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Answer these questions:

How many pupils are there in your class? ____________________________________
How old are you? ______________________________________________________
Where are you now? ____________________________________________________
Do you like English? ____________________________________________________
2. Complete these sentences with is or are:
There _______ one tree
There _______ five books
There _______ some boys
There _______ any books
3. Put these sentences in negative and interrogative form:
You have got three brothers.
N: ___________________________________________________________________
I: ___________________________________________________________________
He is my friend.
N: ___________________________________________________________________
I: ___________________________________________________________________
This man is my teacher
N: ___________________________________________________________________
I: ___________________________________________________________________
That girl is my sister
N: ___________________________________________________________________
I: ___________________________________________________________________
I am a good student
N: ___________________________________________________________________
I: ___________________________________________________________________
4. What time is it?:
9.45: _________________________________________________________________
5.00: _________________________________________________________________
8.30: _________________________________________________________________

He comprado un pantaln por 18, una camisa por 12 y unos zapatos por 65. Si
entrego 100 cunto me devuelven?

Juan tena 12,5 quiere comprar 26 sobres a 0,5 cada sobre cunto dinero le
falta o le sobra?

Entre el padre, la madre y el hijo mayor ganan al mes 4500. Si la madre gana
1500 y el hijo 500 menos cunto gana el padre?

Entre el padre, la madre y el hijo mayor ganan al mes 4500. Si la madre gana
1500 y el hijo 500 menos cunto gana el padre?

La capacidad de un depsito es de 20.000 l. de agua. Se consumen los 3/4 de su

capacidad cuntos litros quedan dentro?

Decidido: ____________________________________
Barro: ____________________________________
Alimentos: ____________________________________
Agresivo: ____________________________________
Cuento: ____________________________________
Ceir: ____________________________________
Tormenta: ____________________________________
Fractura: ____________________________________
Alternativa: ____________________________________
Lodo, posibilidad, audaz, rotura, empapado, vveres, violento, ajustar, fbula,
Pacfico: ____________________________________
Calentar: ____________________________________
Grito: ____________________________________
Amparar: ____________________________________
Clavar: ____________________________________
Encontrar: ____________________________________
Fuerza: ____________________________________
Beneficioso: ____________________________________
Ovacionar: ____________________________________
Despedir: ____________________________________
Extraviar, recibir, abandonar, agresivo, extraer, silbar, enfriar, debilidad, afona,
Escribe qu clase de palabra es, por el nmero de slabas y por la posicin del
acento, cada una de las siguientes:
Sol: _________________________________________________________________
Pizarra: ______________________________________________________________
Lmina: ______________________________________________________________
Pantaln: _____________________________________________________________
Telfono: _____________________________________________________________
Luz: _________________________________________________________________
Radio: _______________________________________________________________
Calendario: ___________________________________________________________
Mar: _________________________________________________________________
Lechuga: _____________________________________________________________
Avin: _______________________________________________________________
Macarrones: ___________________________________________________________
Pltano: ______________________________________________________________
Helicptero: ___________________________________________________________

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