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FHS 2500 Activity/ Lesson Plan: 2nd Two Hour Block Plan

PART 1: Preparing the Activity and Planning for Implementation

Fall 2015
Lab Assignment week 13: This week you will be in charge of the classroom for the entire time you are in the classroom. Plan all activities,
transitions, learning centers, etc. If other lab students are present, be sure to include any approved lesson plans they are implementing. Use
corresponding Activity Plan Form. Hand plan in as hard copy, not in Canvas. Hand in Oct. 28
Student Name: ________________Holly Lancaster__________________
Center or Program / Teachers: __Mariah and Barbara__/__Grizzlies_____________ Time period (Two hour): _2:003:50_p.m.________________________
Todays Date: _27 October 2015________________________ Date of Activity Implementation: ______November 17,
Course Instructor Approval before Implementation: _____________________________________

Date: _______________________

Behavioral Objectives (Minimum of 3; for 3 separate activities)

1. When provided with a salt board and letter flash cards the child will be able to trace the letters at least ten times.
2. While walking along set lines on the floor the child will be able to walk heel to toe for at least half of the length of the path.
3. When provided with an ice cream scooper and cotton balls the child will be able to add the correct amount of whipped cream to the
corresponding pie at least two out of three times.
Time of Day
Wake up: 2:00 p.m.
Quiet play: 2:15 p.m.

Snack Time:2:15-2:40 p.m.

Learning Centers (7 minimum)

Time: 3:00 p.m.

1. Large Motor Activities

Specific Activity Descriptions

As the children wake up I will have quiet free play set up for them. The materials
that I will utilize will be the writing center for drawing and writing, the alphabet
robots and the light table with magnetic shapes. At 2:15 I will call the children to
wash their hands and find a set for snack. The children will use tongs to serve
themselves. After the snack checklist the children will begin to eat. As they finish
they will read quietly on the carpet until 2:40 when I play the clean-up song to
begin circle time.

Walk the line.

2. Language and Literacy
3. Sensory Materials
4. Creative Arts
5. Science
6. Math
7. Creative Dramatics

Tracing letters in salt.

Adding pinecones to popcorn kernels.
Bubble wrap paint.
Cherry pie math.
Pie shop- I am adding the pies.

Outside Time
No outside time.
Large Group/Circle Time: 2:40-3:00 Reading the story The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I will have a board with the tree
and the boy. Everything can move and detach by Velcro to go along with the story. For
gross motor we will play along to the Bear Hunt song. After explaining the centers I will
release the children one by one by pulling out cards with colored shapes on them. The
ones who are sitting on the matching shape can go to a center.

Transition and Lunch:

Time: Not during my lab time.
Planning for Implementation
What materials do you need to supply?
Bubble wrap rollers
Magnetic and nonmagnetic materials
Cotton balls
Ice cream scoops
Pies, math and dramatic play
The Giving Tree book and storytelling board
Duct tape

Tracing cards

What materials would you like to have the lab school supply?
Colorations Washable Tempera. Red, orange, yellow.
Plain white printing paper
Address the documentation to be completed (how, when, who, what?) and how you will assess if your Learning Objectives have been met:
If my learning objectives have been met then I will know that my activities and objectives were developmentally appropriate. If they have not been
met then I will know that I need to reevaluate my activities and readjust them to better meet the chilldrens needs.
Attach to this document:
____ Statement as to what you have observed to explain why you have chosen this topic and/or activities
____ Step-by-step Instructions for each activity (list activities above, then provide procedures for each item on separate page)
Coordination between Student and Lab Teacher

I discussed this lesson plan with the lab teacher before the due date ____ (Students Initials)

I chose this topic of Giving Thanks with my grizzly team. This will be implemented the week before Thanksgiving. We know that many of the
children will be getting ready for this holiday in their own homes. We wanted to satisfy their curiosity without bringing in the commercialized
holiday into the classroom.
Large Motor: On the group time carpet I will have three different colors of duct tape placed onto the floor. Each line will be different. One will be
straight, another will have zig zags and the last will be curvy. The children will practice walking heel to toe on the colored paths.
Language and Literacy: At the table by the sensory tub will be four boxes with salt in them. In the middle of the table will be flash cards with
letters on them. The children will trace the letter on the card into the salt. I chose salt to discourage tasting.
Sensory Materials: I am adding pinecones to the popcorn kernels in the sensory tub.
Creative Arts: On the table closest to the smocks and crayons I will have bubble wrap on lint rollers. The children can dip their rollers in the paint
provided on a plate in the middle of the table and roll it over their papers to create an interesting texture.

Science: On the table closest to the sink next to the creative arts table will be several magnets and various items that are and are not magnetic. The
children will experiment with the magnets to see which ones stick and which ones do not.
Math: On the table closest to the climber will be my math center. There will be five pie pans with pies in them. Each pie will have a number on
them. There will be a bowl full of cotton balls and ice cream scoopers. The children will be able to scoop out the whipped cream and place the
matching number of cotton balls onto the pies.
Creative Dramatics: My classmates and I are creating a pie shop for our dramatic play center. I am adding the pies.

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