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US cu») United States v2) Patent Application Publica Tran METHYL ISOBUTYL CARBINOL MIXTURE oy 76) en @y @) on} AND METHODS OF USING SAME Inventor Bo L. Tran, Chicano, IL (U 25 Appl.No: 1 Filed Jan. 19, 2012 Related US. Application Data Continuation of application No, 11/7646, filed oa Jun. 18, 2007, now Pat. No, 8,123,082 Publication Classification InCl. Bos 108 (2006.01) B0sD 102 (2006.01) ion 20 20111 772A (io) Pub. No: US 2012/0111772 Al (43) Pub. Date May 10, 2012 2091166 ABSTRACT The invention is directed towards methods and compositions for separating materials are provided. The present invention provilesa method of separating fist material from a second ‘material such a6 mixing the frst material and the second ‘material ina slurry with a beneficiation composition, The ‘benefcition composition ean comprise methyl isobutyl carbinol mixture derived from 2 methy! isobutyl ketone and ‘ormethyl isobutyl cabinol manufacturing process. Addition: ally sir babble ean be provided in the ser t form bubble- particle aggregates with the first material and the bubble particle aggregates can be allowed to he separated frm the Second materia US 2012/0111772 Al METHYL ISOBUTYL CARBINOL MIXTURE AND METHODS OF USING SAME, (CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED "APPLICATIONS, 10001] This Application is a continuation in part of co- pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/764,461 filed on Jun. 18, 2007. STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY ‘SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT 10002] | Not Applicable, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10003] _Thepresent invention relates generally to beneticia- tion technologies. More specifically, the present invention relates fo beneficiation compositions and methods of using the same, 10004) -Benefciation is a method of separating useful mat- ter from waste, Commoaly, beneficiaton uses the difference in the hydrophobicity ofthe respective components. During this process, the mineral ore is omminuted toa certain small size and sturied with water. The sy is introduced into & Aocation apparatus purged with air. The air bubbles formed preferentially atach to the hydrophobic particles ofthe sury, making them float t the top of the apparatus. The floated particles are collected, dewatered, and accumulated as sell able final product, Thehydrophilie particles tend to migratero the bottom of the contact vessel from where they ean be removed as tailings and processed into waste impoundments Inother processes, such as everse Motto, the sellable final product may migrate tothe bottom. [0005] To facilitate heneficiation, several types of eonven- tional reagents are used such as frothers, collectors, promot ers and conditioners. Nevertheless, these reagents can be ‘expensive thereby reducing the cost-efeetiveness ofthe ben ‘eficiation processes 10006] Thus itis cleae tht there is clear utility in novel methods and compositions forthe facilitating beneficiation. “Theat described in this section is nt intended to constitute ‘anadimission thatany patent, publication ar other information referred to herein is “Prior AR with respect to this invention, unless specifically designated as such, In nédition, this sec- tion should not be construed to mean that a search has been ‘made or that ao other pertinent information as defined i 37 CER §1.56(a) exists BRIEP SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] Acleast one embodiment ofthe inventions directed towantsa method of separating first material from a second material. The method comprises: Mixing the first material and the second material ina shart with a benefiiation com- position, wherein the heneficiation composition comprises an MIBC mixture and at least one C10 to C18 Ketone. Ait bubbles may be provided in the shu o form bubble-particle aggregates with the frst material; and allowing the bubble- particle aggregates tobe separated from the second material [0008] ~ A Teast one embodiment ofthe inventions directed ‘owanisa method of separating a first material from a second material, the method comprising: Mixing the first material ‘andthe Second material ina slurry witha eneflciation com- Position derived from the manufacture of methyl isobutyl Ketone or methyl isobutyl eabinol, wherein the benefit May 10, 2012 ‘composition comprises one or more components selected {oma group consisting of disobutylcarbinol and isobutyl carbinol isomers ancl combinations thereof, and wherein the bencficition composition comprises one or more kelone ranging from C10 to C18, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 0009] ‘Te following definitions are provided to determine how terms used in this application, and in particular how the claims, ae to be construed. The oneanization of the defini ‘ons is for convenience only and isnot intend 0 Timit any ofthe definitions to any particular category. 0010} “Benefciation™ means separating useful matter rom waste particularly hydrophobic substances from hydro- philic substances, Suitable processes for accomplishing this include, but are not limited to, tation, reverse tation and similar technologies, [O11] “MIC mixture” means co-products generated trom MIBK and/or MIBC manufacturing processes, [0012] “By-Products” means by-products decived fro biodiesel manufacturing processes, andr transeserifcation actions involving trilyeerides, [0013] “OM-Spec Materia” means products from biodiesel ‘manufacturing processes and/or ransesterifieationreaetions that do not meet industry quafty standards hocasse they are bottoms of processes, contaminated, by-products, andlor genemted fiom process wash out. The off-spce material can ‘comprise the same components asthe by-produets. In some instances, the offspee material is mixed with the by-pros- vets [0014] “Green Collector” means one or more components selected from a group consisting of nonionic surfetants of Jow HLB numbers, naturally occurring lipids, modified lp- ids, hydrophobic polymers and combinations thereof, [01S]. “Green” means environmentally friendly, biode- aradable, and/or nontoxic chemistry [0016] In the event thatthe above definitions or a deserip- ‘ion sated elsewhere in this application i inconsistent with a ‘meaning (explicit or implicit whichis commonly used, in a ‘ictonary, or stated ina source incorporated reference into {his application, the application and the elaim terms im pa sicular are understood to be construed aecoing o the deti- nition or description inthis application, and not according to the common definition, dictionary definition, or the definition that was incorporated by reference. In light ofthe above in the event that aterm can only be understood its conse by a dictionary, if the term is defined by the Kirk-Othmer Eneelopedia of Chemical Technology, Sih Baition, (200 (Published by Wiley. John & Sons, Ine. this definition shall ‘control how the tera iso be defined ia the ei [0017] Flotation processes are one of the most widely used ‘meth of separating the valuable material from valueless ‘materal present. For example, ina flotation process, the fine particles are dispersed in water or other suitable solution and ‘mall si bubbles ae introduced to the siury so that hydeo- hobic particles ean be selectively collected onthe surface of the airbubblesandexitte slurry (e.g by sing tothe surface) while hydrophilic particles are left behind. The hydrophilic particles can also siak to the bottom ofthe sluny to be ol- lected as sludge. [0018] ‘The MIRC mixture ean be ws to separate materi- als, forexample in any suitable Notation process. Itshould be Appreciated that the desired final products can rise to the susface during flotation andlor sink wo the bottom, sueh as US 2012/0111772 Al reverse flotation processes, For example, during tion processes, the desired product can sink othe the slurry and the waste product can rise 10 the top of the slurry. [0019] _Thepresent invention provides a method of separat- fing frst material from a seoond material In one embod ‘ment the method ean comprise mixing the fist material and the second material ina snr with a beneficiation composi- tion. The benefciation composition can comprise @ methyl ‘sobutylcarbinol (MIBC) mixture. Air bubbles can be pro- vided in the shiny to form buble-paticle areas with the first material and the bubble-partile aggregates can be allowed to be separated from the second material. [0020] In one embodiment, the MIBC mixture contains MIRC alcohols, and ketones. 10021) In another embodiment, the MIBC mixture can be derived from the manufacture of methyl isobuty] Ketone (MIBK) andor MIBC. The MIBC mixture is co-produced in the manufaeturing process. 10022] |The MIBC mixture comprises about 50 about 90 ‘weight percent of MIRC, about 5 to about 25 weight percent ‘of alcohols aad about Sto about 25 weight perceat of ketones additional embodiment. 10023] In an embodiment, the aleohols comprise one or more components selected from a group consisting of isobutyl earhinol and ciisobuty carinol isomers and com= binations thereat 10024] In an embodiment, the ketones comprise one oF ‘more components selected’ from a group consisting of isobutyl ketone, difsobutyl Ketone isomers and 33,5 tim- ‘ethylcyelohexanone and combinations thereof. 10025] In an embodiment, the MIBC mixture can be blended with existing beneficition compositions to improve

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