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Improving Wheelchair Accessibility

The Pit

A Recommendation
David Rodriguez

Table of Contents
Discussion of

This report is written in regards to the growing problem facing the Pit.
Wheelchair accessibility is an important issue that any public arena
should be aware of. Through this report I am hoping to address this
problem and give possible options that will resolve this issue. There are
a number of phases to accomplish this task; Phase 1: Gather public
opinion on already placed wheel chair bound policies, Phase 2: Gather

information on costs for options, Phase 3: Analyze options for best fit
based on public opinion and financial feasibility. The options that are
proposed all include new renovations to the pit, which could include
new ramps, a stair lift, or an installment of new seating for wheelchairbound fans. The top recommendation that would have a long-term
benefit would be installing new seating in the arena. It is estimated
that this project will cost about 60 million but will be able to pay for
itself back with an increase of ticket sales.

The U.S Department of labor has defined universal design as, "a
strategy for making products, environments, operational systems, and
services welcoming and usable to the most diverse range of people
possible. Its key principles are simplicity, flexibility and efficiency."
(Department of Labor) I am writing this report due to shortcomings
that the University of New Mexico's basketball stadium, known as The
Pit, is facing.

As a student at the University of New Mexico, I have noticed how many

fans the University brings in to watch Men's and Women's basketball.
Fans of all shapes and sizes come to enjoy the great game that is

basketball. Recently, I have noticed the absence of people who are

bound to a wheel chair in attendance to the games. This is due to the
lack of accessibility to them.

Recent surveys have shown that the fans have taken notice to the
absence of elevators, ramps and noticeable designated seats for wheel
chair bound fans. This lack of accessibility is not only fatal to that fan
base, but to the university as well. The loss of profit is huge. In order to
help make The Pit more accessible and maintain profits, I suggest that
the University should invest in new renovations to The Pit, which could
include new ramps, a stair lift, or an installment of new seating for
wheel chair bound fans. With the increase in ticket sales this project
can pay for itself.

I have divided the following methodology into three phases. These
phases will give me valuable information to give an accredited
Phase 1: Gather public opinion on already placed wheel chair
bound policies
Phase 2: Gather information on costs for options

Phase 3: Analyze options for best fit based on public opinion and
financial feasibility.
Phase 1: Gather public opinion on already placed wheel chair
bound policies
The fans are the backbone for any sports arena. The pit is no
exception. The best things that the Pit can do is make sure that all of
their fans are comfortable and want to come back. I targeted the
students of the university because they would be directly affected by
this change. I focused on people who were not wheelchair bound
because they are the ones who are mostly represented at the pit and
would have first hand observations. I created a survey to see what if
the fans noticed people in wheel chairs, any special accommodations
for wheel chair bound people and if they had any suggestions on what
can be improved. I was able to gather valuable information that proves
that The Pit is in need for improvements for universal accessibility. I
asked questions like if they have seen people who are wheelchair
bound, were there any ramps in the pit, and if their were any special
accommodations for people in wheelchairs. I thought these questions
would give the greatest result because I want to know if other people
notice this problem and what they think could be fixed. I put these
questions online for courtesy reasons. If people have more time they
will give honest answers, if I were to catch them face-to-face I may not

get reliable information. The following table displays the questions I

Have you ever been to the Pit?
Did you notice anyone

Response Result
Yes: 70%
No: 30%
Yes: 37%
No: 63%

wheelchair bound?
Did you notice any special

Yes: 40%

No: 60%

seating for people who are

wheelchair bound?
Did you notice an elevator?
While at the Pit were there

Yes: 12%
Yes: 12%

No: 88%
No: 88%

any ramps?
Did you notice any special

Yes: 38%

No: 62%

accommodations for
wheelchair bound people?
Do you have any suggestions

Answers varied

that the Pit can do to improve

wheel chair accessibility?
Phase 2: Gather information on costs for options
As with any project, it all boils down to money and how much it will
cost to make this recommendation a reality. I was able to assemble
estimates that were average costs. I was able to base the estimates off
of the last renovations that the university had previously had on the
pit. They had these estimates on the University of New Mexico website.
They were not exact costs but they were able to provide estimates that
I can work with and are very close to what the actual cost will be. This

will show me which of the options are feasible, and what will actually
be a successful project. I would go to sites that are credited for
estimates for the other possible installments. I went to CostHelper.com
and ImproveNet.com, and the UNM website on past renovations to the
pit. I chose these sites because they gave me accurate estimates that
would help me decide what would be the best course of action.
Phase 3: Analyze options for best fit based on public opinion
and financial feasibility.
After I have gathered all of the data I will then carefully look over each
variable and make a final recommendation that will not only make the
fans happy but the University as well. I utilized this data to make the
decision to boost attendance for wheel chair bound people and
improve universal accessibility to the Pit. Compared to previous costs
for old estimates, I was able to give accurate estimates to what the
university can afford. This analysis of data helped mold the perfect
recommendation for this project. The evaluation criteria that I tried to
put into place were to see which option would give the most benefit
and the least problems. I wanted an option that will solve 100% of the

An over whelming 63% of the people that took the survey did not
notice any fans that were constrained to a wheel chair. This in fact is
due to the lack of provisions provided to them. Also noted in the survey

was the lack of elevators and ramps for handicapped patrons. A

combined 88 percent were able to take note of that. The Pit had an
average attendance of 14,571 people (The University of New Mexico
Lobos).They are in the top 20 attendances among division 1
universities. That number can only go up if they start to accommodate
for people in wheelchairs.

This data is due to the lack of accommodations for seating. When you
are in the pit the only seating that is actually available for wheelchair
bound fans is around the very top of the stadium, but there arent any
signs. The seats are also not favorable because of their location. The
following picture shows where the seating is and how high up it is. By
not have ramps and noticeable elevators, many fans dont know if they
could seat lower or if it is even possible. The red arrow on the picture
shows where the only wheelchair accessible seats are located. I took
this picture when I was at a Lobo game last year.

Discussion of Results
Based on the results and observations I have reached a couple of
solutions that would improve wheelchair accessibility to The Pit.
New Ramps around the stadium
Like I had previously stated, over 88 percent of the fans at the pit did
not notice any ramps that would help people in wheelchairs. If UNM
were to install new ramps outside and inside the stadium they would
be able to accommodate more people. It is estimated that new ramps
would cost a minimum of 2 thousand dollars per ramp (improvenet).
This project is affordable and erases the obstacle to enter the arena.
Installation of Stair Lifts
Stair lifts are mechanical seats that move up and down stairs, making
it easier for people with walking disabilities to make it up and down
long sets of stairs. This would decrease the limitability that these fans

have when finding a seat. They could potentially sit wherever they
want without the hassle of figuring out how to get down to the seating.
Typically, these cost between 2 thousand to 5 thousand dollars.
(costhelper) This option is also financially feasible and would improve
accessibility immensely.
Installment of New Seating
The final option that UNM should recommend is redoing the whole
entire seating in the stadium. This meaning taking down of the seating
in place now and put in seating which includes ramps and more
accessible seating for wheelchairs. This option is possible due to the
availability to the gym in Johnson gym. The womens basketball team
plays in Johnson center and the Men could potentially hold games
there as well. Redoing the stadium would cost around 60 million dollars
based off of the estimates from the old renovation. (The University of
New Mexico Lobos)

In conclusion, after all of the research that I have done with the survey
and cost estimates, there is one option that would maximize universal
accessibility for wheelchair bound fans. The data has made it clear that
rebuilding the stadium seating would be the best option. Although the
other options are quality they leave too many complications left
unfixed. They didnt solve 100% of the problem like the evaluation
criteria I followed wanted. If I just created ramps that leaves an

absence of how they get to their seats. If I were to just to install stair
lifts, there would be a problem with other universal access to the Pit. If
the University were to just redo the whole seating with ramps and
more accessible seating all of the accessibility problems will be solved.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to any
questions that you may have. You may contact me at (505) 330-6452
or at my email at darodriguez478@unm.edu.

Works Cited
"How Much Does a Stair Lift Cost? - CostHelper.com." CostHelper. N.p.,
2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
"The University of New Mexico Lobos." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov.

"Wheelchair and Handicap Ramp Cost Guide." Handicap Ramp Plans

and Cost. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.

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