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Running head: PHILOSOPHY

Skye Hodson
Introduction to Education
Salt Lake Community College

In the following paper, I will discuss which educational philosophies best fit me as a
future teacher. I will include how these philosophies affect teaching, learning and classroom
The two educational philosophies that best fit me are Progressivism and Social
Reconstructionism. Along with these two philosophies, the constructivism philosophy of learning
also best fits me as a future teacher. All of these philosophies together will be reflected in my
teaching style, and the way that my classroom will function. My teaching style, and the
functionality of my classroom, will all be a part of the overall goal which is for each student to
learn, grow, and to succeed.
Progressivism can be defined as an educational philosophy emphasizing real-world
problem solving and individual development. (Kauchak & Eggen, 2014) Progressivism became
a part of education in the late 1800s. Although some aspects of the philosophy have been
questioned, many are still a large part of our education. These are the aspects that I plan to
incorporate in my classroom. I plan to use cooperative learning techniques such as group projects
and discussions, and real-world applications for skills learned, as key technique in teaching.
Student desks in my classroom will be grouped together into tables. This will make cooperative
learning easier. The groups will be changed a few times throughout the year, or as needed, to
allow students to work with multiple other students in the classroom. This will encourage a sense
of community. As students work together, they will be able to learn from each other, as well as
from me, and they will be able to learn to be independent, as well as how to work with others.
The projects and discussions will be based on core skills and knowledge, but

the students will be encouraged to consider why they are important, and how they are applicable
in their lives.
Social Reconstructionism will also be a part of my future classroom. This philosophy can
be defined as an educational philosophy asserting that schools, teachers and students should
take the lead in addressing social problems, and improving society. (Kauchak & Eggen, 2014)
Along with the progressivism philosophy, this philosophy encourages students to not only think
of how the knowledge they gain can apply to their lives, but how they can use this knowledge to
improve the lives of others. My classroom will include responsibilities to help maintain the sense
of community. Students will be assigned these responsibilities and will be expected to fulfill
them to make the classroom a better, more functional environment for everyone. For example,
students will be assigned to be the line leader, the door holder, the garbage emptier, the
classroom librarian, or the paper distributor. These jobs will be rotated on a weekly basis, so that
each student has an opportunity to do multiple jobs throughout the year. This will allow students
to be individually responsible for fulfilling their own assignment, while also fulfilling a
responsibility to the other students in the class.
A constructivism philosophy of learning allows students to learn based on their own
experience. As they learn something new, they attempt to incorporate the new knowledge with
their existing knowledge. They build on what they already know. This learning philosophy
compliments the education philosophies that I will use in my classroom.
While I feel that mastering essential knowledge and skills is a vital aspect of education, I
believe that in order to truly master a skill, a student must be able to apply that skill.

Regurgitating information shows memory skill, it does not show that the skill has been mastered.
Once a skill or knowledge is mastered, it can be built upon indefinitely. The Progressivism and
Social Reconstructionism philosophies foster this type of skill and knowledge mastery in
students of all ages.

Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2014) Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional. Fifth
Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.

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