions was embedded in their mind. The students seemed excited while going
over these, especially those got it right.
Specific skills and concepts I have seemed to acquire during this hour was the ability
to form a proper activity that helped the students better understand the fractions and challenge
them at the same time. The teacher made a question that was hard enough to make them think,
but not so hard where they became unconfident in their ability. After updating my objectives
previously to specify them I havent changed them since. I am definitely making progress toward
At the beginning of the visit, I wasnt too excited only because I am not planning on
being a math teacher. Toward the end though it really helped me develop different strategies for
when I teach Elementary school. Strategies like forming a good warm up for the class, and how
the in depth go over an assignments to where all students can take from it. One of the more
difficult things I had to do was really focus on what the teacher was saying, learning how to in
depth go over a homework problem. One of the more satisfying parts was being able to see the
students get excited over the math they were learning, this is a subject they really get enjoyment
out of. I think in general this changed my opinion how as a teacher I should really go over the
subject the next day after learning it the day before. Not just saying, Class this is what we
learned but really in depth saying Lets go over what we learned yesterday.

November 20, 2015

Lab Hour 9:

In this hour, it is the second half of the math class I am sitting in on. This was more on
the Lecture side of class. What I liked about this hour is it wasnt just a teacher standing in front
of the class. Ms. Smith would go over her concept then give the students a problem based on
what she had just spent a little while talking about. The teacher talked about the concept of big
fractions and how to multiply and divide them for about 15 minutes. After that Ms. Smith the
remainder of the class giving the class problems to work on so they could perfect the concept.
She would give them a problem, give them a little while to work on it, and go around and help
them. When they have finished the problem she would call on the students to answer the problem
and then answer it. The purpose of this activity was to help the student fully understand the
concept of working with big fractions. The students seemed excited to go over this assignment,
and by the end confident in what they were learning.
A skill I have developed during this class was how to develop problems that fully go
over the concept the teacher had been discussing. The teacher fully constructed problems starting
on the easier side with a simpler problem easing in to a more complicated problem. The teacher
would constantly be walking around to make sure the students were getting the concept. My
goals still havent changed and am progressing toward them each hour I visit.
At the beginning of this hour I was curious to where the teacher was going to go from
the warm up and assignment. Toward the end I was able understand how to teach a more
complicated subject to a class. One of the more difficult parts was just wrapping my head around
the concept of producing questions that will challenge the students while making sure it
completely covers a certain concept. A more satisfying part was seeing the teacher really dive
into this subject and just her being completely open to all the questions the students had. This
really affects my view of teaching because I really was able to see the impact what it means to
dive into a subject and fully explain. Not that I didnt know that before, but the depth she went
into so that the students could completely understand this complicated concept.

November 20, 2015

Lab Hour 10:

In this hour I went to a new class, a history teacher I had previously visited, and I
viewed his class while they were presenting the projects. Previously the students made a
pictochart on their choice of a country in Latin America. The history teacher made a rubric to
grade the students on. From how much they look at the screen while their presenting, to seeing
how accurate their project was and how much information they included from the worksheet that
the teacher had given them before the project began. The purpose of this activity was for the
students to use their researching ability to construct a project that would deepen their knowledge
on a country in Latin America while having them work on their presenting skills. The student felt
nervous to present and eager to get it over with, but overall they felt good about the projects they
had constructed.
A skill I had acquired while observing this class was how to create a rubric that would
analyze the student fully from their project to their presentation. The teacher used a one to four
method on grading and was very specific on what a one would look like to what a four would
look like. The students also worked in pairs, so it also graded on the amount of work done by
each partner and how much they both had presented. So far I still havent updated them from the
last time but I am definitely making progress toward them.
At the beginning of the class I was excited to see the students give the presentations
that I saw them working on a few days ago. Toward the end I was happy with the results of the
students presentations. One of the more difficult part was either watching the students give a
presentation so quickly and not really elaborating on what they had researched or just giving a
poor presentation in general. A satisfying part of the class was when the students gave a good
presentation, confident in the work they had done. Something that had affected my opinion on
teaching was just the importance of a detailed rubric. Growing up I really didnt pay attention to
the details and didnt think there was any importance of a rubric, now I see why they are so
vitally needed in the classroom.

November 20, 2015

Lab Hour 11:

The class I went to is for a sixth grade GT science class which was much different then
what I am used to. This class was more interactive than I had ever experienced. In this class, they
are working on a semester long project. This project was a semester long project on creating an
outdoor classroom. Today in class they used their phones to call people who would potentially
donate to their outdoor garden. Donate items like tires, water bottles, rocks, wood, and bricks.
Their teacher gave them a list of number for people who potentially donate and a script for what
they would say. Every person that agreed to donate, they wrote down on a list that they had.
Within the hour of class they had 100 bricks, lots of wood, pipe, and a plethora of rocks donated.
The purpose of this activity was so the students could get the opportunity to get involved in the
community by talking to them to donate to a school project. The students were able to take
control of this assignment. The students overall felt really excited about this project and couldnt
wait to start building the outdoor classroom.
A skill I had acquired during this class was how to develop a class project based on
getting the community involved and them getting involved in the community. This got the
students excited and that really is what learning is about! The teacher had done great in research
for what an outdoor classroom should look like. She had made a PowerPoint on it, wrote a
speech for the students to tell to the people they call, and let the students chime in on what they
thought should happen. When it comes to my learning objectives I have changed one of them to
more gear toward teach with and about the community. I have made significant progress toward
my objectives.
At the beginning of the class I was interested to see how calling people on their phones
to donate would work out, it surprised me immensely. Students I thought know a days would get
on Facebook or text their friend but they constantly were calling people and were really excited
to see the outcome. Toward the end I was eager to see the final outcome of this outdoor
classroom! I didnt really have a difficult moment in this class. I thought a really satisfying part
was to see the students to really dive in to the project, excited to get started and working till the
bell would ring. This has really changed my opinion on teaching because I really didnt see the
importance of getting involved in the community compared to just teaching about it.

November 20, 2015

Lab Hour 13:

For the last hour of the day I went to a regular 5th class with the same teacher as the 6th
grade GT science class. Ms. Hopkins believes in very visual, hands-on learning. For this class
she made a poster of a mountain, the lake and the atmosphere. She put points on parts of the
poster that the students would label. Some of those points were decompositions, sedimentation,
and decay. Each student was given a word like that to put on the correct point. Then they were
given a sticky note that was the students had to fill out, it included their word and the reason they
out it there. They all sat in a circle around the poster and the each student one by one would
explain their reasoning. After they had gone around the class the teacher had a mystery bag that
was a visual example for each word up there. They matched the bag to the word as well. While
doing that the students were able to move around the words if they felt something was wrong.
The teacher went over all the answers at end to make sure it was all right. The purpose of this
activity was make sure that the students would fully understand the concept of these words and
why they are where they were on the poster. The students overall were confident in their decision
of where the put their answer and why they put it on there. By the end of class they were
confident in what they had learned.
A certain skill I had developed during this observation hour was how develop a
thorough poster that helps the students fully understand a certain concept they are learning. Ms.
Hopkins hand made the poster which took her an extensive amount of time. She knew the subject
and fully developed that onto a poster. When it comes to my learning objectives I have not
changed them since the last time but am making progress.
At the beginning of the class I was intrigued by the poster she had made and was
interested in how she was going to incorporate each students learning ability into this activity.
Toward the end I was pleased with how the teacher incorporated every learning ability while
giving each student the chance to talk. There really wasnt a difficult part of this class. But the
satisfying part was the confidence they had when explained why they had put the word up there.
This changed my opinions of teaching by realizing the importance of incorporating each learning
ability into each lesson. I knew that applying each to a lesson here and there was important, but I
had a realization of why you put each learning ability in each lesson.

November 30, 2015

Lab Hour 14:

In this hour I was in Ms. Reagans class. She started out with an activity that would
normally be used in a math class. She gave each students a bag of shapes and then told them to
classify these shapes into two separate categories. After the class had done that she asked which
categories they broke it up into then gave them the task f taking all the shapes and now breaking
it up into four separate categories. Then she reviewed the categories that they had all broken
them into. Ms. Reagan then explained that the reason for this activity was to show that like they
were doing, scientists also a plethora of stuff into a category. Like when it comes to prokaryotes,
eukaryotes and archaea. She got the students minds going on categories and how many
categories they can be broken up into and then brought it back to science. She talked about
scientific categories for around twenty minutes. My assigned responsibility was just to watch the
students behavior and to help out the two girls at the mainstream table. The purpose of this
activity is to focus on categories and how scientists use them to specifically categorize a cell. The
students behavior was definitely focus on how they can categorize and just really think through
it. They were all given about fifty shapes to categorize. Some of them got confused by some of
the shapes but they were all able to figure it out.
A specific skill I has seemed to encounter during this hour was how to really mush two
subjects together to get to one overall concept. She used a certain part of math to get the overall
concept in science. This is what I like about this class, most teachers dont really rehash what
they may have learned a few years ago but she used something they probably learned a while
back in a completely different subject to get her concept across to the whole class. I havent
updated my learning objectives since the last time I did. But so far I seem to be making great
At the beginning of class I was confused to where she was going when she started
using a math related activity to start of the class. But toward the end I was definitely intrigued by
how she incorporated an assignment unrelated to science and relate it back to science. The only
difficult part in class is when one student would start talking over everyone and she called him
out during class. Though I dont believe that is the right method to solve that kind of problem she
is the teacher and I will learn from that. One of the more satisfying parts was seeing everyone
immediately understand why they did a math activity in a science class. This affects my opinion
of teaching because some teachers just dont see the point or know how to incorporate something
a student had already learned into the subject they are just about to learn. Seeing the importance
of doing that really changed my mindset on why we as teachers should definitely do it.

November 30, 2015

Lab Hour 14:

In this hour I was in Ms. Reagans class. She started out with an activity that would
normally be used in a math class. She gave each students a bag of shapes and then told them to
classify these shapes into two separate categories. After the class had done that she asked which
categories they broke it up into then gave them the task f taking all the shapes and now breaking
it up into four separate categories. Then she reviewed the categories that they had all broken
them into. Ms. Reagan then explained that the reason for this activity was to show that like they
were doing, scientists also a plethora of stuff into a category. Like when it comes to prokaryotes,
eukaryotes and archaea. She got the students minds going on categories and how many
categories they can be broken up into and then brought it back to science. She talked about
scientific categories for around twenty minutes. My assigned responsibility was just to watch the
students behavior and to help out the two girls at the mainstream table. The purpose of this
activity is to focus on categories and how scientists use them to specifically categorize a cell. The
students behavior was definitely focus on how they can categorize and just really think through
it. They were all given about fifty shapes to categorize. Some of them got confused by some of
the shapes but they were all able to figure it out.
A specific skill I has seemed to encounter during this hour was how to really mush two
subjects together to get to one overall concept. She used a certain part of math to get the overall
concept in science. This is what I like about this class, most teachers dont really rehash what
they may have learned a few years ago but she used something they probably learned a while
back in a completely different subject to get her concept across to the whole class. I havent
updated my learning objectives since the last time I did. But so far I seem to be making great
At the beginning of class I was confused to where she was going when she started
using a math related activity to start of the class. But toward the end I was definitely intrigued by
how she incorporated an assignment unrelated to science and relate it back to science. The only
difficult part in class is when one student would start talking over everyone and she called him
out during class. Though I dont believe that is the right method to solve that kind of problem she
is the teacher and I will learn from that. One of the more satisfying parts was seeing everyone
immediately understand why they did a math activity in a science class. This affects my opinion
of teaching because some teachers just dont see the point or know how to incorporate something
a student had already learned into the subject they are just about to learn. Seeing the importance
of doing that really changed my mindset on why we as teachers should definitely do it.

November 30, 2015

Lab Hour 16:

For this hour I remained in Ms. Hopkins class but it had transitioned to her 6th grade
GT science class. In this class students were presenting the projects they had built reflecting what
the earths atmosphere is like. That means is must including items such as the as crust,
lithosphere and asthenosphere. This was a take home assignment which only count as a daily
grade. These students went above and beyond for their assignments. Before they came up and
started presenting Ms. Hopkins explained what their rubric looked life and what they needed to
do in order to get full points on each part of this project. After the students had presented the
teacher made them defend their project, why they chose those materials to represent those layers,
how much they put of each material, and which order did it go in. The students were excited
about their project but nervous to present in front of the whole class.
A specific skill I encountered is how to make a presentation have a more profound
impact on the students education. This project not only did it let the students get creative but she
really wanted them to be challenged and made sure they completely understand it before going
on to the next person. Her goal from this assignment is to fully understand not just on a basis
level but getting down to the core so they can fully wrap their heads around it. I havent changed
my objectives for a while, but I am getting closer hour by hour.
At the beginning of class I was intrigued by how well the students built their projects
and wanted to see how well their knowledge was toward it. Toward the end of the visit I was
pleasantly surprised by the vast knowledge the children. The teacher helped spur them on toward
the right answer, even as the class to make sure the filly understand. A satisfying part was seeing
the student excited and ready for the presentation. An affect it had on my opinion as a teacher
was really how important it is to teach something more than once so it could really stick to the
students. I really didnt see the importance of re-teaching until this class.

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